September 16, 2021

Eating and Drinking on campus

We are committed to implementing best practices for the safety and wellness of our community.  Guided by Pasadena Health Officer orders and Cal/OSHA standard requirements, we are confident that adherence to mitigation standards will minimize the risk of viral spread, keep our community healthy and keep campus open.  Now that we have returned to campus we wanted to share a few reminders related to the consumption of food and beverages in our classrooms and administrative areas.

Active* eating and drinking on campus are limited to the following areas:

  • Hillside Campus – Student Dining Room, Faculty Dining Room, outdoor seating
  • 1111 building – Kohl’s Common (formerly Foodies), outdoor seating
  • 950 building – Rooftop
  • 870 building – Outdoor patio area
  • No Eating in Classrooms, Conference Rooms or open areas in Administrative Offices

*Active means that masks can be removed for eating and drinking during a meal or rest period. Otherwise, masks are to be worn at all times while indoors.

Please be reminded that outdoor eating is the preferred and recommended location as directed by health officials.

We realize that returning to campus and into a classroom or office setting will take some time to get accustomed to and that the flexibility we have experienced at home will not be the same. If you apply the following four R’s to your daily routine, you will contribute to enhancing the learning, teaching and working experience and avoid stressful scenarios that could lead to unsafe behaviors:

  1. Rest – taking a rest break after an extended period of time of high concentration allows the mind to digest the information and store it into one’s memory bank.
  2. Rehydrate – most of the human body is made up of water with the average percentage around 60%.  Taking water breaks is essential to keeping your mind sharp, your creativity flowing and your body healthy.
  3. Recuperate – when you rest and re-hydrate, you give your mind and body the essentials it needs to recuperate.
  4. Rejuvenate – once you have practiced the first three R’s, you will have new energy to continue learning and working.

We look to each of you to be the example as we work and learn together.

If you have any questions or need resources, please email


Cynthia Quentin
Director, Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management
Human Resources
ArtCenter College of Design