

3D Layout


Students will learn how to create a sequence in CGýanimation, focusing on composition andýcinematography, blocking, editing, and pacing. Theýskills covered in this course are not only at theýheart of filmmaking in CG, but also used in VisualýFX and live action pre-visualization.

Course number: ILL-309
Prerequisite: n/a

3D Motion Graphics


3D Motion Graphics introduces 3-dimensional worldýinto the motion design workflow by learning toýdesign and conceptualize in Z space. Students willýlearn about modeling, lighting and render inývarious styles via series of in-class / homeworkýassignments throughout the term in order to becomeýcomfortable with 3-dimensional design andýanimation workflow. Two major assignments areýgiven in the course of the term. The first projectýwill be to construct and composite a sceneýintegrating 3D assets with live action scene. Theý2nd project is to design and animate in 3D spaceýwith topics at the discretionary of the faculty.

Course number: ILL-214A
Prerequisite: n/a

4th Term Portfolio Review


The 4th Term Review is a a personal interview withýthe chair and/or key faculty or track advisor, atýwhich time the portfolio is used as a basis for anýevaluation that addresses 1) the ability toýdemonstrate an evolving comprehension of theýdepartmental program learning outcomes as relevantýto their current position within the curriculum 2)ýa clear discussion of student's immediate and longýterm career goals after graduation, 3) specificýcourse recommendations by chair/faculty/trackýleaders for the remaining terms in support thoseýgoals, and 4) any specific questions and/orýconcerns the student might have pertinent to theirýeducation.

Course number: ILL-275
Prerequisite: n/a

5th Term Portfolio Review


The 5th Term Review is a required review of theýstudent's cumulative integration and synthesis ofýlearning as demonstrated through a portfolioýpresentation within the format of a personalýinterview. The 5th term placement allows both theýstudent and the department representatives toýassess the integration of fundamental analogueýand critical skills and competencies at a pivotalýjuncture in the individual's academic process.ýThis in-depth review acts as a gateway within theýstudent's academic career, facilitatingýcommunication, feedback, support, and specificýguidance and recommendations as the student movesýinto the crucial portfolio building and careerýalignment phase of the upper terms. ýýThe student portfolio is evaluated as to theýability to demonstrate an evolving comprehensionýof the department Program Learning Outcomes asýrelevant to their current position within theýcurriculum, and as an opportunity to addressýindividual student concerns. The review isýconducted as a personal interview with the chairýand/or key faculty or track advisor, and uses theýportfolio as the basis for an evaluation thatýaddresses 1) the ability to demonstrate anýevolving comprehension of the departmentalýprogram learning outcomes as relevant to theirýcurrent position within the curriculum (seeýReview rubric), 2) a clear discussion ofýstudent's immediate and long term career goalsýafter graduation, 3) specific courseýrecommendations by chair/faculty/track leadersýfor the remaining terms in support those goals,ýand 4) any specific questions and/or concerns theýstudent might have pertinent to their education.

Course number: ILL-300
Prerequisite: n/a

A la Mode: Contemporary Drawing


A La Mode is a course designed to expose studentsýto the ways drawing can amplify their ideas. Itýis a crash course in contemporary applicationsýfor drawing. Students will be exposed to currentýartists who employ drawing at various stages ofýtheir process. Students will gain drawingýmileage, but more importantly use drawing toýcommunicate a concept. The projects willýchallenge students to take their drawings beyondýthe page using motion, sculpture, collaboration,ýand outsourcing. Students will be encouraged toýexplore digital, social media, and physicalýresources as tools to inspire and create uniqueýartworks. 3 Units

Course number: ILL-313
Prerequisite: n/a

Action Analysis


This class provides intensive study of humanýgesture and performance. The ability to make quickýsketches that communicate the story, action, andýperformance with great clarity is essential forýstoryboard artists, animators, and characterýdesigners. This course emphasizes drawing, andýcovers observation and explanation of weight,ýmovement, and clarity of the action pose.

Course number: ILL-307
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced 3D Motion Graphics


Course number: ILL-314
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Cinematic Motion


Advanced Cinematic Motion is an advanced levelýtransdisciplinary studies film course. Studentsýfrom Film, Motion Graphics and MotionýIllustration collaborate to create uniqueýnarrative solutions. The course will teach how toýproduce live-action green screen shoots and theýproper methods of post-production development.ýFaculty will teach unique perspectives from aýdesigner, director and a cinematographers pointýof view.

