

3D Digital 4


This course is an overview of 3D modeling,ýtexturing, lighting, composition, depth,ýdetailing, color, rendering and printing. ýStudents learn fundamental 3D modeling skillsýtowards understanding automotive surfaces,ýlighting principles for defining shape and space,ýintegrating the 3D workflow into the designýprocess and creating compelling presentationsýthat highlight the story and essence of theýdesign concept.

Course number: TRAN-241
Prerequisite: n/a

3D Digital 5


Using Advanced Alias as a starting point, theýcourse includes Bunkspeed HyperShot/HyperDrive.ýThis class concentrates on Alias Design andýmodeling techniques as used in the transportationýdesign industry, in particular automotiveýinteriors and exteriors surfacing. Demonstrationsýwill outline build techniques and structuringýmodels for later rendering and animation work.

Course number: TRAN-341
Prerequisite: n/a

3rd Term Review


This course is required for 3rd termýTransportation Design students. Student work isýevaluated by the department chair and faculty toýdetermine if the student is ready to continueýmoving forward in their studies.

Course number: TRAN-200
Prerequisite: n/a

5th Term Review


This course is required for 5th termýTransportation Design students. Student work isýevaluated by the department chair and faculty toýdetermine if the student is ready to continueýmoving forward in their studies.

Course number: TRAN-300
Prerequisite: n/a

7th Term Review


This course is required for 7th termýTransportation Design students. Student work isýevaluated by the department chair and faculty toýdetermine if the student is ready to continueýmoving forward in their studies.

Course number: TRAN-400
Prerequisite: n/a

Auto Product Planning


The purpose of this class is to better prepareýstudents for careers in automotive design byýexposing them to the basic marketing and productýplanning principals used to define and justifyýfuture automotive concepts.

Course number: TRAN-404
Prerequisite: n/a

Blender Intro for Transportation Design


This course is an introduction to Blender forýProduct Design as a powerful modeling tool toýbring your concepts into the 3D digital world. ýYou will follow step by step Demos to narrow downýthe vast functionality of Blender for a beginnersýapproach onto building objects with confidence.ýWe will focus on software interface, foundationalýtools, workflow, modeling from sketches and EEVEEýas our Rendering Engine for our finalývisualizations. ý ýThe final outcome from this course will give youýthe skills to build 3D objects in Blender usingýtools like Subdivide, Loop cuts, Bevels, Extrudesýand Insert Faces. Students will have a goodýoverview on setting up clean scenes with emphasisýin lighting control to create strong 2Dýpresentation images, applying Materials andýTextures, and to create simple but effectiveýanimations for a well rounded beginner's course.

Course number: TRAN-210
Prerequisite: n/a

Design 1


The class will consist of an introduction to theýtotal process of vehicle design. The focus will beýon an understanding of automotive proportion andýform. The goal is to immerse them into four orýfive projects during the term and each project isýa different type of vehicle with differentýproportions. Basics of research, form andýsketching for development of ideas and the properýprocedure leading to a final assignment of a fullývehicle design with all orthographic views,ýperspectives showing all aspects of the vehicleýincluding a final study model in blue foam.

Course number: TRAN-112
Prerequisite: n/a

Design 2


This class serves as the foundation of yourýindustrial Design career at Art Center and yourýfuture careers in the industry regardless of yourýspecific major. We will be focusing on the PROCESSýof creating ideas and forms, using good proportionýas the starting point. You will learn to useýinspiration in the creation of design form andýlanguage to apply to a variety of vehicle layoutsýand platforms. You will also begin 3D sketchingýand the use of digital 2D processes to enhance theýoutcome of your design explorations. The processesýand techniques that you learn in this class willýapply to the Design projects that you will have inýthe future whether you are designing products,ývehicles, environments, information, systems, orýstrategy.

Course number: TRAN-162
Prerequisite: n/a

Design 4 Exterior


This course will challenge the student'sýimagination and abilities to propose a futureývehicle design that addresses a determinedýautomotive brand within a determined timeframe.ýFocus will be placed on both creative and criticalýthinking methods that support the student'sýstorytelling, concept investigation and vehicleýdesign development. Through a series of weeklyýprogressive sketches students will then develop anýeffective digital/analog workflow utilizing Aliasýand Blender to develop an initial digital model,ýexplore the design through a 1/5th scaleýindustrial clay model, then return to digital forýthe finished product and animation.

