2nd-Year Gateway is a Pass/No Pass zero unitýcourse students must pass in the Summer in orderýto be eligible for enrollment in Master's ProjectýC in the Fall of their Second Year.
Course number: ART-575
Prerequisite: n/a
A Pass in this course means the student hasýsubmitted the thesis and the thesis has beenýapproved by the department. This is the finalýrequirement for graduation.
Course number: ART-700
Prerequisite: n/a
The Graduate Art department visiting lectureýseries. Guests include internationally recognizedýartists, critics, art historians, architects,ýfilmmakers, and writers from Los Angeles andýaround the globe.
Course number: ART-501
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: ART-596
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: ART-595
Prerequisite: n/a
Course number: ART-695
Prerequisite: n/a
The Master's Project courses represent theýrequired studio meetings with the Core and Adjunctýfaculty for all Grad Art candidates. It consistsýof the development of the candidate's own work,ýwith the help of individual meetings with membersýof the Core Faculty and others. The Master'sýProject is supervised and graded collectively byýthe Core Faculty.
Course number: ART-521A
Prerequisite: n/a
The Master's Project courses represent theýrequired studio meetings with the Core and Adjunctýfaculty for all Grad Art candidates. It consistsýof the development of the candidate's own work,ýwith the help of individual meetings with membersýof the Core Faculty and others. The Master'sýProject is supervised and graded collectively byýthe Core Faculty.
Course number: ART-522A
Prerequisite: n/a
The Master's Project courses represent theýrequired studio meetings with the Core and Adjunctýfaculty for all Grad Art candidates. It consistsýof the development of the candidate's own work,ýwith the help of individual meetings with membersýof the Core Faculty and others. The Master'sýProject is supervised and graded collectively byýthe Core Faculty.
Course number: ART-621A
Prerequisite: n/a
The Master's Project courses represent theýrequired studio meetings with the Core and Adjunctýfaculty for all Grad Art candidates. It consistsýof the development of the candidate's own work,ýwith the help of individual meetings with membersýof the Core Faculty and others. The Master'sýProject is supervised and graded collectively byýthe Core Faculty.
Course number: ART-622A
Prerequisite: n/a
This class will introduce basic and intermediateýpractices in photography and video. A variety ofýanalog and digital capture devices will be used,ýalong with related software, hardware andýtechniques such as hot & strobe lighting, darkroomýtechniques, Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, PremiereýPro, Epson printers, optical scanners, etc. Theýclass will be centered on relevant analog/digitalýtechniques available to the student within theýinstitution and the Los Angeles area.
Course number: ART-515
Prerequisite: n/a
In this class we will examine different artisticýstrategies to approach reality, to "take inýworld". The artworks we will look at comprise aýnovel, some films and videos, as well asýpaintings and drawings. The diary, theýdocumentary, the journalistic research, theýreenactment of historical events all produce aýspecific interaction between the "self" and theý"world". This class will focus on the differentýmodes of artistic subjectivity that are beingýexpressed in these works, as well the notion ofýthe political. Several guests will enrich theýdiscussion in class. Each artist will beýpresented to the class by one or more students.ýThose who choose not to present in class willýwrite a paper of minimum 3 pages on a subjectýrelated to what we have discussed in class.
Course number: ART-580
Prerequisite: n/a
Summer Seminar is a required 3-unit course takenýby all Grad Art students. It is meant toýcomplement the Summer Workshop, but its focus isýon group critique. The specific content of theýcourse, will vary from summer to summer.
Course number: ART-560
Prerequisite: n/a
Summer Workshop is a required 3-unit course takenýby all Grad Art students. It is a workshop courseýwhose topic changes each summer. It is designed toýhelp students prepare to write a thesis in theýFall term.
Course number: ART-570
Prerequisite: n/a
Psuedo course block
Course number: TRAN-ELE.PC3
Prerequisite: n/a
Psuedo course block
Course number: ART-ELE.PC6
Prerequisite: n/a
Psuedo course block
Course number: TRAN-ELE.PC6
Prerequisite: n/a
Concerned with the critiquing of student work. Theýobject of the class is to develop, through classýanalysis, a sense of the theoretical implicationsýand foundations of the work of each of theýparticipants.
Course number: ART-506
Prerequisite: n/a
Required for all students finished with theirýcourse work but still working on completing theirýthesis. Required every semester until thesis isýcompleted and approved.
Course number: ART-699
Prerequisite: n/a
Thesis Gateway is a Pass/Fail zero unit courseýstudents must pass in the Spring in order to beýeligible for enrollment in M3 Master's Thesis inýthe Fall of their Second Year. If the studentýfails the Thesis Gateway course, s/he will beýrequired to retake the Thesis Gateway course inýthe summer term. If the student does not pass theýcourse on this second occasion, s/he will beýdismissed from the program.
Course number: ART-550
Prerequisite: n/a
Each Topic Seminar segment has a different courseýdescription. See the Department Chairs Office orýthe section syllabus for more information.
Course number: ART-520
Prerequisite: n/a