Course number: ILL-414
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Illustration Studio


This class is intended for upper term studentsýand will focus on generating strong imagery whileýsimulating the conditions of real-worldýillustration assignments. A main theme is forýstudents to explore the common ground betweenýassignment parameters and their personal artisticýgoals and sensibilities. A diversity of approachýis welcome in this class, including illustrative,ýfine-art, photographic, or sculptural. Studentsýwill be challenged with a variety of projectsýdesigned to highlight specific concepts of visualýcommunication. Students may choose to take thisýclass with a view to create finished portfolioýpieces from established methods, or they may takeýa more experimental approach with a view toýexplore alternative methods with moreýunpredictable outcomes.

Course number: ILL-319
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Matte Painting


Picking up where Intro to Matte Painting leavesýoff, this class will prepare students to work inýa real production environment for feature films,ýcommercials, and episodics. Along with gainingýadditional practice in the art of matteýpainting-including photomatching andýtransformation of images-students will learnýproduction-based workflow and layer managementýtechniques to create perfectly organized,ýprofessional quality matte painting output. Classýwill work with Maya and include an intro to Nukeýfor animation. 3 Units

Course number: ILL-384
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Motion Studio 8


Advanced Motion Studio 8 focuses on advancedýlevels of creative strategy utilizing allýlanguages in design and motion. A more unique wayýof narrative storytelling for brand/identityýdevelopment will be introduced in this stage ofýlearning. Full languages ofýconcept/storytelling/design/motionýchoreography/post-production will be implemented.

Course number: ILL-473
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Portraiture


The enduring need and success of the portrait liesýin it146s ability to remain truthful and modern.ýThis class digs in and works in contemporary ways,ýusing photography, and video projection, withýoccasional live models as its source material.ýEmphasis will be placed on composition, croppingýand innovation. Be prepared to work hard, masterývarying techniques, be expressive and lose yourýpreconceptions of what a portrait should be!ýExpect in class demos, guest painters and aýchallenging project schedule. Pre-req: Portaitureýor Color Theory

Course number: ILL-216
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Sketching for Illustr


This advanced course focuses on improving theýstudent's ability to paint illustratively, expressýmood, and place objects in an environment.

Course number: ILL-306
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Surface Design for Digital Prin


New technologies have allowed the illustrator toýevolve their work onto the tactile printedýsurface. The opportunity digital printingýpresents is enormous, and it is incumbent uponýthe illustrator to learn the mathematics andýdesign of patterns as well as the programs neededýto execute them. In this course, students willýexperiment with the principles and complexitiesýof pattern, developing knowledge of the correctýratios and proportions necessary for theýsuccessful application of a completed surfaceýdesign. Students will also gain the skillsýnecessary to produce client-ready files forýproduction. Throughout the course, the inspiringýstudy of the globally influential visualývocabulary of California Modernism will informýstudents' design portfolio.

Course number: ILL-450
Prerequisite: n/a

Advisement Workshop


Advisement Workshop is designed to helpýIllustration students determine what classes theyýshould be taking the following term, assistýstudents in selecting works to present forýscholarship reviews, to discuss the outcomes ofýscholarship awards, and generally to give adviceýabout career development. The instructor runningýthe workshop will not only meet directly withýstudents but also help to coordinate otherýIllustration instructors to do advisement as well.

Course number: ILL-007
Prerequisite: n/a

All You Can Eat-Food Investgtn & Insprtn


PROJECT DESCRIPTION: TASTE, LOOK, FEELýýPrimary Subject: A researched visual and literaryýinvestigation into the importance, delight andýsensory value of food in our culture andýthroughout history. Create a new visualývocabularyýbased on direct experience of investigatory workýby master chefs, artists, writers, and foodýphotographers and stylists. Working andýdocumenting via drawing and photography fromýdirect observation and discussion in aýcollaborative space this class will unify theýgastronomic with food play a la Lady Gaga orýRATATOUILLE.ýýAreas of study to include: Food writing, Food inýArt and Photography, Food in Film, Food asýFashion, Food preparation and techniques,ýIndividual approaches to cooking via severalýchefs, and food styling and photography.

