Colloquium is a steady flow of people, ideas,ýmethods, and provocations. As the sole space andýtime that the entire Grad Media community gathersýtogether, Colloquium is one of the primeýprogram-wide knowledge sharing opportunities. Allýprogram business is discussed here, announcementsýare made, and faculty and students give reportsýfrom the field. Design Dialogues withýdistinguished guests and off-site visits areýinterspersed with departmental pecha kuchas (aý6:40 performance lecture format limited to 20ýslides, at 20 seconds each) and alumni updates.ýGrades for Colloquium are based on attendance,ýcontribution, and quality of projectýdocumentation and reflection on student websites.
Course number: GMDP-515
Prerequisite: n/a
A Pass in this course means the student hasýsubmitted the thesis and the thesis has beenýapproved by the department. This is the finalýrequirement for graduation.
Course number: GMDP-700
Prerequisite: n/a
In this course, students take an intensiveýproject-based module that are based upon emergingýtopics in technology, culture, global politics,ýand/or emerging science, developed through one orýmore of the MDP's research interests. The studentýwork that results may take a variety of forms.ýStudents learn: form to questions in design;ýapproach design as a critical investigation;ýstructure their time and working process; documentýand articulate project contexts / concepts inýpresentation, exhibition, and web formats; workýreflexively.
Course number: GMDP-568
Prerequisite: n/a
In this course, students take an intensiveýproject-based module that are based upon emergingýtopics in technology, culture, global politics,ýand/or emerging science, developed through one orýmore of the MDP's research interests. The studentýwork that results may take a variety of forms.ýStudents learn: form to questions in design;ýapproach design as a critical investigation;ýstructure their time and working process; documentýand articulate project contexts / concepts inýpresentation, exhibition, and web formats; workýreflexively.
Course number: GMDP-569
Prerequisite: n/a
In this course, students take an intensiveýproject-based module that are based upon emergingýtopics in technology, culture, global politics,ýand/or emerging science, developed through one orýmore of the MDP's research interests. The studentýwork that results may take a variety of forms.ýStudents learn: form to questions in design;ýapproach design as a critical investigation;ýstructure their time and working process; documentýand articulate project contexts / concepts inýpresentation, exhibition, and web formats; workýreflexively.
Course number: GMDP-598
Prerequisite: n/a
In this course, students take an intensiveýproject-based module that are based upon emergingýtopics in technology, culture, global politics,ýand/or emerging science, developed through one orýmore of the MDP's research interests. The studentýwork that results may take a variety of forms.ýStudents learn: form to questions in design;ýapproach design as a critical investigation;ýstructure their time and working process; documentýand articulate project contexts / concepts inýpresentation, exhibition, and web formats; workýreflexively.
Course number: GMDP-599
Prerequisite: n/a
The Lab is a support course taken along withýConcept Studios in Fall and Spring. This Lab willýassist students in learning technical skills toýaugment the learning in the Studio. The Lab willýmeet 1-3 hours per week to scaffold technicalýmaking.
Course number: GMDP-574L
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides a foundation inýdesign-focused creative technology methods,ýstrategies and applications. Students learn toýeffectively use technology for a range ofýprototyping approaches, from "wizard-of-oz" demosýto high-fidelity functional experienceýprototypes. Topics include tangible interaction,ýnetworks, digital fabrication, sensors,ýactuators, programming, simulation, andýelectronics on a range of platforms, fromýmicrocontrollers to embedded computers to 3Dýauthoring environments (e.g. Arduino, RaspberryýPi, Unity). Languages covered include Python,ýJavascript and C#. The course is designed toýchallenge both tech novices and experiencedýtechnologists alike.
Course number: GMDP-516
Prerequisite: n/a
Creative Technology prepares designers toýresearch, develop and deploy technology orientedýmedia design projects. The course teaches a rangeýof technology skills and methodologies forýdesigners by immersing students in programming,ýembedded computing, Web/network systems,ýmechanical design, and computer aidedýdesign/fabrication. While the class is broad andýintroductory, it rests on a "backbone" ofýprogramming, the lens through which a variety ofýcontent and concepts will be introduced.
