Graduate Furniture, Lighting and Fixtures Courses



Adv Topic Studio-Furniture


This class builds off the exploration, researchýand development of studio 1. Issues of market,ýmaterials, brand and budget are major studioýdrivers. Studio has an emphasis on the innovationýof materials, manufacturing processes as well asýthe establishing of personal voice and relevanceýto our discipline.

Course number: SXD-507
Prerequisite: n/a

Adv Topic Studio-Lighting


GTSL 2 builds off experiences and opportunitiesýfrom GTSL 1. This studio continues to cultivateýthe development and application of new innovativeýmaterials and manufacturing approaches applied toýlighting design in multiple scales. Newýtechnology, components and making processesýwill create opportunities for discovery.

Course number: SXD-508
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Spatial Graphics


This course builds an enhanced understanding andýapplication of spatial graphics to the buildýenvironment. It investigates all aspects ofýshaping place, making connections & immersionsýwhich influence the way in which we experienceýour environment whether that is: live, work orýplay. This class address's graphic's role inýcommunicating the simultaneity of multipleýstorylines and content which utilize a broadýrange of media and interaction.

Course number: SXD-516
Prerequisite: n/a

Ambient Media + Interactivity


There is always a certain amount of interactivityýin every project. These interactions help toýelevate the level of emotional impact andýeffectiveness. When well crafted, the level ofýinvolvement, impact and interactive process addsýto the investment of the user and creates a senseýof ownership over the experience. The strength ofýstory paired with place, materials and messageýsupply a rich basis for Experience Design.

Course number: SXD-514
Prerequisite: n/a

Classroom to Career


This class will focus on helping students make theýtransition from student to a design career. Thisýinternationally minded, personal marketing courseýwill enhance your skills in communicating andýeffectively presenting yourself to potentialýemployers. The course starts with your ownýpersonal career opportunity assessment,ýincorporating your vision into the context ofýopportunities available to new graduates; with theýultimate goal of helping you determine what designýpath best suits your strengths and skills.

Course number: SXD-609
Prerequisite: n/a

Completed Thesis


A Pass in this course means the student hasýsubmitted the thesis and the thesis has beenýapproved by the department. This is the finalýrequirement for graduation.

Course number: SXD-700
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Process 6: Furniture


DP6 introduces parametric solid modeling and realýworld fabrication processes. Through the processýof prototyping their designs, students will gainýexperience creating forms both digitally andýtraditionally and realize how one process canýbetter inform the other while strengthening theirýcreative process and meet industry standards forýmanufacturing.

Course number: SXD-504F
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Process 6: Spatial


DP6 continues to develop digital design skillsets.ýThe goal is to define and implement the most vitalýcontemporary practices. Emphasis is placed on howýthe digital and analog are equally encoded andýcontinually inform design outcomes. The courseýdeals with topics ranging from modeling,ýrendering, diagramming, engineering, andýfabrication.

Course number: SXD-504S
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Process 7: FLF


Building on information and experience gained inýDP6, this class brings more advanced 3d modelingýand fabrication practices into focus with anýemphasis on vetting design prototypes and theirýiterations for large scale manufacturing.

Course number: SXD-509F
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Process 7: SXD


Digital Process 7 continues to develop digitalýdesign skillsets. The goal is to incorporateýhighly specific data sets, be it site, material,ýstructure, etc. Emphasis is placed on how digitalýapplications can enlivens our connection andýdesign of our physical surroundings. The courseýdeals with topics ranging from mapping to physicsýto electronics.

Course number: SXD-509S
Prerequisite: n/a

Fabrication Innovation 1: FLF


Fabrication Innovation Furniture 1 will challengeýthe student to re-invent traditional form creationýthrough experimental prototyping in both digitalýand analog processes. Students will be required toýresearch and document specific points ofýinnovation in furniture design and what they are aýresponse to, whether it be new technology,ýdiscovery of new materials and fabrication ýprocesses, and or shifts in social norms. Throughýthe use of both direct and procedural 3d modeling,ýalong with advanced rendering techniques andýreal-world fabrication, students will beýchallenged to carve inroads into a new and moreýrelevant form language for the modern lifestyle.ýStudents will be required to demonstrate anýexpanded vocabulary both in form evaluation andýreal-world fabrication processes across a diverseýrange of materials. By exploring innovative formýcreation through non-linear workflows that restackýthe norms of conventional thought, long heldýassumptions will be reconsidered and a sense ofýdiscovery will fuel inquiry.

