3D Motion Graphics introduces 3-dimensional worldýinto the motion design workflow by learning toýdesign and conceptualize in Z space. Students willýlearn about modeling, lighting and render inývarious styles via series of in-class / homeworkýassignments throughout the term in order to becomeýcomfortable with 3-dimensional design andýanimation workflow. Two major assignments areýgiven in the course of the term. The first projectýwill be to construct and composite a sceneýintegrating 3D assets with live action scene. Theý2nd project is to design and animate in 3D spaceýwith topics at the discretionary of the faculty.
Course number: IXD-212A
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: IXD-200
Prerequisite: n/a
The first three foundational terms in the IxDýprogram concentrate heavily on identifying,ýunderstanding, describing and designingýinteractive products, experiences and systems fromýthe perspective of the end-user. Emphasis will beýplaced on the professional application of designýmethodology in the creation of new productýconcepts in various categories such as mobile,ýtangible, electronics, web and environmentalýapplications, communicating them through personas,ýwireframes and usability research.ýýThe course introduces students to the theory andýpractice of various types of design researchýincluding human centered qualitative andýethnographic methods as well as formal andýanalytical techniques. Students will be requiredýto analyze, describe and design end-to-endýcustomer experiences in different productýcategories with a focus on developing user drivenýsolutions. Classic problem solving methodologyýwill be instituted early in the process to insureýsolid concepts, process and deliverables. A strongýemphasis will be on the ideation techniques ofýbrainstorming, rapid visualization drawing andýhuman factors to formulate product concepts andýillustrate proof of concept. Final deliverablesýwill be evaluated under the criteria of theirýclarity of purpose and their delivery throughýverbal presentation.
Course number: IXD-200A
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: IXD-350
Prerequisite: n/a
This review covers student development in termsý3-6. " Development Phase" Students learn how toýapply the fundamental design techniques andýmethods to different interaction designý"canvases", spanning the fields of graphic,ýspatial, transportation, entertainment, industrialýand media design including physical computing. Asýwell as participating in sponsored studios,ýstudents are encouraged to do 1-2 internships.ýThis allows for further TDS and professionalýdevelopment. Core classes include electronic, dataývisualization, and physical computing.ýýStudents are able to select from a range of Studioýclasses during this phase of the curriculum.ýStudio Courseýofferings include Sponsored Studio Classes hostedýby the Interaction Design Department, ArtCenterýTransdisciplinary Design Studios (TDS) offeringsýhosted in collaboration with other ArtCenterýDepartments, andýStudio classes offered through the Designmattersýprogram.
Course number: IXD-350A
Prerequisite: n/a
Through individual and group projects studentsýwill tailor their use of interaction design toýmeet their creative and professional goals. Theyýwill craft and apply system and service thinking,ýnew material exploration; rich interface design,ýemerging technologies as they are applied toýspaces, relationships, objects and the body. TheýIxD Senior Projects Studio provides students theýopportunity to develop a personal project with anýemphasis on advancing skills required for theirýgraduation portfolio. These projects mayýaddress "gaps" in a student's portfolio, orýprojects may be used as an opportunity to focusýin depth on areas of strong personal interest. ýA range of topics can be explored, includingýWearable Technologies, Data Visualization, Designýfor Social Change, Micro-interactions, andýothers.ýýStudents will Create a project brief (users orýsite, vision, scope, goals, rules, and UXýstrategy). Make a workingýproduct/interaction/performance (Prototype, Proofýof Concept of UX simulation) build portfolioýready assets such as a video or series ofýdocumentation photographs. THE PROJECT CONTENTýCAN CHANGE EACH SEMESTER. SEE SECTIONýINFORMATION OR COURSE SYLLABUS FOR MOREýINFORMATION.
Course number: IXD-401
Prerequisite: n/a
The IxD Senior Projects Studio provides studentsýthe opportunity to develop a personal projectýwith an emphasis on advancing skills required forýtheir graduation portfolio. These projects mayýaddress "gaps" in a student's portfolio, orýprojects may be used as an opportunity to focusýin depth on areas of strong personal interest. Aýrange of topics can be explored, includingýWearable Technologies, Data Visualization, andýDesign for Social Change, Micro-interactions, andýothers.