Course number: GMDP-502
Prerequisite: n/a
This course offers design and technology projectsýthat complement other courses in the program, andýfocuses on emerging technologies such as machineýlearning, AR/VR, and simulation. Students learnýto apply new technologies in creative ways, andýexperiment with fast prototyping andýexperimentation to discover potential andýunexpected affordances of technologies. Studentsýwill also have the opportunity to work on anýindependent technical project with mentorship ofýthe faculty member.
Course number: GMDP-566A
Prerequisite: n/a
Creative Technology prepares designers toýresearch, develop and deploy technology orientedýmedia design projects. The course teaches a rangeýof technology skills and methodologies forýdesigners by immersing students in programming,ýembedded computing, Web/network systems,ýmechanical design, and computer aidedýdesign/fabrication. While the class is broad andýintroductory, it rests on a "backbone" ofýprogramming, the lens through which a variety ofýcontent and concepts will be introduced.
Course number: GMDP-507
Prerequisite: n/a
This course offers design and technology projectsýthat complement other courses in the program, andýfocuses on emerging technologies such as machineýlearning, AR/VR, and simulation. Students learn toýapply new technologies in creative ways, andýexperiment with fast prototyping andýexperimentation to discover potential andýunexpected affordances of technologies. Studentsýwill also have the opportunity to work on anýindependent technical project with mentorship ofýthe faculty member.?
Course number: GMDP-616A
Prerequisite: n/a
This course continues to offer a series of shortýproject that focus on engaging with technology asýa generative exercise ("making to think"). Theýtopics complement other courses in the program,ýand focus on emerging technologies such as machineýlearning, AR/VR, and simulation, along withýimaginative approaches to using more familiarýtools and technologies. Students learn to applyýnew technologies in creative ways, and experimentýwith fast prototyping and experimentation toýdiscover potential and unexpected affordances ofýtechnologies. The course also includes a seminarýportion, which introduces diverse references,ýdrawing from fields of Interaction Design,ýInteractive Media Arts, and Science TechnologyýSociety studies (STS). In the second half of theýcourse, students will work on an independentýtechnical project with mentorship of the facultyýmember and discuss how work with/about technologyýis part of their emerging practice.
Course number: GMDP-646
Prerequisite: n/a
This course continues to offer a series of shortýproject that focus on engaging with technology asýa generative exercise ("making to think"). Theýtopics complement other courses in the program,ýand focus on emerging technologies such as machineýlearning, AR/VR, and simulation, along withýimaginative approaches to using more familiarýtools and technologies. Students learn to applyýnew technologies in creative ways, and experimentýwith fast prototyping and experimentation toýdiscover potential and unexpected affordances ofýtechnologies. The course also includes a seminarýportion, which introduces diverse references,ýdrawing from fields of Interaction Design,ýInteractive Media Arts, and Science TechnologyýSociety studies (STS). In the second half of theýcourse, students will work on an independentýtechnical project with mentorship of the facultyýmember and discuss how work with/about technologyýis part of their emerging practice.
Course number: GMDP-676
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides a space for students toýconnect issues, histories and theories from theirýwork in the Core classes. The combination ofýreadings, screenings, research, and guestýlectures comprise the critical frameworks thatýare core to student work in their chosen track.ýIn this class students will learn to find theirýown entry point into the critical dialogue ofýdesign and experience how the act of designing isýalways already embedded in that discourse.ýStudents will learn to identify and develop theirýown unique point of view and to articulate andýshare it through writing and design.
Course number: GMDP-541
Prerequisite: n/a
This course introduces students to issues,ýhistories and theories relevant to practices inýmedia design and related fields. The combinationýof readings, screenings, research, and guestýlectures comprise the critical frameworks thatýare core to student work in their chosen track.ýIn this class students will learn to find theirýown entry point into the critical dialogue ofýdesign and experience how the act of designing isýalways already embedded in that discourse.ýStudents will learn to identify and develop theirýown unique point of view and to articulate andýshare it through writing and design.
