Required for all 4th term Advertising students.ýPortfolio review & successful review by DeptýChair.
Course number: CRDR-250
Prerequisite: n/a
Required for all 6th term Advertising students.ýPortfolio review & successful review by DeptýChair.
Course number: CRDR-350
Prerequisite: n/a
First basic course in a consecutive sequence ofýthree classes. This class is about creatingýimagery that breaks with the conventions of time,ýviewpoint and content, not advertising protocol.ýEmphasis is on the transformation of ideas intoýimages, and effective communication that occursýwhen an idea produces an image that is perceivedýand understood by an intended audience. Whileýartýdirection is the focus, studens will haveýopportunities to concept ads. Course materialýfocuses on the early works of Doyle Dane andýBermbach, the agency which began the "CreativeýRevolution" during the '60s and still existsýtoday.
Course number: CRDR-151
Prerequisite: n/a
Second intermediate course in a consecutiveýsequence of classes. Special emphasis is placedýon final art direction and copy. Students areýencouraged to collaborate with other disciplinesýsuch has Photography, Graphics and Illustration toýprepare their advertising concepts for portfolioýconsideration.
Course number: CRDR-201
Prerequisite: n/a
Students will learn how to shoot, direct, artýdirect and edit short narrative film. The classýwill also explore the impact of sound in aýproduction. Students will learn the basics ofýcinematic structure and how to storyboard an ideaýto produce an effective, visually compellingýmoving image piece. The first project is highlyýstructured to give students the experience andýskills to then develop their own vision in theýfinal project. The class uses Premier Pro as theýediting software.
Course number: CRDR-176
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides an opportunity for studentsýto put all their skill sets together and focusýsolely on creating portfolio pieces for theirýbook. All assignments will be catered to specificýneeds of each student so that they can create newýwork that complement their existing portfolio. ýThese will be complementary pieces to a student'sýportfolio, based on an understanding of theýconceptual process and development presented inýclass. Students will be able to create Print,ýSocial/Stunt, and Experiential campaign executionýfor a product/service, but most importantly, theyýwill be Portfolio ready.
Course number: CRDR-454
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides an introduction to theýfundamentals of advertising with emphasis onýconceptual process and development, and basicýadvertising methodologies and techniques.
Course number: CRDR-205
Prerequisite: n/a
This is a beginning course that builds on theýinformation from Advertising Concepts 1. Emphasisýis on the application of conceptual advertisingýprinciples and design. Research, copywriting andýmarketing knowledge are applied to advertisingýassignments.
Course number: CRDR-255
Prerequisite: n/a
This intermediate-level course emphasizes theýdefinition of target audience, marketingýobjectives, and the development of specificýcreative briefs through to finishedýcomprehensives.
Course number: CRDR-305
Prerequisite: n/a
This course will review past work and assign newýprojects that will focus on categories that willýcomplete the finished portfolio. Discussionsýwillýcover present advertising trends and currentýagency activities. There will be specialýemphasisýon preparing and perfecting all concepts throughýto final photography, illustration and copyýapplication. This class in conjunction with theýPortfolio Studio class is the culmination of allýwork that will complete the final portfolio.
Course number: CRDR-466
Prerequisite: n/a
The unexplored space of new market advertising:ýUSING YOUR LIFE & FEELINGS TO COMMUNICATE ONýBEHALF OF COMPANIES.ýýDon't create advertising - communicate with otherýhuman beings. Most advertising is bland,ýimpersonal and irrelevant to the people viewingýit. So, it's ineffective. Whatever the media, theýbest communication feels personal, like one humanýbeing talking to another. So rather than simplyýfiguring out a new way to say this product is 'soýawesome', it's more effective to bring your ownýhumanity to the product or message. This requiresýlooking for ideas within, (not on Google andýYouTube). Unearthing your thoughts, feelings andýexperiences around a brief.
Course number: CRDR-413
Prerequisite: n/a
Students will learn the basic tools and functionsýof Adobe InDesign to successfully design and buildýtheir books and portfolios. The workshop willýcover setting up documents, working with tools andýpanels, keyboard shortcuts, type and text frames,ýusing grids, using master pages and importing andýlinking images. Students should feel free to bringýprojects they are working on with them to theýworkshop for help and critique. Meets for fiveýweeks, starting week 2.