Course number: TRAN-251
Prerequisite: n/a

Design 4 Exterior Lab


This hands-on class accompanies the Design 4ýExterior class and provides students withýinstruction by professional modelers on buildingýclay models for their automotive designs. Toolsýand techniques for carving clay and foam will beýdiscussed and students will receive individualýassistance with their models. Students will gainýcompetency in model making that they can thenýapply in future studio courses. In this class youýwill design and construct a fifth-scale clay modelýfor presentation. You will interpret yourýtwo-dimensional drawings into a three-dimensionýform. You will use various materials, tools andýprocesses as it is done in a real-world studioýenvironment. You will learn to interact andýcommunicate with professional clay modelers,ýplacing high emphasis upon your ability toýcommunicate your ideas in a corporate environment.

Course number: TRAN-251L
Prerequisite: n/a

Design 5 Exterior


This course builds upon the skills and conceptsýdeveloped in Transportation Studio 4A. Focus willýbe placed on storytelling, concept investigationýand legitimate design development. Students willýbuild a balanced 1/5th scale physical model usingývarying methods dependent upon final design andýmodeling capabilities. The physical model will beýthe subject for learning ergonomics, design theoryýand concept development resulting in a finished,ýpainted presentation model with related 2D supportýwork. This is a studio course where professionalýstandards are reinforced.

Course number: TRAN-301
Prerequisite: n/a

Design 5 Exterior Lab


This hands-on class accompanies the Design 5ýExterior class and provides students withýinstruction by professional modelers on buildingýfoam or clay models for their automotive designs.ýTools and techniques for carving clay and foamýwill be discussed and students will receiveýindividual assistance with their models. Studentsýwill gain competency in model making that they canýthen apply in future studio courses. In this classýyou will design and construct a fifth-scaleýphysical model for presentation. You willýinterpret your two-dimensional drawings into aýthree-dimension form. You will use variousýmaterials, tools and processes as it is done in aýreal-world studio environment. You will learn toýinteract and communicate with professionalýmodelers, placing high emphasis upon your abilityýto communicate your ideas in a corporateýenvironment.

Course number: TRAN-301L
Prerequisite: n/a

Design 5 Interior


This is an advanced class for automobile interiorýdesign concentrating on: Customer and BrandýResearch -understand user, vehicle brand, andýmarket needs, then establish a concept that canýsatisfy those needs. Fundamental Interior Designý-basic ergonomics, key functions, styling, colorýand materials. Vehicle Design Layout -understandýthe basic interaction between customer, concept,ýand the vehicle's physical shape (package,ýinterior, and exterior). Design Communicationý-organize the research/proposal into aýhigh-quality visual/oral presentation. Visualýpresentation includes sketches, renderings andýAlias models.

Course number: TRAN-302
Prerequisite: n/a

Design 6


This studio course is the home for sponsoredýprojects focused on interior and exteriorýtransportation design. Working with the facultyýand representatives from the sponsoring companies,ýstudents will begin with a design brief, conductýin-depth research, ideation, and conclude with aýdesign solution that is represented iný2-dimensional artwork, an animated digital modelýand/or physical model. The nature of the designýbrief will change from term to term, dependentýupon the desires of the sponsoring company.

Course number: TRAN-351
Prerequisite: n/a

Design 7


In this senior level studio course, students willýcontinue to build upon the skills and conceptsýdeveloped in earlier studio courses. Under theýguidance and direction of senior faculty, studentsýwill have the opportunity to participate inýsponsored projects and also pursue independentýprojects. Students will be responsible forýdeveloping a design brief and proposal definingýthe type of project to be worked on for the term.ýThe course is focused on either exterior orýinterior design. Vehicle types can cover all modesýof transportation, ranging from mainstreamýautomotive all the way out to new categories ofývehicle types with specific usage modes. Theýproject flow begins with the design brief,ýresearch phase, ideation of several differentýdirections. At mid-term, there is a single designýdirection selected and then fully rendered forýfinal approval. After approval of the 2D process,ýit is followed by the development of a physical orýdigital 3D model.