Course number: GMDP-531
Prerequisite: n/a
Students consider issues from the project in theýcontext of political/social theory, case studiesýfrom other fields, issues in development, theýrhetoric of good, and cross-cultural design.ýStudents learn project documentation practices,ýhow to use writing as a tool for criticalýreflection, and how to connect individualýexperience with wider issues to developýindividual research agendas.
Course number: GMDP-542
Prerequisite: n/a
This course continues the exploration ofýcontemporary issues, histories and theories inýmedia design and related fields. Students areýchallenged to respond to the readings,ýscreenings, research, and guest lectures byýsituating their projects in a context thatýextends beyond the grad school crit room toýengage with issues that impact the field of mediaýdesign.
Course number: GMDP-532
Prerequisite: n/a
This course is a weekly 3-hour seminar in whichýstudents build a strong foundation in theýtheories and discourses surrounding visualýculture, mass media, and design. Rather thanýproceeding chronologically, students investigateýideas through a series of overlapping andýinterrelated thematics with the goal ofýdeveloping frameworks that enable a robust andýcritically engaged media design practice. Theýcourse materials will address a variety of mediaýand design practices as they intersect with keyýtheoretical discourses. Most of the texts willýfocus on topics related to American and Europeanývisual culture, but not to the exclusion of otherýcultural and geographic contexts. Courseýmaterials will be examined from a variety ofýperspectives, and will explore questions ofýmodernity, textuality, visuality, technology,ýgender, race, and globalization.
Course number: GMDP-504
Prerequisite: n/a
This course is a weekly 3-hour seminar in whichýstudents build a strong foundation in theýtheories and discourses surrounding visualýculture, mass media, and design. Rather thanýproceeding chronologically, students investigateýideas through a series of overlapping andýinterrelated thematics with the goal ofýdeveloping frameworks that enable a robust andýcritically engaged media design practice. Theýcourse materials will address a variety of mediaýand design practices as they intersect with keyýtheoretical discourses. Most of the texts willýfocus on topics related to American and Europeanývisual culture, but not to the exclusion of otherýcultural and geographic contexts. Courseýmaterials will be examined from a variety ofýperspectives, and will explore questions ofýmodernity, textuality, visuality, technology,ýgender, race, and globalization.
Course number: GMDP-509
Prerequisite: n/a
In the Fall term, students produce the writtenýcomponent of their thesis, learning to useýwriting as an important generative tool in theýdevelopment of the thesis. Students learn toýsituate their work within the discourse throughýboth traditional and design-research-basedýscholarly activities.
Course number: GMDP-603
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides a reflective space forýsituating the thesis work as it is underýdevelopment. Students learn to situate their workýwithin the literature and the field through bothýtraditional and design-research-based scholarlyýactivities. Students work with a team of advisorsýto develop the critical framing appropriate toýspecific projects and audiences.
Course number: GMDP-641
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides a reflective space forýsituating the thesis work as it is underýdevelopment. Students learn to situate their workýwithin the literature and the field through bothýtraditional and design-research-based scholarlyýactivities. Students work with a team of writingýadvisors to develop thesis statements and papersýand learn to approach writing as making.
Course number: GMDP-631
Prerequisite: n/a
In the Spring term, students focus on how toýbring their work out into the world through aývariety of venues from social media to academicýjournals to biennales. They meet and visit withýcurators, editors, and a range of practitionersýfrom industry to the arts. Students learn how toýframe and situate their freshly developing designýpractice and projects, culminating in theýcreation of a range of materials to promote andýdisseminate their thesis.
Course number: GMDP-653
Prerequisite: n/a
This course continues to provide a reflectiveýspace for situating the thesis work with anýemphasis on the student's future practice as itýis taking shape through the thesis project.ýStudents learn about intellectual property,ýentrepreneurial strategies, scholarly practices,ýand models for design research and practice as itýrelates to their own.