Course number: TDS-352
Prerequisite: n/a

Analytical Figure Drawing


This class provides intensive study of humanýanatomy. Principles of foreshortening, developmentýof visual memory, observation of gesture, visualýviewpoint, and sequential figures in motion areýaddressed. Course material provides an overview ofýmainstream figural concepts in contemporary art,ýillustration, entertainment design and animation.

Course number: ILL-204
Prerequisite: n/a

Animal Magic


Children's book? Editorial? Entertainment? Thisýclass is a must for all Illustrators: Learn toýdraw animals from life. Learn to draw animals inýmotion and in a natural habitat. Perfect theýprinciples of dynamic drawing working from aýmenagerie of live animals, right here on the ArtýCenter campus. Test your skills of observation,ýand your ability to be a silent and respectfulýobserver while improving your drawing skills andýyour imagination in this unique class.ýPre-requisite: Composition and Drawing

Course number: ILL-288
Prerequisite: n/a

Application Studio


The illustrator as problem solver is a paramountýrequirement for success in the workingýenvironment. This class readies you to presentýyour work in an industry specific manner.ýThis class will assess your image creation andýdirection to date, commission new work and developýconcepts utilizing your strengths by taking theýfinish through to final application in aýprofessional manner for presentation in your 8thýterm PDL portfolio.ýApplication Studio is designed for 8th termýstudents who are enrolled in Portfolio Design labýconcurrently.

Course number: ILL-454
Prerequisite: n/a

Art Direction for Surface Design


Beyond Trend awareness there is analysis of popýculture which will serve to help you create andýunderstand how new ideas are formed. In order toýconstantly innovate at brand level you need toýdevelop and establish a mechanism for workingýwith your own vision and articulating thatýalongside a historical understanding of culture,ýglobal influencers and the importance ofýobservation. In addition you will learn toýassemble a group of powerful images that tellýyour story with style and emotional impact.

Course number: ILL-441
Prerequisite: n/a

Background Painting Basics


The class shortens learning time by directlyýaddressing painting issues overlooked by studentsýand by addressing them using Photoshop techniques.

Course number: ILL-205
Prerequisite: n/a

Background Painting/Animated Films


In this class, students create story-driven imagesýcharged with emotional subtext, while focusing onýart direction issues such as style, creating aýtone or mood, portraying specific times of day orýlighting situations. Through a linear process ofýthumbnailing, laying out, creating value study,ýcolor key and finish, students learn a reliableýmethod for producing consistent results. Allýacademic principles are visited and reinforced:ýcomposition, perspective, light logic, and colorýtheory. Additional course material includesýstaging, atmospheric perspective, and paintingýtechnique. Emphasis is on storytelling.

Course number: ILL-415
Prerequisite: n/a

Bag-It & Sit on It! With Paul Frank


In this workshop led by Paul Frank, students willýexplore concept design and execution of a bag andýottoman collection based on a given theme. Topicsýcovered: working from a concept, researchingýtrends and influences, bag construction methods,ýfabric exploration and materials innovation,ývisual product storytelling, and collectionýdevelopment. Projects will include creation of aýresource book, patternmaking, and developing anýunderstanding of sewing techniques. For the finalýproject, a completed bag and ottoman design, withýone prototype of each, is required. Studentsýinterested in Illustration, graphic icons,ýaccessories, apparel, and fashion design areýwelcome. Access to Sewing Lab equipment withýassistance from instructor.

Course number: ILL-474
Prerequisite: n/a

Berlin Collective 2-CULTURAL Immersions


The aim of this class is to provide a better andýdeeper understanding of the German culture, theýhistory of the country, and the mentality of itsýpeople. The testlab being based in the capital ofýGermany, a strong emphasis will be put on theývery unique situation and position of Berlin inýthe past, in the present, and in the future. Inýorder to take full advantage of the fact that weýare "vor Ort," all lectures will be accompaniedýby extensive field trips. Thus, we will not onlyývisit different museums, exhibitions orýarchitectural landmarks but-as important-willýexperience the city, different urban lifestyles,ýand "practice" MOBILITY. Traveling, being outsideýthe studio is part of the course. The class shallýbe as closely linked to the studio classes asýpossible in order to further help generating aýsolid research foundation for the final designsýof MOBILITIES 2030.