Course number: SXD-602F
Prerequisite: n/a

Fabrication Innovation 1: SXD


Fabrication Innovation 1 provides the student withýthe direct and hands on skills needed to operateýand implement motion controlled tools. Dealingýwith additive and subtractive devices, the classýattempts to understand the thumbprint of eachýmachine. Knowing and incorporating the so-calledý"flaw" and or logic of each technology enables theýdesigner to achieve not only novel visualýcharacteristics but also an incredibly optimizedýdesign strategy. The bulk of the design done overýthe last century demanded objects be "perfect" andýin the end many things took on the same sterileýappearance. This was often done in an attempt toýnegate the look of the fabrication process and inýmany cases this added on many laborious steps inýthe making of the object. By examining theýspecifics of a digital fabrication process theýstudent can develop their design by leveraging,ýnot only CAD but also CAM. The students will beýrequired to research how such tools can affectýtheir own practice and impact their aesthetic.ýThese findings will then be directly manufacturedýusing a range of digital output devices.

Course number: SXD-602S
Prerequisite: n/a

Fabrication Innovation 2: FLF


Fabrication Innovation Furniture 2 will now buildýon an advanced digital toolset with a deeperýunderstanding of traditional fabricationýtechniques. Students will utilize thisýcomprehensive prototyping workflow to meet theýdemands of modern furniture design. Through aýgreater and more intimate relationship with suchýtools, students will be pushed to develop personalýand unique processes in problem solving resultingýin a more personal point of view ultimatelyýreflected in their final designs. With innovationýas the driver, Students will continue to developýtheir skills in 3 key areas to answer theýchallenges of modern furniture design.ýBy utilizing advanced modeling techniques informedýby real world constraints in structure andýmanufacturing processes, students will learnýiteration techniques in direct modeling workflowsýin addition to non-destructive, procedurallyýdriven parametric workflows.ýIn rendering, students will develop specificýworkflows needed to create highly photo-realisticýimages necessary for design proposals andýpresentations that effectively communicate theýstrengths of the designs both in still shotýrenderings and real-time cinematics.ýThrough real-world fabrication students willýexplore traditional and experimental prototypingýtechniques along with expanding their material andýprocess vocabulary both to construct their designýinto a full scale finished prototype andýsimultaneously further inform their 3d modelingýskills.

Course number: SXD-606F
Prerequisite: n/a

Fabrication Innovation 2: SXD


Fabrication Innovation 2 builds upon theýunderstanding of a digital fabrication processesýbut now the student is expected to think beyondýthe constraints of the tool. The student will beýencouraged to hack or develop a recipe ofýoperations in order to design not just the objectýin mind but the process for the construction ofýsuch things. The student will be encouraged to noýlonger assume that the existing best practice isýindeed the best practice to make a particularýshape. The student will now reconsider just how aýthing might possibly be made and what that new wayýof making might offer culturally, environmentallyýand in the marketplace. The student will beýexpected to form relationships with local industryýand local firms in order to study how suchýproblems are currently being addressed andýovercome.

Course number: SXD-606S
Prerequisite: n/a

Grad Seminar


Grad Seminar brings our students together toýdiscuss issues of importance and to haveýconversations about the greater world and designsýconnection to it. It allows our students anýopportunity to explore and set strategy forýdefining career direction, examine personalývoice, discuss current trends and question theirýposition in the discipline of design.

Course number: SXD-510
Prerequisite: n/a

Graduate Exhibition Design


Students will learn collaborative skills: workingýtogether as a design team to develop and constructýa cohesive and curated group exhibition. The goalýof the exhibition should be to explore and executeýan engaging spatial experience that displays theýprocess and content of each student's work withinýthe Graduate Environmental Design major.