Course number: TRAN-401
Prerequisite: n/a

Design Process 2


This class serves as the foundation of yourýindustrial Design career at Art Center and yourýfuture careers in the industry 150 regardless ofýyour specific major. We will be focusing on theýPROCESS of creating meaningful products and willýproduce a design package for a handheld SPOTLIGHTýthat will fit a specific interior automotiveýenvironment and target market. The processes andýtechniques that you learn in this class ill applyýto the Industrial Design project that you willýhave in the future 150 whether you are designingýproducts, vehicles, environments, information,ýsystems, or strategy.

Course number: IDFN-161
Prerequisite: n/a

Development of Form


Students will develop a 3 Dimensional automotiveýclay model from 2 Dimensional sketches andýOrthographic drawings of a vehicle concept ofýtheir design. Industrial clay modeling materials,ýtools and techniques will be explored, as well asýAutomotive painting techniques resulting in aýfinished, painted and detailed presentation model.ýA final presentation will include a projectedývehicle story and supporting 2D visuals.

Course number: IDFN-153
Prerequisite: n/a

Excellence & Leadership


An elective class geared towards upper termýstudents in TransportationýDesign who aspire to a thriving career in theýautomotive industry. Thisýlecture-based course with plans to featureývisiting design leaders willýexplore fundamentals of excellence for car designýprofessionals and bestýpractices for successful design leadership in theýautomotive industry.

Course number: TRAN-385
Prerequisite: n/a

Experimental Process & Beautiful Form


Are you getting the sense that recent car designsýare lacking originality and that even theýsketches are starting to all look the same? Ifýso, come join us on a journey pursuing aýdiscovery of new techniques, fresh styles andýcreative process' in automotive concept andýdesign development in both 2D and 3D.ýSign up for this fun studio lab focused onýseeking out beauty and experimental creativity.ýFree yourself from the fear of failure and findýyour own, unique flair. Push your talent andýchallenge the limits of your skills.

Course number: TRAN-342
Prerequisite: n/a

Guided Study


Course number: TRAN-496
Prerequisite: n/a

Guided Study


Course number: TRAN-396
Prerequisite: n/a

Intermediate Marine Design


This course builds upon skills and knowledgeýgained from the pre-requisite Introduction toýMarine Design class. Each student, through theýwork on his/her own project and the reviews ofýthe works of others, will gain enough experienceýto decide whether a future career in this fieldýwould be a smart decision. Final results shouldýresult in solid internship portfolio material.ýInstructors will lecture on the following topics,ýeach at a more sophisticated level than theýpre-requisite Introduction to Marine Designýclass: History and types of boats, markets forýboats, trends in boat design, hull lines andýlofting, rules and regulations, weights andýbalance, criteria for good boats, materials andýprocesses, propulsion, interiors, layouts,ýergonomics. Students will be expected to createýseveral boat design proposals, which will beýnarrowed down and refined with instructorýmentoring for a final design presentation at theýend of the term.

Course number: TRAN-232
Prerequisite: n/a

Intro to Automotive CMF


This course is an introduction transportationýdesign class with focus on teaching the basicýstages for an Automotive CMF design presentation.ýStudents will create (3)CMF Colorways/Conceptsýbased on a buyer, brand and interior design byýgoing through the process of user research,ýconcept development and CMF investigation. Theýfinal presentation consists of (3) high quality CGýrenderings with many angles, final colorways perýgrade and materials applied with buyer profile,ýmood/color/material boards for each colorway perýgrade and a bound CMF Workbook (tech drawings).ýýPrerequisite: Transportation Studio 3B (TRAN-202)ýand/or CMF Design (PRD-211)

Course number: TRAN-411
Prerequisite: n/a

Intro to Digital Design


This course provides an introduction to digitalýtools used in transportation design such asýPhotoshop, Illustrator and Blender. Uponýcompletion, students will be able to developýprofessional working knowledge of key digitalýdesign tools as applied in the TransportationýDesign Industry, develop good habits and workýflows to enable fast production of high qualityýwork, leverage software to enhance the creativeýprocess and produce a wide variety of unexpectedýoutcomes, develop an effective digital/analogýworkflow, learn to discern which tools are bestýfor which applications and how to best utilizeýthem, and develop an ability to learn and adapt toýnew tools.