Course number: SAP-873
Prerequisite: n/a

Berlin Collective 2-Gender in German Cn


The seminar offers an introduction to GermanýCinema while approaching the films and historicalýissues from the perspective of feminist filmýtheory. Students will develop the analyticalýtools for detangling the complex visualýstructures of gender (within but also beyond theýfilms discussed in class). Together, we willýexamine the particular role of female figures inýGerman cinema by considering the Lola figure. Theýcourse includes the discussion of the work ofýfemale directors such as Helke Sander or DorisýDörrie, and actresses such as Marlene Dietrich orýNina Hoss. It also introduces students to theýtheories of important German feminist filmýcritics. During a session on pornography, it willýbe possible to schedule an excursion to theýBerlin-based Porn Film Festival at the end ofýOctober, where the class would be able to listenýto a lecture and discuss some pornographic filmsýwith their international directors. The courseýencourages students to take pleasure not only inýseeing and discussing but also in writing aboutýfilms (from a reader-oriented as well as criticalýposition). Together we will develop a criticalývocabulary in order to describe how genderýstructures are reflected through film.

Course number: SAP-874
Prerequisite: n/a

Berlin Collective 2-MEDIA Exploration


The Berlin Collective 2 will be a one-of-a-kind,ýeight to twelve-week cultural immersion inýBerlin, giving students a unique opportunity toýshare a collective studio experience in a majorýEuropean city. It is intended to challenge theýindividual's ability for keen observation,ýcomprehensive research, articulation of ideas,ýpresentation skills and collaborative abilities,ýand expand cultural sensitivity and awareness.ýEach individual will explore Berlin through theýlens of his or her own selected topic, fosteringýtheir ability to draw connections between newýcultural experiences and ideas, and findingýresonance within their own developing work.ýAccompanied by a curated blog presence, travelýdocumentation and an exhibition at ACCD.

Course number: SAP-872
Prerequisite: n/a

Berlin Collective 2-STUDIO Visits & Rsrc


The Berlin Collective 2 will be a one-of-a-kind,ýeight to twelve-week cultural immersion inýBerlin, giving students a unique opportunity toýshare a collective studio experience in a majorýEuropean city. It is intended to challenge theýindividual's ability for keen observation,ýcomprehensive research, articulation of ideas,ýpresentation skills and collaborative abilities,ýand expand cultural sensitivity and awareness.ýEach individual will explore Berlin through theýlens of his or her own selected topic, fosteringýtheir ability to draw connections between newýcultural experiences and ideas, and findingýresonance within their own developing work.ýAccompanied by a curated blog presence, travelýdocumentation and an exhibition at ACCD.

Course number: SAP-871
Prerequisite: n/a

Butterfly: Surface Design


Illustrate and design a custom Butterfly Chairýsling seat cover! The original Butterfly Chair wasýdesigned in Argentina in 1938 by architectsýworking inýLe Corbusier's studio. Its curved frame forms aýshape like butterfly wings. The cover wasýoriginally handmade in leather by a saddle maker.ýYour Butterfly seat cover will be made fromýupholstery grade canvas fabric and printedýwith your illustrated image or narrative patternýdesign. Class projects will require research,ýbrand analysis and the final creation of originalýstylized artwork for application to a line-up ofýproducts including the iconic Butterfly Chairýcover, a tote and an iPad cover. All tracks andýdepartments are welcome.ýýPrerequisites: Class entry level 5th term andýabove < or portfolio > .

Course number: ILL-353
Prerequisite: n/a

Character Design 1


In this class students will learn all aspects ofýcharacter design for feature animation, consumerýproducts, and related industries. Detailedýspecifics concerning proportion, turnarounds, keyýposes, color usage, and layout will be taught toýindustry standard. All foundational drawingýclasses must be completed before advancing toýthis class.

Course number: ILL-310
Prerequisite: n/a

Character Design 2


Character Design 2 is fast moving, wide ranging,ýand challenging, with an emphasis on problemýsolving. Solid construction techniques,ývisualization skills, manipulating proportion andýstyle for effect, designing for both 2D and 3Dýwill be stressed. We will utilize a variety ofýhistorical and contemporary resources inýdeveloping unique and imaginative characters forýspecific applications in animation, advertisingýand toy design.