Course number: CRDR-102L
Prerequisite: n/a
This class covers historical aspects of theýadvertising and graphic design fields, as well asýaddressing communication strategies including theýeffective use of metaphors, iconography, idioms,ýallegories, cliches and methodologies. The natureýof symbol and cultural essence are considered inýassignments where the dynamic role of image,ýphotography or illustration is stressed. Problemýsolving and conceptual thinking are stronglyýemphasized, as are the development ofýphilosophical and professional attitudes relatedýto the role of the designer as interpreter ofýsociety and promoter of products and services.ýThis course provides an intensive introduction toýboth the creation and critique of original ideas.
Course number: CRDR-102
Prerequisite: n/a
Introduces narrative sequence through temporal orýspatial means. Messaging in 3 moves or moreý(images, screens, pages, sentences) or in 3ýdimensions. Media agnostic (students may chooseýanýappropriate medium/method). Builds on CD1+2 butýadds serial/multiple communication. Deals withýseries/stories/sequences/choices/transitions.ýProject types: Messaging in sequence. Multipleýpages or screens. Image or language sequences.ýStoryboards. Interaction or navigation choices.ýMore complex grids. Multi-page documents. Motion.
Course number: CRDR-202
Prerequisite: n/a
Course description and learning outcome:ýDeveloping a graphic voice for client or message.ýConsistency of voice through differentýmedia/contexts. Importance of design as editingý(research, content forms) and designer as authorýof content. May involve branding. More complexýproblems than CD 1, 2, 3. Media agnostic. Opens upýto communicating solutions in print, packaging,ýmotion, interactive, environmental, 3D.ýProject types: Longer more in depth projects, 1 orý2 per term. Possibility of student-generatedýprojects aligned to their individual interests orýin collaboration with work in another class. Maybeýall students work on a different project. ie. Aýtheme is given but they must develop/generateýcontent themselves.
Course number: CRDR-252
Prerequisite: n/a
Conscious Communication is an intense immersionýcourse at ArtCenter College of Design that allowsýstudents to experience the pace of a professionalýenvironment, creating work relevant to currentýreal-world social issues. Led by photographer andýcreative director Matthew Rolston, students willýproduce a series of targeted short-form videos,ýultimately making powerful pieces of audiovisualýcommunication.ýýThe class addresses issues that affect us all,ýamong them: the movements for diversity, equityýand inclusion; mental health; the climate crisis;ýthe promotion of joy and kindness; and many otherýpressing topics. The course is ideal for aspiringýadvertising professionals, creative directors,ýfilmmakers, photographers, and those who wish toýcommunicate powerfully in the public interest.ýýFor more information about the course, pleaseývisit
Course number: CRDR-313
Prerequisite: n/a
This is the first class in a consecutive sequenceýof three writing courses. Course materialýprovides an introduction to the craft ofýadvertising copywriting and gives students a basicýunderstanding of the copywriting process as itýapplies to advertising.
Course number: CRDR-262
Prerequisite: n/a
An advanced understanding into the craft ofýadvertising copywriting. Assignments given is toýreinforce/teach students about the importance ofýpresenting information clearly, provocatively andýmemorably.
Course number: CRDR-362
Prerequisite: n/a
An advanced, fast paced class combiningýconceptual thinking with the ability to craft andýexecute across the many digital platforms,ýconnecting brands, products and services toýunsuspecting consumers in a way that disruptsýtheir normal patterns of consumption.
Course number: CRDR-356
Prerequisite: n/a
This intense immersion course, meeting weekly,ýallows students to experience the pace andýintensity of working in a real-world creativeýagency. Students will work on multiple assignmentsýon a range of media, both traditional andýnon-traditional. In the middle of the term theýstudents will be required to attend 3 weekýworkshop with an eminent creative director to honeýtheir concepting, creative, and presentationýskills.
Course number: CRDR-299A
Prerequisite: n/a
This is an interdisciplinary project class thatýworks with other disciplines in a studio situationýto create collaborative solutions to design andýadvertising problems. This studio may occurýwithin the context of a sponsored project or otherýinterdisciplinary working arrangement.