Course number: TRAN-101
Prerequisite: n/a

Introduction to Automotive UX


The auto industry is moving forward into a newýera. While values like attractive exterior andýinterior designs remain important.electrification,ýnew sales models, and advanced interfaces areýreaching new customers and forging new brands.ýýIntro to Auto UX is a new elective to introduceýspecific skills needed by the mobility industryýfor students interested in Automotive InteriorýDesign and/or UX/UI design.ýýWe will explore the intersection of vehicleýergonomics, interface design, industrial design,ýand branding. The class will be conducted in aýteam environment with a focus on understanding theýinteraction between the brand, lifestyle, andýtechnology in the auto industry. We will introduceýthe fundamentals of customer research and learn toýempathize with the user's viewpoint, exploreýjourney mapping, and finally storyboard a proposalýfor ourýown user experience/interface design.ýýOpen to students 6th term and higher inýTransportation Design, Interaction Design, ProductýDesign plus students in Graduate ID or GraduateýTransportation Systems and Design.

Course number: TRAN-306
Prerequisite: n/a

Introduction to Marine Design


This introduction to marine design class willýgive students an overview of industrial design asýit applies to watercraft, specifically boats.ýGuest lecturers with expertise designing yachts,ýsport boats and other types of watercraft will beýactively involved with the class. In addition toýweekly design assignments, students will beýassigned a final boat design project.

Course number: TRAN-231
Prerequisite: n/a

Model 2


Students will develop a 3-Dimensional automotiveýclay model from 2-Dimensional sketches andýorthographic drawings of a vehicle concept ofýtheir design. Industrial clay modeling materials,ýtools and techniques will be explored, as well asýautomotive painting techniques resulting in aýfinished, painted and detailed presentation model.ýA final presentation will include a projectedývehicle story and supporting 2D visuals. Studentsýwill also be introduced to digital 3D modelingýtechniques with a polygonal modeling tool likeýBlender.

Course number: TRAN-153
Prerequisite: n/a

Model 3


This course blends interior and exterior designýdigital and physical modeling by introducingýstudents to VR modeling with tools like GravityýSketch then exporting their VR models into aýpolygonal modeling tool like Blender forýrefinement and 3D printing at 1/18 scale. Modelingýprojects will be coordinated with assignments inýDesign 3 Interior and Design 3 Exterior.

Course number: TRAN-203
Prerequisite: n/a

Model 4


This modeling course supports the Design 4ýExterior class through parallel training with bothýautomotive clay modeling tools and digital NURBSýmodeling in Alias. Students will gain a deeperýunderstanding of form development and surfaceýconstruction to become more proficient withýtranslation of 2D design into its 3Dýrepresentation though a dual approach, of bothýanalog and digital workflow. This course alsoýsupports the Design 4 Interior class throughýtraining focused on digital NURBS modeling inýAlias.

Course number: TRAN-253
Prerequisite: n/a

Model 5


Using Advanced Alias as a starting point, theýcourse includes Bunkspeed HyperShot/HyperDrive andýother tools. This class concentrates on AliasýDesign and modeling techniques as used in theýtransportation design industry, in particularýautomotive interiors and exteriors surfacing.ýDemonstrations will outline build techniques andýstructuring models for later rendering andýanimation work.

Course number: TRAN-303
Prerequisite: n/a

Model 6


This modeling course supports the Design 6 classýand sponsored projects through increased trainingýwith VR, polygonal and NURBS digital modelingýtools and techniques, and optionally physicalýmodeling/milling tools and techniques. Studentsýwill not only become more proficient with theýtools but also continue refining an effectiveýdigital/analog workflow.

Course number: TRAN-355
Prerequisite: n/a

Model 7


This modeling course supports the Design 7 classýthrough continued training with VR, polygonal andýNURBS digital modeling tools and techniques, andýoptionally physical modeling/milling tools andýtechniques. Students will not only become moreýproficient with the tools but also continueýrefining an effective digital/analog workflow.