Course number: ILL-367
Prerequisite: n/a

Character Jam & Monster Mashup


The design principles we will utilize in CJ&MMýwill have applications in animated films,ýillustration, games, toy design, comics, liveýaction visual effects films, storyboarding, andýcommercials. CJ&MM is a fast paced, quick turnýaround, idea based, pencil / ink on paper conceptýclass. It mimics the industry working process andýyour ideas will be assessed as if you wereýworking with the client directly. We willýconcentrate on concept and execution utilizing aýwide variety of source materials andýapplications. Context will be provided throughýhistorical, cultural, and genre awareness, fromýcomic books through ancient Egypt.ýHighest priority will be given to structuralývalidity and three dimensional thinking. If youýthink you might want a career in visualýdevelopment for animated films, illustration,ýgames, toy design, or live action films we willýfocus on the skill set that you need for theseýdisciplines.

Course number: ILL-257
Prerequisite: n/a

Children's Book Illustration


This class is designed to inform illustratorsýabout the design, formatting and marketing ofýchildren's books, as well as the application ofýtheir individual talents to picture bookýillustration.

Course number: ILL-357
Prerequisite: n/a

Color Collections for Surface Design


Learn to build directional and cohesive colorýpalettes to underscore your designs and deliverýmore seasonal options for the marketplace. Color,ýlike your style is part of your brand and thisýclass will help you identify your direction forýpersonal collections and enable you toýprofessionally identify color trends andýdirection when doing commercial projects allowingýfor adaptation between the two.ýHistorically, our geographic placement and designýlegacy in California is a lead style influencerýglobally. Deconstructing and building off thisýbrilliant American west coast design heritageýwill be the starting point for this class.

Course number: ILL-262
Prerequisite: n/a

Color Trend for Surface Design


This course teaches applied color use for surfaceýdesign (home décor, textile/printed fabric, softýgoods/wearables). Projects will teach collectionýbuilding for the seasonal consumer marketplace,ýhow to work with trend/color forecasting, andýsophistication in use of historical design asýreference material. Students will learnýproduction techniques for specifying colorýcollections for manufacturing, industrialýproduction guidelines for color control outputýand colorway file preparation, and how to presentýtheir projects to industry standard. Designingýcolor palettes to a given theme, colorý"storytelling," effective methods of combiningýdigital and analog processes, and color usage asýrelates to object and environmental applicationýwill also be covered.

Course number: ILL-340
Prerequisite: n/a

Comics Studio


Study and implement visual and narrativeýstrategies used in a variety of comic form. ýLectures focus on composition, rhythm and theývalue of structure in this popular, oftenýmisunderstood art form. Through in-classýexercises and projects, students will work withýobservation, memory, adaptation, branding andýtraditional and emerging genres. Developýtechniques and ideas for your graphic novel whileýworking on a series of compelling, shorter-termýcomics. A love of storytelling is stronglyýencouraged.

Course number: ILL-416
Prerequisite: n/a

Communication Design 1: Primer


Course description and learning outcome:ýFundamentals of messaging.ýClient/designer/audience. Concept and form. Image.ýWord. Symbol. Word and image exercises. Hierarchyýlevels. Generating powerful ideas. Publicýcommunication. Single message focus. Communicationýboot camp. Project types: Numerous exercises.ýSimple strong messages. Not about refinement, moreýabout producing many concepts and solutions.ýSingle surface communication. All b/w. Use ofýstudent photography. Scale changes: from postersýto icons.

Course number: ILL-103
Prerequisite: n/a

Communication Design 2: Information &ýContext


Course description and learning outcome:ýMessaging in different contexts. Design as:ýresearch/conception/form-giving/production.ýResearch as catalyst for design ideas. Designingýfrom a place of understanding (content, audience,ýcontext). Use of 2 contexts (ie.screen/print) /orýaudiences (ie. young/old)/ or formats (ie.ýposter/card). Use of modular division of space,ýsimple grids. Use of color. Analysis of audienceýreaction and communication success or failure.ýProject types: 3 or 4 projects to give a varietyýof content types. One project with greater textýcomponent. Continuing emphasis on need forýmultiple ideas before designing.

Course number: ILL-152
Prerequisite: n/a

Communication Design 3: Narrative &ýScale


Course description and learning outcome:ýIntroduces narrative sequence through temporal orýspatial means. Messaging in 3 moves or moreý(images, screens, pages, sentences) or in 3ýdimensions. Media agnostic (students may choose anýappropriate medium/method). Builds on CD1+2 butýadds serial/multiple communication. Deals withýseries/stories/sequences/choices/transitions.ýProject types: Messaging in sequence. Multipleýpages or screens. Image or language sequences.ýStoryboards. Interaction or navigation choices.ýMore complex grids. Multi-page documents. Motion.