Course number: GMDP-642
Prerequisite: n/a
This course continues to provide a reflectiveýspace for situating the thesis work with anýemphasis on the student's future practice as itýis taking shape through the thesis project.ýStudents learn about intellectual property,ýentrepreneurial strategies, scholarly practices,ýand models for design research and practice as itýrelates to their own.
Course number: GMDP-632
Prerequisite: n/a
This course critically examines design'sýnormative worldview via theory, case study,ýresearch and writing. Challenging the adequacy ofýmodernist, European value sets for contemporaryýdesign, students will explore their ownýworldviews, and be confronted by those of others.ýHow can a critically engaged understanding ofýculture and context equip designers forýproductively addressing contemporary issues? Inýwhat ways does a serious consideration of contextýshape our understanding of materials, aesthetics,ýor even design itself?
Course number: GMDP-517A
Prerequisite: n/a
This course continues to critically examineýdesign's normative worldview via theory, caseýstudy, researchand writing. Students will exploreýtheir own worldviews, and be confronted by thoseýof others. Students will begin to develop theirýown position to productively address contemporaryýissues through writing and reflection on theirýburgeoning design practice in preparation for theýindependent research of the thesis year.
Course number: GMDP-567A
Prerequisite: n/a
This course continues to critically examineýdesign's normative worldview via theory, caseýstudy, researchand writing. Students will exploreýtheir own worldviews, and be confronted by thoseýof others. Students will begin to develop theirýown position to productively address contemporaryýissues through writing and reflection on theirýburgeoning design practice in preparation for theýindependent research of the thesis year.
Course number: GMDP-567
Prerequisite: n/a
This is a studio-based course in which studentsýlearn about design through a critical approach toýdesignerly making. Students will explore systems,ýtext, narrative, interaction, and people throughýexperiences for scales, contexts, and approaches.ýThrough readings and viewings students will learnýto incorporate theoretical and historical researchýinto the making process. Through exposure toýmaterial and technological histories, as well asýcurrent and future perspectives, students will beýencouraged to "work the material" to find novelýapproaches and projects. Throughout, students willýlearn to consider the role of the people whoýengage with their work as part of the design, andýsometimes as part of the design process itself.
Course number: GMDP-518A
Prerequisite: n/a
This is a studio-based course in which studentsýlearn about design through a critical approach toýdesignerly making. Students will explore systems,ýtext, narrative, interaction, and people throughýexperiences for scales, contexts, and approaches.ýThrough readings and viewings students will learnýto incorporate theoretical and historical researchýinto the making process. Through exposure toýmaterial and technological histories, as well asýcurrent and future perspectives, students will beýencouraged to "work the material" to find novelýapproaches and projects. Throughout, students willýlearn to consider the role of the people whoýengage with their work as part of the design, andýsometimes as part of the design process itself.
Course number: GMDP-519A
Prerequisite: n/a
This is a studio-based course in which studentsýlearn about design through a critical approach toýdesignerly making. Students will explore systems,ýtext, narrative, interaction, and people throughýexperiences for scales, contexts, and approaches.ýThrough readings and viewings students will learnýto incorporate theoretical and historical researchýinto the making process. Through exposure toýmaterial and technological histories, as well asýcurrent and future perspectives, students will beýencouraged to "work the material" to find novelýapproaches and projects. Throughout, students willýlearn to consider the role of the people whoýengage with their work as part of the design, andýsometimes as part of the design process itself.
Course number: GMDP-548A
Prerequisite: n/a
This is a studio-based course in which studentsýlearn about design through a critical approach toýdesignerly making. Students will explore systems,ýtext, narrative, interaction, and people throughýexperiences for scales, contexts, and approaches.ýThrough readings and viewings students will learnýto incorporate theoretical and historical researchýinto the making process. Through exposure toýmaterial and technological histories, as well asýcurrent and future perspectives, students will beýencouraged to "work the material" to find novelýapproaches and projects. Throughout, students willýlearn to consider the role of the people whoýengage with their work as part of the design, andýsometimes as part of the design process itself.