Course number: IXD-451
Prerequisite: n/a
Students will explore the different technologies,ýadvanced topics, and theories in emergingýinteractive physical computing; such asýproduct/service ecosystems, physical computing,ýand interactive entertainment. Students willýauthor immersive experiences throughýstoryboarding, wireframing and prototyping.ýWorking in a Maker environment students willýdelve into the possibilities of participatoryýexperience design where user feedback, creativityýand connections create unique experiences. ýýStudents will :ýFocus on prototyping and deployment strategiesýBuild demonstrations of tangible computingýUnderstand the UX implications and strategy ofýphysical computingýBuild portfolio ready assets
Course number: IXD-410
Prerequisite: n/a
This class charts a course beyond traditionalýinteractive media and standard presentationýsystems into the realm of interaction design forýphysical devices. It allows students to exploreýthe possibilities when both the interface andýdevice are being designed simultaneously. It doesýthis in the context of collaborative projects withýstudents from product and transportation.
Course number: IXD-256
Prerequisite: n/a
In this studio, students develop and diversifyýtheir craft in visual communication of theýgraphical user interface. They will exploreýfoundational design elements and principles toýexpand the representation of action andýinformation across various computationalýplatforms. Students will conduct research,ýgenerate ideas, study form and time-based media,ýlearn to analyze and discuss their own decisionsýas well as that of others, and advance the craftýof interactive interfaces.
Course number: IXD-404
Prerequisite: n/a
Course Description: ýLearn to create high fidelity prototypes ofýdigital projects for mobile devices such asýphones, tablets, and smart watches with the goalýof presenting their interfaces, interactions, andýbehaviors as closely as possible. In order toýfocus the course's full attention on prototyping,ýit is advised that students enter the class withýa project that is already designed (completedýinterfaces and flow). However, it is certainlyýexpected that the design will get refined andýperfected within the course.ýýCourse Learning Objectives: ýStudents in Advanced Prototyping will be able toý1) learn and effectively use different fidelitiesýof prototyping in order to aid in the design of aýproject. 2) Prototype a visual interactiveýexperience to a high degree of fidelity. 3)ýRefine a detailed design based on issues learnedýfrom observing a target audience using theirýprototype.
Course number: IXD-406
Prerequisite: n/a
Tracked by personal cell phones, high-resolutionýurban sensors, snapped selfies, and satelliteýarrays, the human body is becoming digitized,ýdocumented, and distributed across a wide web ofýtechnologies. In this course students will useýmotion capture suits, character animationýsoftware, and virtual reality platforms to imagineýan emerging digital nervous system. How might weýdesign for this future body and its virtualýshadow? What new interactions and inputs might weýhave when we can sense beyond the bounds of theýskin and be tracked, down to the location of ourýfingertips? How might our identities change as weývirtually and physically wander, becoming a partýof other people, places, or things? In this courseýstudents will use hands-on prototyping to exploreývirtual and physical body parts, sensory devices,ýspatial interactions, and wearables. Topics willýinclude cybernetics, Kinesiology, biomechanics,ýand sensory design.
Course number: IXD-433
Prerequisite: n/a
Tracked by personal cell phones, high-resolutionýurban sensors, snapped selfies, and satelliteýarrays, the human body is becoming digitized,ýdocumented, and distributed across a wide web ofýtechnologies. In this course students will useýmotion capture suits, character animationýsoftware, and virtual reality platforms to imagineýan emerging digital nervous system. How might weýdesign for this future body and its virtualýshadow? What new interactions and inputs might weýhave when we can sense beyond the bounds of theýskin and be tracked, down to the location of ourýfingertips? How might our identities change as weývirtually and physically wander, becoming a partýof other people, places, or things? In this courseýstudents will use hands-on prototyping to exploreývirtual and physical body parts, sensory devices,ýspatial interactions, and wearables. Topics willýinclude cybernetics, Kinesiology, biomechanics,ýand sensory design.
