Scholarship Stories

Nini (Amanda) Chen

Entertainment Design student Nini (Amanda) Chen calls her work “a testament to the invaluable assistance” she has received through support from the Allen, Matkins, Leck, Gamble, Mallory & Natsis Endowed Scholarship.

Each piece of art I create stands as a testament to the invaluable assistance I have received. Without scholarship support, taking advantage of opportunities and accessing additional educational resources and materials wouldn’t have been feasible. My community background and identity as a first-generation immigrant have fostered in me a sense of curiosity and openness, enabling me to see the world as a canvas brimming with diverse colors and narratives waiting to be explored. As an artist, I aim to celebrate this diversity, infusing my work with a fusion of cultures, and honoring the past while envisioning a bold, innovative future.

Each piece of art I create stands as a testament to the invaluable assistance I have received.

Nini (Amanda) ChenEntertainment Design student