Course number: GMDP-549A
Prerequisite: n/a
The Lab is a support course taken along with DevýStudios in Fall and Spring. This Lab will assistýstudents in learning technical skills to augmentýthe learning in the Studio. The Lab will meet 1-3ýhours per week to scaffold technical making.
Course number: GMDP-575L
Prerequisite: n/a
This is a studio-based course in which studentsýlearn about design through a critical approach toýdesignerly making. The course is divided intoýfour six-week sections, each with a differentýinstructor. The sections provide designýexperience for differing scales, contexts, andýapproaches. Through readings and viewingsýstudents will learn to incorporate theoreticalýand historical research into the making process.ýThrough exposure to material and technologicalýhistories, as well as current and futureýperspectives, students will be encouraged toý"work the material" to find novel approaches andýprojects. Throughout, students will learn toýconsider the role of the people who engage withýtheir work as part of the design, and sometimesýas part of the design process itself.
Course number: GMDP-503
Prerequisite: n/a
This is a studio-based course in which studentsýlearn about design through a critical approach toýdesignerly making. The course is divided intoýfour six-week sections, each with a differentýinstructor. The sections provide designýexperience for differing scales, contexts, andýapproaches. Through readings and viewingsýstudents will learn to incorporate theoreticalýand historical research into the making process.ýThrough exposure to material and technologicalýhistories, as well as current and futureýperspectives, students will be encouraged toý"work the material" to find novel approaches andýprojects. Throughout, students will learn toýconsider the role of the people who engage withýtheir work as part of the design, and sometimesýas part of the design process itself.
Course number: GMDP-508
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-520A
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-520B
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-520C
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-521
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-522
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-621
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides a structure for students asýthey work on their individual thesis projects.ýStudents work independently with weekly guidanceýfrom their lead advisor and intermittent meetingsýwith thesis committee members individually and asýa group. Includes a major project review in Weeký9.
Course number: GMDP-622
Prerequisite: n/a
In this course students will reflect on and focusýtheir developing and ongoing creative practice andýactively look at the culture and context in whichýtheir work lives. The course consists of a mixtureýof individual meetings, group discussion, designýprojects, milestone reviews, exhibitions, writingýlab, workshops, and reading groups. Academicýadvisement meetings are also an important part ofýthe Grad Lab class. On entering the program,ýstudents are assigned an advisor who will workýwith them individually to help determine and focusýtheir pathway through the program, build theirýexperience portfolio and take advantage ofýinternal to external opportunities.
Course number: GMDP-554
Prerequisite: n/a
In this course, students choose among a series ofýintensive project-based modules of varyingýdurations that are based upon an emerging topicýin technology, culture, global politics, and/orýemerging science, developed through one or moreýof the MDP's research clusters. The student workýthat results may take a variety of forms.ýStudents learn to: approach design as a criticalýinvestigation; structure their time andýworking process; document and articulate projectýconcepts in presentation, exhibition, and webýformats; work reflexively.
Course number: GMDP-514
Prerequisite: n/a
The Spring project modules are of a longerýduration, allowing students to take a deep diveýinto a topic, method, and/or technology. Eachýproject module is again based on an emergingýtopic within technology, culture, globalýpolitics, and/or emerging science, developedýthrough one or more of the MDP's researchýclusters. Each module engages externalýcollaborators, project partners, and travel toýlocations or extraordinary situations. Theýstudent work that results may take a variety ofýforms. Students learn to: approach design as aýcritical investigation; structure their ownýprocess of research, prototyping, and designýexperimentation; document and articulate projectýconcepts in presentation, exhibition, and webýformats; work reflexively.
Course number: GMDP-564
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-696
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-596
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-590
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-690
Prerequisite: n/a
In this course students will learn about how ourýinteractions, lives, and even thinking areýstructured: from cities to computation to biologyýto language. Students will learn to approach theýdesigning of structures as a way to generate theýunexpected rather than to merely categorize andýcontain.