Course number: TDS-433
Prerequisite: n/a
Sports were invented to facilitate the display ofýphysical performance. Whether as a player or aýfan, sports have helped us imagine what might beýpossible with our own bodies through fabricatedýcompetition, rules, and choreography. How can weýutilize 'sports' as an interactive platform toýreimagine community spaces and global eventsýduring lockdowns, pandemics, and closures? Usingýmotion capture software and multiplayer gamingýplatforms, students will design an at-home sportýthat rethinks multiplayer interactions, digitalýmovement, online fandom, rules, scoring, andýmerchandise. Students will learn emerging motionýcapture technology while examining the history ofýsports and domestic spaces from their own culturalýperspectives. The course will result in aýlive-streamed Home Olympic competition.
Course number: IXD-433A
Prerequisite: n/a
Sports were invented to facilitate the display ofýphysical performance. Whether as a player or aýfan, sports have helped us imagine what might beýpossible with our own bodies through fabricatedýcompetition, rules, and choreography. How can weýutilize 'sports' as an interactive platform toýreimagine community spaces and global eventsýduring lockdowns, pandemics, and closures? Usingýmotion capture software and multiplayer gamingýplatforms, students will design an at-home sportýthat rethinks multiplayer interactions, digitalýmovement, online fandom, rules, scoring, andýmerchandise. Students will learn emerging motionýcapture technology while examining the history ofýsports and domestic spaces from their own culturalýperspectives. The course will result in aýlive-streamed Home Olympic competition. ýesign.
Course number: TDS-433A
Prerequisite: n/a
Introduces narrative sequence through temporal orýspatial means. Messaging in 3 moves or moreý(images, screens, pages, sentences) or in 3ýdimensions. Media agnostic (students may chooseýan appropriate medium/ method). Builds on CD1+2ýbut adds serial/multiple communication. Dealsýwith series/stories/sequences/ýchoices/transitions. Introduction to larger scaleýenvironmental public communication. Deepýresearch. Experimentation in different media.
Course number: IXD-210
Prerequisite: n/a
Course description and learning outcome:ýMessaging in different contexts. Design as:ýresearch/conception/form-giving/production.ýResearch as catalyst for design ideas. Designingýfrom a place of understanding (content, audience,ýcontext). Use of 2 contexts (ie.screen/print) /orýaudiences (ie. young/old)/ or formats (ie.ýposter/card). Use of modular division of space,ýsimple grids. Use of color. Analysis of audienceýreaction and communication success or failure.ýProject types: 3 or 4 projects to give a varietyýof content types. One project with greater textýcomponent. Continuing emphasis on need forýmultiple ideas before designing.
Course number: IXD-209
Prerequisite: n/a
Course description and learning outcome:ýMessaging in different contexts. Design as:ýresearch/conception/form-giving/production.ýResearch as catalyst for design ideas. Designingýfrom a place of understanding (content, audience,ýcontext). Use of 2 contexts (ie.screen/print) /orýaudiences (ie. young/old)/ or formats (ie.ýposter/card). Use of modular division of space,ýsimple grids. Use of color. Analysis of audienceýreaction and communication success or failure.ýProject types: 3 or 4 projects to give a varietyýof content types. One project with greater textýcomponent. Continuing emphasis on need forýmultiple ideas before designing.
Course number: IXD-154
Prerequisite: n/a
How can students, teachers, friends and classmatesýplay and learn together when they must be apart? ýýHow can we rethink the way technology andýcommunication tools are used for childhoodýeducation? Can emerging technologies andýexperiences better facilitate human connection,ýopportunity for play, and spontaneous socialýinteraction when teachers, students, and theirýfriends and classmates are working apart from eachýother? ýýIn this Designmatters TDS studio, we willýre-imagine remote and connected learning forýprimary school students while considering theýneeds of children, teachers, and parents &ýcaregivers. We will identify and createýexciting new ways of teaching and learning thatýbuild a sense of creativity, community andýcollaboration between teachers, students, andýpeers.
Course number: TDS-454
Prerequisite: n/a
Teens who are already parents are at the highestýrisk for unplanned pregnancy (7x higher risk thatýteens who are not already parents), and often faceýsocial isolation, stigma and mental health issuesýat higher rates than their peers. A new mobileýhealth program, created by Sentient Research withýa grant from IDEO, provides key parenting &ýrelationship-building resources, peer-to-peerýsupport and family planning information to youngýparents, ages 16-21. In this studio, ArtCenterýstudents will help design and facilitate focusýgroups with the target audience of young parentsýto generate insights and co-create a brand andýcampaign for the mobile health program. Whatýshould the program look and feel like? How willýthe target users discover and interact with theýprogram? What will make this program a successýfor young parents? Studio outcomes may beýimplemented in a pilot rollout of the program inýSan Francisco and Los Angeles.