Course number: CRDR-372
Prerequisite: n/a
This class is an introduction to the world ofýadvertising. It will highlight publications andýsites to visit; award shows; best agencies; bestýcurrent work; career paths; best gradýbooks/sites; work ethic required and work process.
Course number: CRDR-101
Prerequisite: n/a
In this studio course, Creative Direction studentsýwill create entries for the Annual Showýcompetition. Students will develop their entriesýindividually or on self-selected teams (asýpermitted by competition rules), but will meet asýa class for strategy development, brainstorming,ýmutual critique, and feedback from faculty. Thisýcourse requires the students to enter the One Showýcompetition.
Course number: CRDR-421A
Prerequisite: n/a
Approved internship coordinated through CareerýServices.
Course number: CRDR-900
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: CRDR-TRNSFR
Prerequisite: n/a
This is the second class in a consecutive sequenceýof three writing courses. Students will learnýtechniques for solving advertising problems inýunique ways, and develop non-traditional portfolioýpieces.
Course number: CRDR-171
Prerequisite: n/a
Digital Basics: LinkedIn Learning 1.0 is aýself-directed course taught online that covers theýbasic principles of 2D design software such asýAdobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. Itýleverages the unique relationship ArtCenter hasýwith LinkedIn Learning to educate students via aýselect set of online LinkedIn Learning videos.ýStudents watch the videos, learn the content, andýare assessed on their learning at the end of theýterm.
Course number: CRDR-100
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides an introduction to the designýand conceptual process of creating televisionýcommercials. Focus is on the technical, as well asýthe emotional content of various commercialýformats through storyboard design.
Course number: CRDR-263
Prerequisite: n/a
Teaching advanced concept skills with an emphasisýon campaign development, strategic thinking,ýwriting, layout and design. Students will getýtools that will help them produce advertisingýideas guided by strategic framework. They willýgain insights into the largely unconscious natureýof the creative process.
Course number: CRDR-366
Prerequisite: n/a
Lens-based imagery is fast becoming a universalýlanguage. This course explores the use ofýphotography as a creative tool for graphicýdesigners, creative directors, and others who wishýto develop their skills and vision in the artýdirection of photography and professionalýphotographers. We will study the history ofýcollaborative image making while adding cameraýassignments, so that we may better understand theýtechnical / aesthetic issues of photography. Theseýinclude lensing, lighting, layout, fileýmanagement, and image manipulation. We willýfurther develop the skills needed to discern theýquality of an image and to direct and createýoriginal photographic communications rather thanýusing formulaic stock imagery.ýto discern the quality of an image and toýdirect and create original photographicýcommunications rather than using formulaicýstock imagery.
Course number: CRDR-157
Prerequisite: n/a
Students will consider the development of projectsýin both traditional and non-traditional media,ýfrom ad campaigns to television commercials. Theýobjective of this class is the establishment of aýfinite conceptual direction, the blueprint of aýproject.
Course number: CRDR-416
Prerequisite: n/a
Media Makers Lab is a new class combining theýskills of advertising, film and design students inýan intense collaborative immersion of shortýstorytelling of advertising concepts applied toýmultiple social media platforms. The class isýspecifically created to emulate the process of aýcreative team working in an ad agency or a designýfirm crossing into the world of marketing. ýýIt will be a 5 hour class made up of 3-4 teamsýcomprising one from ad, one from film and one fromýdesign to work on a series of briefs every twoýweeks from concept through to final production.ýWeek one is getting a concept approved. Week twoýis shooting your concept, editing with soundýdesign and presenting finished video(s) in classýthe second week. There will be 6 assignments eachýterm. It will move fast. You will shoot on a smartýphone or a digital SLR, no big budget shoots.ýShoestring productions only.ýýYou must submit a website/portfolio to be acceptedýinto the class. We will curate/form these teamsýprior to the first class. You will get an emailýtelling who your partners are. You're expected toýintroduce yourself to each other before the firstýclass. With your get-to-know-each-other you willýcome to the first class with the name of yourýcompany that you've agreed on as a team. You willýpresent that name with a brief raison d'etre toýsupport your company nameýýThe outcome is to disrupt the status quo of theýconventional business model of ad agencies,ýclients and commercial production companies withýthe simple application of strong concepts andýclear storytelling.