Course number: ILL-212
Prerequisite: n/a

Communication Design 4: Identity Systems


Course description and learning outcome:ýDeveloping a graphic voice for client or message.ýConsistency of voice through differentýmedia/contexts. Importance of design as editingý(research, content forms) and designer as authorýof content. May involve branding. More complexýproblems than CD 1, 2, 3. Media agnostic. Opens upýto communicating solutions in print, packaging,ýmotion, interactive, environmental, 3D.ýProject types: Longer more in depth projects, 1 orý2 per term. Possibility of student-generatedýprojects aligned to their individual interests orýin collaboration with work in another class. Maybeýall students work on a different project. ie. Aýtheme is given but they must develop/generateýcontent themselves.

Course number: ILL-264
Prerequisite: n/a

Composition & Drawing


This course provides an introduction to figureýdrawing and composition for beginning students inýall majors who want to develop sound drawing andýobservational skills. Anatomical observationýfocusing on an understanding of skeletalýstructureýand musculature, as well as mechanical functionýand forshortening is highly stressed, andýcomposition and lighting are highlighted duringýclass discussions and demonstrations. Attentionýisýgiven to the role of drawing in conceptualýdevelopment (rough, comp, finish), and artýhistoryýis used to contextualize in-class assignments.ýýNon-Illustration students need approval from theýIllustration Department before registering forýthe class.

Course number: ILL-208
Prerequisite: n/a

Composition & Painting


This class explores the development of figuralýcompositions expressing conceptual themes, theýproportion and structure of the human figure, andýlight and its application to the human form.

Course number: ILL-153
Prerequisite: n/a

Composition for Painting and Film


This class will focus on three aspects of visualýclarity and expression for artists who createýimages both moving and still. Beyond standardizedýcompositional conventions, this class will stressýcritical visual assessment skills, image clarity,ýand image message. 3 Units

Course number: ILL-322A
Prerequisite: n/a

Consumer Products 1


In this class students will develop a 'StyleýGuide' of illustrated and designed assets forýapplication to numerous products such as luggage,ýbackpacks, toys, clothing and digital accessories.ýClass focus will be on Consumer Products for theýentertainment industry and the gift marketplace.ýAll aspects of Style Guide creation will beýidentified and exampled. Students will learn howýto professionally identify trends and how to useýmarket demographics to inform their designs.ýStudents will develop color palettes, chooseýfonts, illustrate characters, icons, and createýgraphics, patterns and borders appropriate for theýconsumer product market.ýIt is advised that students should be proficientýwith advanced skills in Illustrator, Photoshop andýInDesign, as the assets created will need to workýat both large format and small scale and be bultýto professional production standard.

Course number: ILL-301A
Prerequisite: n/a

Contemporary Figurative


This course provides a comprehensive overview ofýfigurative painting; students develop bothýpainting skills and individual points of view.ýStudents will paint in class, in addition to fieldýtrips to Los Angeles galleries and artistsýstudios.

Course number: ILL-201
Prerequisite: n/a

Contemporary Painting Practices


Students will be asked to consider the multitudeýof themes, aesthetics, and theories most relevantýto Contemporary Painting within todays Art World.ýArt History will be examined in relation to how itýis referenced in work as well as how culturalýshifts have required it's re-evaluation. Paintingýassignments will emphasize the options afforded byýModernism and Post-Modernist developments.

Course number: ILL-221
Prerequisite: n/a

Craft Technique Surface Design


In this class you will learn to understand theýadvantages of digital printing through hands onýexperience working with the precedingýtechnologies. Traditional methods of printingýtextiles use a template as a method ofýtransferring a design onto a substrate.ýTechniques taught will include shibori, batik,ýrelief block printing, brush repeats, photograms,ýand stenciling.ý In surface design it is also vitallyýimportant to develop and explore ideas thoroughlyýbefore starting work on the computer. Theýstarting point for a design can come from manyýsources, from a personal idea or a commercialýbrief, and in either case thorough research isýessential. In this class you will learn how toýassemble and present your research ideas toýindustry standard while keeping the context ofýyour design theme relevant to contemporaryýtrends.ý There will be a substantial materials listýfor this class which you will be responsible forýpurchasing.