Course number: SXD-655
Prerequisite: n/a

Materials and Innovation 1: FLF


This class will focus on the design andýdevelopment of composite materials. In additionýto serious research of contemporary compositeýmaterials, this class requires students toýdesign, develop and test a new material thatýresponds to specific performance and designýrequirements. The class will include theory ofýmateriality readings and discussions, as well asýstudent positioning of their own theories ofýmateriality.

Course number: SXD-505F
Prerequisite: n/a

Materials and Innovation 1: SXD


This class will focus on the design andýdevelopment of composite materials. In additionýto serious research of contemporary compositeýmaterials, this class requires students toýdesign, develop and test a new material thatýresponds to specific performance and designýrequirements. The class will include theory ofýmateriality readings and discussions, as well asýstudent positioning of their own theories ofýmateriality.

Course number: SXD-505S
Prerequisite: n/a

Research Project - Industry Sponsor


On any given semester students may have theýchoice of one of the below:ýA) Research Project - Industry SponsoredýB) Internship - Industry SponsoredýC) AC Lite Term - to expand knowledge base

Course number: SXD-521
Prerequisite: n/a

Space, Brand & Experience


This class provides students an understanding ofýthe creation, management and evolution of brandsýthrough three dimensional and experientialýdesign. Branding and design strategy as aýcreative discipline will be introduced andýstudents will seek to understand how toýphysically manifest experiences that create orýsupport a Brand's DNA, image, essence and valuesýthrough the creation of installations, conceptsýand campaigns.

Course number: SXD-537
Prerequisite: n/a

Spatial Scenography Studio 1


This class deepens the discussion on theýinterplay between person, space and brand. Thisýstudio explores various methodologies forýexploring the sequential and non-sequentialýnarrative that is multidimensional,ýmulti-disciplinarily and multi-sensorial andýbegins to address an expanding scenographicývision and discipline, based on brandýexploration. Looking at a confluence of story,ýplace, interaction and self in relation to brand,ýwe begin to see how we not only behave in spatialýcontexts but push boundaries in real andýartificial ways by manipulating narrativeýstructure while delivering an authentic brandýexperience.

Course number: SXD-512
Prerequisite: n/a

Spatial Scenography Studio 2


Studio 2 builds off of the experiences of SpatialýScenography 1. The course stresses the need toýpush beyond current industry solutions and toýexplore new avenues for expanding the boundariesýand opportunities within our discipline. Courseýinvestigation will be applied to Retail,ýHospitality, Exhibition and Event Designýsolutions.

Course number: SXD-522
Prerequisite: n/a

The History & Business of ProductionýFurniture


The goal of the class will be to provide aýcultural and intellectual overview of the historyýof the furniture. The course will look at culturalýand environmental needs that have lead toýimportant product designs over time. As well asýmaterial and technological advancements thatýutilized mass production, the overview willýprovide a historical foundation for whatýchallenges lie ahead. This knowledge will provideýa basis of understanding how successful productsýhave created mass appeal. Study will include howýnew products start and following the process toýproduct coming to Market. ýýIn the end, the program will provide aýcomprehensive overview and insights into theýrigors and inter workings of the Global furnitureýmarket.

Course number: SXD-538
Prerequisite: n/a

Theory, Concept, Culture


This class establishes the deep at which one mustýdevelop a meaningful encounter in narrativeýspatial design. We investigate how the sensorialýaspects of immersion, impact and interaction areýmajor influencers in scenography-based design. Itýis these mental, physical and psychologicalýaspects that will be examined within the contextýof culture, lifestyle and application.

Course number: SXD-548
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Studio 1: FLF


The framework of Thesis Studio 1 is to establishýan area of concentration that will be developedýinto a final thesis project. Working closely withýfaculty and interacting with fellow students,ýgraduate students will define a project, which hasýthe ability to be self and industry defining.