Course number: GMDP-510A
Prerequisite: n/a
Whether getting things done, biding time,ýfollowing serendipity, or being entertained,ýusers are readers, viewers, thinkers, and - inýwell-designed interactions - active participantsýwho build their own experiences and meaningýspaces. To learn about this approach, calledýproductive interaction, students will create aýtangible interaction as the means to explore anýinformation space.
Course number: GMDP-510B
Prerequisite: n/a
This course is a hands-on investigation into howýpeople engage with the world around them, poweredýby a motivation to explore and to develop newýmodes of perception. Using everything fromýlow-tech electronics to social media, studentsýwill learn to interact with people and placesýwith the goal of generating new insights intoýeach.
Course number: GMDP-510C
Prerequisite: n/a
Lab Projects are a series ofýtwo-to-five-week-long conceptual projects calledý"Inquiries" and are built around a theme emergingýfrom culture, technology or science. Inquiriesýbegin with a question or a phenomenon and aský"what if"? Each inquiry engages externalýcollaborators, project partners, and travel toýlocations or extraordinary situations. Theýprojects that result take a variety of forms.ýStudents learn to: approach design as a criticalýinvestigation; structure their time and workingýprocess; document and articulate project conceptsýin presentation, exhibition, and web formats;ýwork reflexively.
Course number: GMDP-511
Prerequisite: n/a
Each year the Lab track runs a set of fiveýInquiries- 2-5 week intensive projects builtýaround a theme emerging from culture, technologyýor science. Lab Projects 2 begins with a questionýor a phenomenon and ask "what if"? Each inquiryýengages external collaborators, project partners,ýand travel to locations or extraordinaryýsituations. The projects that result take aývariety of forms.
Course number: GMDP-512
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides a structure for students asýthey work on their individual thesis projects. Inýweeks 1-7, faculty mentors guide small groups ofýstudents in the early stages of investigating andýdefining their thesis pursuits. In weeks 8-14,ýeach student works with a thesis committee-a teamýof thesis advisors selected to support eachýstudent's particular subject and approach.ýStudents meet with their lead advisor on a weeklyýbasis and with committee members individually andýas a group.
Course number: GMDP-611
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides a structure for students asýthey work on their individual thesis projects.ýStudents work independently with weekly guidanceýfrom their lead advisor and intermittent meetingsýwith thesis committee members individually and asýa group. Includes a major project review in Weeký9.
Course number: GMDP-612
Prerequisite: n/a
This course is a reflective space for studentsýwho are new to the MDP. Students will learn aboutýtheir course of study as well as begin to developýtheir own path to thesis. Weekly discussions mayýinclude guest visits from the MDPýcommunity-faculty, thesis students, and alumni-asýwell as external guests. The class will also beýthe context for preparation for cross track andýcross-level activities and final reviews andýexhibitions.
Course number: GMDP-501
Prerequisite: n/a
This course is a reflective space for studentsýwho are new to the MDP. Students will learn aboutýtheir course of study as well as begin to developýtheir own path to thesis. Weekly discussions mayýinclude guest visits from the MDPýcommunity-faculty, thesis students, and alumni-asýwell as external guests. The class will also beýthe context for preparation for cross track andýcross-level activities and final reviews andýexhibitions.
Course number: GMDP-506
Prerequisite: n/a
This 0-credit lab grants recent alumni access toýcampus facilities and resources (shops, labs,ýEMEC, makerspaces, stages, lockers, library, printýshop) as needed to complete your final projectsýand portfolio work from the last semester. Accessýwill be coordinated with our facilities team in aýsafe and staggered schedule. Students will need toýcommunicate with their department a specific listýof projects and identify the specific resourcesýyou need to complete your work.
Course number: GMDP-691
Prerequisite: n/a
In this course, students take an intensiveýproject-based module based upon emerging topics inýtechnology, culture, global politics, and/orýemerging science, developed in partnership withýfaculty and focusing on one the departmentsýresearch areas.