Course number: CRDR-312
Prerequisite: n/a
MD1 is the first course where students learn howýto bring their design to life with motion.ýStudents will use lessons learned from NarrativeýSketching/Imaging and digital language learnedýfrom Digital Basics to develop their creativeýsuggestion before choreographing their solutions.ýMD1 will feature 2 main projects with some shorterýlearning objective assignments earlier in theýterm. The 1st project will be kinetic type thatýfocuses on handling typography in motion. The 2ndýproject will feature more sophisticated approachýwith an expanded approach to the assignment. Theý3rd & final Motion piece using graphic elements.ýImagery will be limited to stills or keyedýelements. Storyboards, animation. 20-30 sec.
Course number: CRDR-152A
Prerequisite: n/a
This course will enable students to useýphotography and videography to effectivelyýcapture situations and to unleash the narrativeýand symbolic potential of images. The courseýstarts by creating a narrative with stills andýends with creating a narrative with motion.ýStudents will learn: storytelling from narrativeýsingle images to a multi image narratives andýphoto essays; how to understand meaning inýphotographs; compositions and cropping; originalýand found images (photo editing); art directingýand how to conduct a photo shoot. This classýteaches the art of the storyboard as a powerfulýstory-telling device used in motion graphics.
Course number: CRDR-161
Prerequisite: n/a
Photography is the current universal language.ýThis course will explore the use of photography asýa creative tool for designers, creative directors,ýand others who wish to increase their skills toýengage photography and photographers in theirývision. We will study the history of collaborativeýimage making while adding camera assignments toýbetter understand technical issues includingýlensing, lighting, layout, color, file management,ýand image manipulation. Our focus is on the skillsýneeded to discern the quality of an image and toýdirect and create original and compellingýphotographic communications as opposed toýformulaic stock imagery."
Course number: CRDR-331
Prerequisite: n/a
Emphasis is on the development of advertisingýpieces for the finished portfolio. All aspects ofýphotography, design and typography are finalized.ýStudents also complete personal I.D., Letter head,ýBussiness card, resume, website and leave behind.ý160
Course number: CRDR-450
Prerequisite: n/a
This intense immersion course, meeting a full dayýfor multiple days, allows students to experienceýthe pace and intensity of working in a real-worldýadvertising agency. Led by an eminent creativeýdirector, students will work on multipleýassignments on a range of media, both traditionalýand non-traditional.
Course number: CRDR-349
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: CRDR-975
Prerequisite: n/a
TestlabBerlin is a sponsored studio abroadýproject. One core faculty member will run theýproject for the entire semester, additionallyýthere will be guest faculty/lecturers/guestýcritics in Berlin.ýýAvailable to fifth term and above students byýapplication.ýýStudents will experiment with new creativeýstrategies for art & design production which willýbe informed by real-time response from a chosenýaudience. This feedback process will be enabledýboth through social media (Socialtecture) andýthrough in-person interaction with the audience.ýThe resulting projects are cross-cultural inýnature and dramatically broaden the creativeýhorizon of all participants.
Course number: HSCI-801A
Prerequisite: n/a
TestlabBerlin is a sponsored studio abroadýproject. One core faculty member will run theýproject for the entire semester, additionallyýthere will be guest faculty/lecturers/guestýcritics in Berlin.ýýAvailable to fifth term and above students byýapplication.ýýStudents will experiment with new creativeýstrategies for art & design production which willýbe informed by real-time response from a chosenýaudience. This feedback process will be enabledýboth through social media (Socialtecture) andýthrough in-person interaction with the audience.ýThe resulting projects are cross-cultural inýnature and dramatically broaden the creativeýhorizon of all participants.
Course number: HSOC-801A
Prerequisite: n/a
TestlabBerlin is a sponsored studio abroadýproject. One core faculty member will run theýproject for the entire semester, additionallyýthere will be guest faculty/lecturers/guestýcritics in Berlin.ýýAvailable to fifth term and above students byýapplication.ýýStudents will experiment with new creativeýstrategies for art & design production which willýbe informed by real-time response from a chosenýaudience. This feedback process will be enabledýboth through social media (Socialtecture) andýthrough in-person interaction with the audience.ýThe resulting projects are cross-cultural inýnature and dramatically broaden the creativeýhorizon of all participants.