Course number: SXD-601F
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Studio 1: FLF


The framework of Thesis Studio 1 is to establishýan area of concentration that will be developedýinto a final thesis project. Working closely withýfaculty and interacting with fellow students,ýgraduate students will define a project, which hasýthe ability to be self and industry defining.

Course number: SXD-603F
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Studio 1: SXD


The framework of Thesis Studio 1 is to establishýan area of concentration that will be developedýinto a final thesis project. Working closely withýfaculty and interacting with fellow students,ýgraduate students will define a project, which hasýthe ability to be self and industry defining.

Course number: SXD-601S
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Studio 1: SXD


The framework of Thesis Studio 1 is to establishýan area of concentration that will be developedýinto a final thesis project. Working closely withýfaculty and interacting with fellow students,ýgraduate students will define a project, which hasýthe ability to be self and industry defining.

Course number: SXD-603S
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Studio 2: FLF


Thesis Studio 2 builds off the framework andýdirection established in Thesis Studio 1. Workingýwith advisers, students will articulate, developýand execute their thesis project. This projectýwill culminate in an exhibition, written thesis,ýdigital documentation and posting of all projectýcontent.

Course number: SXD-604F
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Studio 2: FLF


Thesis Studio 2 builds off the framework andýdirection established in Thesis Studio 1. Workingýwith advisers, students will articulate, developýand execute their thesis project. This projectýwill culminate in an exhibition, written thesis,ýdigital documentation and posting of all projectýcontent.

Course number: SXD-607F
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Studio 2: SXD


Thesis Studio 2 builds off the framework andýdirection established in Thesis Studio 1. Workingýwith advisers, students will articulate, developýand execute their thesis project. This projectýwill culminate in an exhibition, written thesis,ýdigital documentation and posting of all projectýcontent.

Course number: SXD-607S
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Studio 2: SXD


Thesis Studio 2 builds off the framework andýdirection established in Thesis Studio 1. Workingýwith advisers, students will articulate, developýand execute their thesis project. This projectýwill culminate in an exhibition, written thesis,ýdigital documentation and posting of all projectýcontent.

Course number: SXD-604S
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Writing Studio 1: FLF


In tandem with Thesis Studio 1: FLF, ThesisýWriting Studio 1: FLF establishes a focus for theýfinal thesis project. Students will develop anýintegrated research, writing, and making process,ýand map out a thesis paper that articulates andýcommunicates the ideas in their project.

Course number: SXD-613F
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Writing Studio 1: SXD


In tandem with Thesis Studio 1: SXD, ThesisýWriting Studio 1: SXD establishes a focus for theýfinal thesis project. Students will develop anýintegrated research, writing, and making process,ýand map out a thesis paper that articulates andýcommunicates the ideas in their project.

Course number: SXD-613S
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Writing Studio 2: FLF


Thesis Writing Studio 2: FLF, along with ThesisýStudio 2: FLF, focuses on completing the thesisýproject. Students will revise and refine theýthesis paper begun in Thesis Writing Studio 1 andýexplore ways to use writing in communicating theirýideas to specific audiences.

Course number: SXD-617F
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Writing Studio 2: SXD


Thesis Writing Studio 2: SXD along with ThesisýStudio 2: SXD focuses on completing the thesisýproject. Students will revise and refine theýthesis paper begun in Thesis Writing Studio 1 andýexplore ways to use writing in communicating theirýideas to specific audiences.

Course number: SXD-617S
Prerequisite: n/a

Topic Studio - Furniture


Investigates the relationships between: Space .ýPlace . Function & Application of furniture andýfixtures design. The studio is focused onýinnovation, industry standards and theýunderstanding of the manufacturing process forýmass production furniture, case goods and fixtureýdesign. As a department, we look at furniture andýfixtures as an integrated component of spatialýexperience.

Course number: SXD-501
Prerequisite: n/a

Topic Studio - Lighting


This graduate lighting studio provides studentsýan entry point into the design of lighting asýboth a product and a phenomenon. The class isýfocused on lighting as both an object and asýaspatial phenomenon. The critical analysis ofýlight from these two different perspectives isýessential

Course number: SXD-502
Prerequisite: n/a