Course number: TRAN-405
Prerequisite: n/a

Model 8


This modeling course supports the Design 8 classýand the students' final Grad Show presentationsýthrough continued training with VR, polygonal andýNURBS digital modeling tools and techniques, andýoptionally physical modeling/milling tools andýtechniques. Students will not only become moreýproficient with the tools but also continueýrefining an effective digital/analog workflow.

Course number: TRAN-455
Prerequisite: n/a

Portfolio and Presentation


In this course students will learn aboutýpreparing a professional level portfolio and beýcoached in presentation skills. These skillsýwill then be applied as the students submit theirýportfolios and apply for internships, scholarshipýreview, 5th term review, and other opportunities.ýýTopics covered: the practice of keeping aýcontinually updated portfolio; key components ofýa professional portfolio; print and digitalýformats (websites, Behance, etc.); interview andýpresentation practiceýýProjects will include creation of a print andýdigital portfolio and a personal website as wellýas business cards and resume.

Course number: TRAN-326A
Prerequisite: n/a

Power Sports Design


What is the future of Power Sports? ýý- The industry is looking for answers - you areýthe key! ý- Round out your portfolio ý- Challenge yourself ýýConcept development ýDynamic systems ýErgonomics and safety ýRecreational mobility ýPractical, utility applicationsýCompetition models ýDrive-train development

Course number: TRAN-440
Prerequisite: n/a

Project Continuation


This 0-credit lab grants recent alumni access toýcampus facilities and resources as needed toýcomplete your final projects and portfolio workýfrom the last semester. Access will be coordinatedýwith our facilities team in a safe and staggeredýschedule. Students will need to communicate withýtheir department a specific list of projects andýidentify the specific resources you need toýcomplete your work.

Course number: TRAN-492
Prerequisite: n/a

Race Kart


This course is open to all majors and term levels.ýStudents will work in teams and use class time toýdesign and build functional one person electric goýkarts that they will race week 14. This courseýteaches a complete design and building processýutilizing a combination of wood, metal, and offýthe shelf parts. If a student requires model shopýor tool access they will be given class time toýtake wood and metalworking shop safety demos.ýKarts are powered by pre-determined electric drillýmotors and drive system. The basics of the kart,ýframe design, steering, drive system, and brakesýwill be taught. Costs ~$200 - $350 per student.

Course number: TRAN-119
Prerequisite: n/a

Senior Studio


This 1-credit course provides students theýopportunity to get input on various personalýprojects from the department chair and faculty.

Course number: TRAN-480
Prerequisite: n/a

Sponsored Studio: Adobe X Rivian


Students will experiment with creative workflowsýutilizing Adobe Substance and Painter. Get readyýto explore what outdoor adventure means byýdeveloping innovative concepts that reflectýRivian's brand. Build a future story for theýRivian brand utilizing Adobe Substance to imagineýnew vehicles and/or outdoor equipment.

Course number: TDS-392F
Prerequisite: n/a

Studio Independent Study


Course number: TRAN-395
Prerequisite: n/a

Studio Independent Study


Course number: TRAN-495
Prerequisite: n/a

TDS Sponsored Studio: DiDi


The future of autonomous ride sharing systems thatýtransforms the mobility experience for users.

Course number: TDS-396B
Prerequisite: n/a

Take 3 Credits of Electives


Pseudo course block

Course number: IDFN-ELE.PC3
Prerequisite: n/a

Transportation Des Internship


Course number: TRAN-490
Prerequisite: n/a

Transportation Des Internship


Course number: TRAN-390
Prerequisite: n/a

Transportation Design 6


This studio course is the home for sponsoredýprojects focused on transportation design.ýWorking with the faculty and representatives fromýthe sponsoring companies, students will beginýwith a design brief, conduct in-depth research,ýideation, and conclude with a design solutionýthat is represented in 2-dimensional artwork, aýdigital model and/or physical model. The natureýof the design brief will change from term toýterm, dependent upon the desires of theýsponsoring company.