Course number: TDS-434
Prerequisite: n/a
Digital Basics: LinkedIn Learning 1.0 is aýself-directed course taught online that covers theýbasic principles of 2D design software such asýAdobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. Itýleverages the unique relationship ArtCenter hasýwith LinkedIn Learning to educate students via aýselect set of online LinkedIn Learning videos.ýStudents watch the videos, learn the content, andýare assessed on their learning at the end of theýterm.
Course number: IXD-103A
Prerequisite: n/a
Digital Basics: LinkedIn Learning 1.0 is aýself-directed course taught online that covers theýbasic principles of 2D design software such asýAdobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. Itýleverages the unique relationship ArtCenter hasýwith LinkedIn Learning to educate students via aýselect set of online LinkedIn Learning videos.ýStudents watch the videos, learn the content, andýare assessed on their learning at the end of theýterm.
Course number: IXD-103
Prerequisite: n/a
Topic: Explore what banknotes will look like inýfifteen to twenty years from now, from aýfunctional point of view combined with pleasingýaesthetics.ý Taking as the focus the consumers/users point ofýview, students will explore the functionality ofýcash and its alternative solutions, advantages andýdisadvantages of each alternative and the mainývalue both today and in the future. Will banknotesýbecome hybrid and/or incorporate moreýtechnologies? What will they look like? How willýthey be used? ý Further exploration will include: the socialýresponsibility of cash, what kind of payment canýbe automated.ýýIn what ways can these new technologies keep theýmain advantages of cash: anonymity, ease of useýand certainty in transactions?
Course number: TDS-418A
Prerequisite: n/a
TestlabBerlin is a sponsored studio abroadýproject. Projects utilize the city as a directýsource for research, inspiration, andýexperimentation. One core faculty member willýrun the project for the entire semester,ýadditionallyýthere will be guest faculty/lecturers/guestýcritics in Berlin.ýýAvailable to fifth term and above students byýapplication, preferrably with Mediatectureýexperience.ýýStudents will experiment with new creativeýstrategies for art and design production, whichýwill be informed by responses from a European andýAmerican audience. This feedback process will beýenabled both through traditional and social mediaýand through in-person and secondary interactionýwith the audience. the resulting projects areýcross-cultural in nature and dramatically broadenýthe creative horizon of all participants.
Course number: IXD-802A
Prerequisite: n/a
TestlabBerlin is a sponsored studio abroadýproject. Projects utilize the city as a directýsource for research, inspiration, andýexperimentation. One core faculty member willýrun the project for the entire semester,ýadditionallyýthere will be guest faculty/lecturers/guestýcritics in Berlin.ýýAvailable to fifth term and above students byýapplication, preferrably with Mediatectureýexperience.ýýStudents will experiment with new creativeýstrategies for art and design production, whichýwill be informed by responses from a European andýAmerican audience. This feedback process will beýenabled both through traditional and social mediaýand through in-person and secondary interactionýwith the audience. the resulting projects areýcross-cultural in nature and dramatically broadenýthe creative horizon of all participants.
Course number: IXD-802B
Prerequisite: n/a
Explore wearable technology through research,ýconcepting and prototyping. From devices toýskins, and medical to expressionistic, we willýinvestigate what it means to put technology onýthe body, and generate ideas for why and how.ýStudents should expect to experiment andýprototype at multiple levels:ýfunctionality/behavior, materiality/fabricationýand test deployment. We will be sewing, buildingýcircuits, and programming; previous experience inýany of these is a plus.ýýBY PETITION ONLY: Interested students shouldýsubmit 1 paragraph (max 150 words) describingýtheir vision of and interest in wearableýtechnologies and 3 portfolio examples of wearableýor interactive projects, toýDanielle.ferrer@artcenter.edu.
Course number: TDS-403
Prerequisite: n/a