Course number: GMDP-660
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-799
Prerequisite: n/a
In this 14 week course, students work on researchýprojects conducted by MDP over the Summer term.ýThese projects give students the uniqueýopportunity to work collaboratively on creativeýresearch led by MDP faculty and visitingýresearchers from around the world. Studentýcommitment is half-time, allowing time forýreflection or independent work. This courseýrequires petition through the department chair.
Course number: GMDP-597
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-695
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: GMDP-595
Prerequisite: n/a
Psuedo course block
Course number: GMDP-ELE.PC3
Prerequisite: n/a
This course provides a structure for students asýthey work on their individual thesis projects. Inýweeks 1-7, faculty mentors guide small groups ofýstudents in the early stages of investigating andýdefining their thesis pursuits. In weeks 8-14,ýeach student works with a thesis committee-a teamýof thesis advisors selected to support eachýstudent's particular subject and approach.ýStudents meet with their lead advisor on a weeklyýbasis and with committee members individually andýas a group.
Course number: GMDP-625
Prerequisite: n/a
Required course for student that have completedýall their course work but have not completed theirýthesis. This "0" unit, no cost course should beýtaken every semester until the thesis is complete.
Course number: GMDP-699
Prerequisite: n/a
Thesis Gateway is a Pass/Fail Zero unit courseýthat Media Design students must pass in the Springýbefore entering into their final year... theirýThesis Year. If a student does not pass, theýstudent is required to do a Lite Term in thatýSummer to work on those issues in which theýstudent is lacking. The student will re-takeýThesis Gateway at that time. If the student doesýnot pass a second time, the studnet will beýdismissed from the program.
Course number: GMDP-610
Prerequisite: n/a
In this course students will reflect on and focusýtheir developing and ongoing creative practiceýduring their Concept year. The course is comprisedýof a mixture of individual meetings, groupýdiscussion, and design and short writingýactivities. These activities will help studentsýdevelop their position; inform their curricularýchoices for Spring electives and the Summerý"X-term" (eg internships, additional classes,ýon-campus research); and act as a foundation forýtheir thesis year. In the later stages of theýcourse, work will focus on preparing for theýThesis Gateway review, where students will presentýtheir foundation thesis frameworks and designýexplorations as demonstration of readiness to moveýinto the critical work of the thesis year.?
Course number: GMDP-551
Prerequisite: n/a
In this graduate transdisciplinary course,ýstudents research and explore emerging topics inýtechnology, culture, global politics, and/orýemerging science, developed through department'sýresearch interests. The student work that resultsýmay take a variety of forms. Students learn: formýto questions in design; approach design as aýcritical investigation; structure their time andýworking process; document and articulate projectýcontexts / concepts in presentation, exhibition,ýand web formats; work reflexively.
Course number: GMDP-670
Prerequisite: n/a
Thesis Studio 1 provides a structure for studentsýto develop their individual thesis work. Designýexperiments and research activities are structuredýthrough assigned briefs and deadlines that helpýeach student to follow a line of inquiry andýprogressively build a body of work. Regularýparticipation in research cluster seminars led byýone or more faculty exposes students toýcontemporary work and provides depth and contextýto the students' own research questions. By theýend of the term, each student will have definedýthe research focus and design work that is theýfoundation for their thesis.
Course number: GMDP-602A
Prerequisite: n/a
Thesis Studio 2 provides a structure for studentsýto develop their individual thesis work. Designýexperiments and research activities are structuredýthrough assigned briefs and deadlines that helpýeach student to follow a line of inquiry andýprogressively build a body of work. Regularýparticipation in research cluster seminars led byýone or more faculty exposes students toýcontemporary work and provides depth and contextýto the students' own research questions. By theýend of the term, each student will have definedýthe research focus and design work that is theýfoundation for their thesis.
Course number: GMDP-602B
Prerequisite: n/a
Thesis Studio 3 provides a structure for studentsýto develop their individual thesis work. Designýexperiments and research activities are structuredýthrough assigned briefs and deadlines that helpýeach student to follow a line of inquiry andýprogressively build a body of work. Regularýparticipation in research cluster seminars led byýone or more faculty exposes students toýcontemporary work and provides depth and contextýto the students' own research questions. By theýend of the term, each student will have definedýthe research focus and design work that is theýfoundation for their thesis.