Course number: TRAN-353
Prerequisite: n/a

Transportation Design Studio Elective


Course number: TRAN-TRNSFR
Prerequisite: n/a

Transportation Studio 3A


This course will provide students with anýexpanded introduction to the transportationýdesign field through an engagement of the basicýdesign processes universally implementedýthroughout the automotive industry. ýýStudents will come to understand the process ofýconcept development: from concept creation toýsketch exploration to design refinement and finalýproposal; schedule/timeline implications to finalýpresentation, concept clarification andýcraftsmanship; reason and purpose behindýinspiration image: image history + technology;ýimage dissection; and translation to concept. ýThey will also understand basic design criteria:ýbrand image + buyer to concept; human relation toýpackage + vehicle architecture; 2D fundamentals:ýsketch + rendering; perspective; light source;ýbasic reflection + color shift; and presentationýlayout: brand, buyer/user, concept, package,ýideation, styling refinements and final design

Course number: TRAN-201
Prerequisite: n/a

Transportation Studio 3B


This course covers the basics of automotiveýinterior design. ýýStudents will come to understand the interactionýbetween customer, concept, and design (packages,ýinterior and exterior); basics of automotiveýinterior design - function, styling, color andýmaterials; research of target customer and brand;ýand organize the research and design proposalýinto a high-quality visual and oral presentation.

Course number: TRAN-202
Prerequisite: n/a

Transportation Studio 4B


This course builds on the basics of automotiveýinterior design already established and goesýfurther into story development put towardsýdesigning end-user experience. Students will beýdivided into teams for the overall 'big picture'ýstory development and individually provide theirýown slice of the concept design.

Course number: TRAN-252
Prerequisite: n/a

Transportation Studio 8A


This combined senior studio (8A and 8B) isýproject oriented and requires the creativeýapplication of all learned skills in order toýpresent a professional level result to theýtransportation industry that reflects positivelyýon the student and the college.ýýStudents will apply all accumulated learnedýskills to insure this project result will be theýpriority project and personal best, setting highýpersonal expectations and a clear project problemýto solve. A quality presentation of designýresearch, process & a 3-D proof of concept areýrequired for the final. For graduating students,ýthis will be the highest order of achievementýreached prior to entry into the professionalýranks.

Course number: TRAN-451
Prerequisite: n/a

Transportation Studio 8B


This combined senior studio (8A and 8B) isýproject oriented and requires the creativeýapplication of all learned skills in order toýpresent a professional level result to theýtransportation industry that reflects positivelyýon the student and the college.ýýStudents will apply all accumulated learnedýskills to insure this project result will be theýpriority project and personal best, setting highýpersonal expectations and a clear project problemýto solve. A quality presentation of designýresearch, process & a 3-D proof of concept areýrequired for the final. For graduating students,ýthis will be the highest order of achievementýreached prior to entry into the professionalýranks.

Course number: TRAN-452
Prerequisite: n/a

Vehicle Architecture


This course is about the architecture of diverseýforms of vehicles, with emphasis on automobiles.ýTopics include dimensions, human packaging,ýgeneral layout of components, structure andýproportions. H-Point is used as the text for theýcourse.

Course number: TRAN-212
Prerequisite: n/a

Vehicle Technology 3


This course introduces students to theýfundamental components and systems of theýautomobile, including such areas as engine andýpowertrain, wheels, color and trim, fuels andýemissions, lighting, engineering andýmanufacturing fundamentals. Course lectures areýaugmented with field trips to local manufacturingýfacilities.

Course number: TRAN-211
Prerequisite: n/a

Vehicle Technology 4


This course will introduce students to theývarious means of fabricating automotiveýcomponents, covering such processes asýthermoforming, fiberglass and machining.

Course number: TRAN-261
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual 1


This course emphasizes methods of illustratingýdesign concepts clearly and correctly, and ofýdescribing them to others in the same manner.ýExtensive and indispensable information isýpresented on techniques, correct usage of requiredýtools (digital and physical), and how appropriateýsketches and renderings can greatly enhance theýcommunication levels in realistic working designýenvironments, formal presentation, andýinteractions with modeling teams.