Course number: HSOC-801B
Prerequisite: n/a
The Advertising Photographer: From Concept toýCompletion, is a course that mirrors theýdevelopment and execution of a professionalýadvertising photo shoot. Beginning with brand orýproducts' research to concept ideation andýstorytelling, Students will learn how toýcommunicate stylized ideas through the use ofýphotography, imaging, and photo-treatments.ýýThis course guides students through the process ofýexecuting a professional advertising photo shoot.ýCourse demos will include a fully produced photoýshoot with an automobile, models, professionalýgrip, and stylists. Each student will get a chanceýto partake in each roll; photographer, assistant,ýdigital tech, and producer. The shoot will beýfollowed by an in-depth look into the process ofýmaking selects, as well as building out layeredýPhotoshop files for final finish and color grade.ýThis course will include several industry guestýspeakers that will provide in depth insight intoýtheir area of expertise. ýýThe course will culminate with students producing,ýshooting, and finalizing their own photo shoot.ýThese shoots will be centered around a client orýproduct with an understanding of how the contentýwill speak to the target demographic. Studentsýwill learn all aspects of an advertising shootýthat include; estimates, pre-production deck,ýscout locations, pre-block out shots, and teamýbuilding of stylists, make-up artists, andýassistants needed to execute a professionalýadvertising shoot. The outcome will be a compositeýof multiple images for the application of theýperfect color grade.
Course number: CRDR-264
Prerequisite: n/a
Sensuality, seduction and pleasure are at the coreýof almost every effort in the worlds ofýentertainment, advertising and marketing. In orderýto ignite desire and create brand awareness inýconsumers and audiences, it is necessary to speakýin symbolic visual terms. A curated selection ofýfilms, advertising campaigns, photography, brandýmaterials and 'brand codes' will be examined inýorder to form an understanding of the traditionsýof the art of visual seduction and how suchýtraditions constantly evolve in response toýsociety's ever- changing conditions and values.ýStudents will create concepts, research documents,ýmood boards and a short film using pre-existingýfootage, the focus of which will be anýinstructor-assigned luxury brand communicationýproject.
Course number: CRDR-464
Prerequisite: n/a
The unexplored space of new market advertising:ýýEvery brand wants to be successful in theirýmarket, dominating the competition and deliveringýproducts that keep them relevant, profitable andýmoving ever forward. As advertising partners, it'sýour job to find new creative ways to help themýaccomplish this goal. In this class we willýcreating layered campaigns that take the brandýbeyond where they have been, pushing the limits ofýtheir identity and explore the endless creativeýpossibilities. Moving them forward into newýunexplored market spaces.ýýThinking for next is a medium to advanced course,ýthat will focus on creating comprehensiveýcampaigns centered on emerging marketýopportunities. Students will use research andýexisting brand identities to design and craftýprojects that work cohesively across an array ofýmedia platforms.
Course number: CRDR-358
Prerequisite: n/a
It's not a box, it's a place that explores theýboundaries of communication. It's a course builtýwith multidisciplinary teams to create content atýthe speed of culture tackling a variety ofýcontemporary topics that make people look, makeýthem think, make them care. ýýThis is an fast paced class requiring criticalýthinking at a high level.ýThe tools are: Inspiration, Freedom to Experiment,ýand Awareness.
Course number: CRDR-281
Prerequisite: n/a
This course asks students to apply what they haveýlearned in Type 2 to particular contexts, allowingýthe individual nature of the project content andýaudience to start influencing and determiningýtheir typographic choices.
Course number: CRDR-203P
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides conceptualizing process,ýdesign, and production of creating still imagesýfor advertising. It focuses on formulatingýeffective ideas for images that communicate theýmessage, as well as constructing outstandingývisuals.
Course number: CRDR-153
Prerequisite: n/a
Web Design introduces students to web technologiesýand the basics of web design. They learn how toýorganize content, visually design sites, and buildýa working prototype by applying a basicýunderstanding of HTML and CSS, also taught in theýclass. Students also take a workshop to help themýwith web technologies.
Course number: CRDR-203V
Prerequisite: n/a