Course number: GMDP-602C
Prerequisite: n/a
Thesis Studio 4 provides a structure for studentsýto develop their individual thesis work. Designýexperiments and research activities are structuredýthrough assigned briefs and deadlines that helpýeach student to follow a line of inquiry andýprogressively build a body of work. Regularýparticipation in research cluster seminars led byýone or more faculty exposes students toýcontemporary work and provides depth and contextýto the students' own research questions. By theýend of the term, each student will have definedýthe research focus and design work that is theýfoundation for their thesis.
Course number: GMDP-602D
Prerequisite: n/a
Thesis Studio 5 provides a structure for studentsýto develop their individual thesis work. Designýexperiments and research activities are structuredýthrough assigned briefs and deadlines that helpýeach student to follow a line of inquiry andýprogressively build a body of work. Regularýparticipation in research cluster seminars led byýone or more faculty exposes students toýcontemporary work and provides depth and contextýto the students' own research questions. By theýend of the term, each student will have definedýthe research focus and design work that is theýfoundation for their thesis.
Course number: GMDP-652A
Prerequisite: n/a
Thesis Studio 6 provides a structure for studentsýto develop their individual thesis work. Designýexperiments and research activities are structuredýthrough assigned briefs and deadlines that helpýeach student to follow a line of inquiry andýprogressively build a body of work. Regularýparticipation in research cluster seminars led byýone or more faculty exposes students toýcontemporary work and provides depth and contextýto the students' own research questions. By theýend of the term, each student will have definedýthe research focus and design work that is theýfoundation for their thesis.
Course number: GMDP-652B
Prerequisite: n/a
Thesis Studio 7 provides a structure for studentsýto develop their individual thesis work. Designýexperiments and research activities are structuredýthrough assigned briefs and deadlines that helpýeach student to follow a line of inquiry andýprogressively build a body of work. Regularýparticipation in research cluster seminars led byýone or more faculty exposes students toýcontemporary work and provides depth and contextýto the students' own research questions. By theýend of the term, each student will have definedýthe research focus and design work that is theýfoundation for their thesis.
Course number: GMDP-652C
Prerequisite: n/a
Thesis Studio 8 provides a structure for studentsýto develop their individual thesis work. Designýexperiments and research activities are structuredýthrough assigned briefs and deadlines that helpýeach student to follow a line of inquiry andýprogressively build a body of work. Regularýparticipation in research cluster seminars led byýone or more faculty exposes students toýcontemporary work and provides depth and contextýto the students' own research questions. By theýend of the term, each student will have definedýthe research focus and design work that is theýfoundation for their thesis.
Course number: GMDP-652D
Prerequisite: n/a
Each Topic Studio segment has a different courseýdescription. See the Department Chairs Office orýthe section description for more information.
Course number: GMDP-530
Prerequisite: n/a
In the first few weeks of the semester, ConceptýYear students choose from a range of workshops toýbuild facility with skills, methods, tools, andýways of working needed to take on emerging designýchallenges. Since MDP students come from aývariety of backgrounds and experiences, eachýstudent has the opportunity to select theýworkshops that are right for them.
Course number: GMDP-513
Prerequisite: n/a
In the first few weeks of the semester, Dev Yearýstudents choose from a range of workshops to buildýfacility with skills, methods, tools, and ways ofýworking needed to take on emerging designýchallenges. Since MDP students come from a varietyýof backgrounds and experiences, each student hasýthe opportunity to select the workshops that areýright for them.
Course number: GMDP-523
Prerequisite: n/a
In the first few weeks of the semester, ThesisýYear students choose from a range of workshops toýcontinue to build facility with skills, methods,ýtools, and ways of working needed to advanceýtheir thesis work. Each student has theýopportunity to select the workshops that areýright for them.
Course number: GMDP-601
Prerequisite: n/a