Course number: TRAN-102
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual 2


As a continuation of Visual 1, this courseýemphasizes methods of sketching and economicallyýrendering design concepts clearly and correctly.ýInformation is presented on effectively employingýlight and shadow to emphasize form read. Methodsýfor developing contrast between objects andýbackground, shadow plotting and compositionýdevelopment are all introduced. Required toolsý(digital and physical) are described throughoutýthe course and their use is demonstrated. Furtherýinstruction is given on how to produce appropriateýsketches with form defining value applied bothýmanually and digitally, which can greatly enhanceýthe communication in working design environments,ýformal presentations, and interactions withýmodeling teams. Additionally, students will beýintroduced to the fundamentals of graphic design.

Course number: TRAN-152
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual 3


The class deals with the various levels ofýsketching from quick ideation to more finishedýcolored sketch renderings. The emphasis is on notýonly coming up with new ideas and concepts butýintroduces new techniques and media. The studentsýare given detailed assignments to help themýimprove their visual techniques. There is also aýlot of emphasis placed on getting students toýexpress their ideas verbally as well during theýcritiques and working in class. Additionally,ýstudents continue to build on their grasp of theýgraphic design fundamentals.

Course number: TRAN-221
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual 4


This course focuses on descriptive automotiveýsketching while drawing with line economy, sketchýcomposition, color and contrast. This courseýbrings together all the skills and media from theýfoundation Viscom classes and then applies them toýthe skill of design visualization. Particularýemphasis is placed on monochromatic renderings andýColor Digital rendering. Topics will includeýtexturing, lighting, composition, depth,ýdetailing, color, rendering and printing.ýStudents will also be learning various 3Dývisualization software techniques to provide themýwith a deeper understanding of automotiveýsurfaces, lighting principles for defining shapeýand space and creating compelling presentationsýthat highlight the story and essence of the designýconcept.

Course number: TRAN-271
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual 5


This course focuses on the development ofýsophisticated rendering techniques that utilizeýfundamentals taught in previous terms. Emphasis isýon the portrayal of vehicles and automobiles inýtheir natural environment. Work includes ideationýsketches with vellum and marker, canson sketchýrenderings and work with Photoshop. Students willýalso continue gaining experience with various 3Dývisualization software techniques to provide themýwith a deeper understanding of automotiveýsurfaces, lighting principles for defining shapeýand space and creating compelling animatedýpresentations that highlight the story and essenceýof the design concept.

Course number: TRAN-321
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual 6


This course focuses on the development ofýsophisticated rendering techniques that utilizeýfundamentals taught in previous terms. Theýemphasis of this course is the use of 100% digitalýmedium/tools for ideation sketch development,ýrenderings and final presentation material. Theýsubject matter is focused on exterior and interiorýdesigns in the form of two mini-projects asýrendering exercises. Transportation subject matterýcan overlap projects in concurrent class designs.ýStudents will also be expanding their skills withývarious 3D visualization software techniques toýachieve compelling final presentation deliverablesýin still image, animation and VR formats.

Course number: TRAN-371
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual 7


The focus of this advanced level course is onýcreating a range of 2D images, from conceptýsketches to presentation quality renderings, usingývarious media. This course brings together theýconcepts and skills learned during the Visual 1-6ýcourses. The main objective of this class is onýproducing highly communicative and informativeýimages and formats pertaining to individual designýproposals. However, it will include any subjectýmatter and/or techniques deemed beneficial.ýStudents will also continue to increase theirýproficiency with various 3D visualization softwareýtechniques to achieve compelling finalýpresentation deliverables in still image,ýanimation and VR formats.

Course number: TRAN-421
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual 8


This course supports the Design 8 class and theýstudents' final Grad Show presentations throughýcontinued focus on producing highly communicativeýand informative images and formats pertaining toýindividual design proposals in both 2D and 3D.

Course number: TRAN-471
Prerequisite: n/a

Yacht & Boat Design Workshop - Advanced


The third level course in the marine designýseries will emphasize the application of realýworld design constraints to students' conceptualýwork. The goals are to mature and refineýstudents' design work and prepare the studentsýfor the challenges they will face in dealing withýthe rigors of real world marine design. Theýstudents will be exposed to more of the industryýstandards and practices that challenge yachtýdesigners today. Students will be expected toýmeet project management-style deadlines andýproduce professional deliverables. There will beýmore emphasis on 3D modeling and preparing theýstudents' designs for presentations and portfolioýinclusion.

Course number: TRAN-331
Prerequisite: n/a