Course number: ILL-248
Prerequisite: n/a

Craft Workshop


This interdepartmental class will challenge theýstudents to address a participating client projectýbrief with craft-based solutions. Students willýwork individually and in teams. Clients willýprovide research and participate in mid-term andýfinal presentation critique. Leading craftýpractitioners and artists will guest.

Course number: TDS-346A
Prerequisite: n/a

Creative Perspective for Entertainment


Students will take this advanced class to developýan understanding of the use of this drawingýtechnique for the creation of realisticýenvironments and backgrounds. Strong focus onýrigorous drawing assignments

Course number: ILL-256
Prerequisite: n/a

Culture // Craft With Seika KyotoýUniversity


In this course a select group of students willýexperience Japanese culture and craft through aýtrip to Kyoto, a city as rich in it's history andýtradition as it is forward thinking. Hereýstudents will participate in a series of hands-onýworkshops, lectures, and outings in cooperationýwith Seika University. Upon returning toýArtCenter, the students will use their newfoundýknowledge and insight to reexamine SouthernýCalifornian design.ýýAs a hybrid of Surface and Product Design,ýstudents will develop both a design pattern andýhome good product, with the unique opportunity toýdevelop pattern and product side by side. Theyýwill also learn the history and tradition ofýtextile design, and product developmentýtechniques with an eye towards culturalýsensitivity and expression.

Course number: TDS-803
Prerequisite: n/a

Data Visualization 1


Today's data driven culture requires smart andýeffective visual solutions for the purposes ofýexplaining often complex ideas and statistics. Inýthis class students will study and explore aývariety of tools, methods, and strategies forývisually representing data. Student projects willýdemonstrate how to translate and communicateýinformation into stunning visuals in an engaging,ýempathetic, and visually striking manner,ýutilizing principles of drawing, design, color,ýform, and imagination. An understanding of theýprinciples of visual psychology and cognitiveýscience along with graphic design will beýincluded. Through this process your individualýartistic voice will be developed into a uniqueýand powerful communication tool that can beýapplied to project solutions in the DesignMattersýconcentration and beyond.

Course number: ILL-268
Prerequisite: n/a

Data Visualization 2


In this course, students will further study andýexplore the field of data visualization,ýintroducing motion and interactivity.ýIntermediate to advanced tools will be introducedýincluding interactive dashboards (Tableau),ýinteractive data visualizations (JavaScript likeýD3.js and/or R), and animated data visualizationsý(After Effects and Keynote). In addition toýresearch and primary data collection, studentsýwill learn how to mash up data sets that uncoverýhidden insights, natural patterns, and revealýopportunities for complex problem-solving usingýdata driven illustration techniques.

Course number: ILL-328
Prerequisite: n/a

Design and Color for Animation


In this course students will learn theýfoundational skills of design and colorýtheory and how to apply them to both storytellingýand visual narrativesýcommonly used in the animation industry.ýStudents will gain an understanding of how andýwhen to use design, lightingýand color to not only create an Illustration butýalso how to utilize a combinationýof these elements to successfully drive aýnarrative in the service of goodýstorytelling.

Course number: ILL-255A
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Illustration


This is the digital design class that takes itsýstudents beyond the basics of digital illustrationýwith Adobe Illustrator. The goal of this class isýfor students to delve into vector basedýillustration techniques and explore creative, new,ýand unique applications for Illustrator.

Course number: ILL-258
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Landscape


Students will Paint at various locations; studentsýwill learn the principles of landscape painting.ýThis will include traditional methods in gouacheýand acrylic, on location, as well as Photoshopýenhancement techniques in the (lab) classroom.)

Course number: ILL-359
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Life


This new class teaches and refines the art ofýdigital painting in an in class studio environmentýworking from a live model or still life. Variousýtechniques and a wide range of approaches will beýdemonstrated. Students will learn how this realýlife practice strengthens their digital paintingýability even when they are working withoutýreference. As a contrast homework projects willýchallenge the imagination and test the advancementýof your skills.

Course number: ILL-277
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Painting for AnimationýProduction


No career is complete without a thoroughýknowledge of Photoshop. This advanced course willýexplore techniques in digital painting as used inýthe entertainment industry. The course willýencompass all aspects of the tool crib, theýlayers menu, filters, animation, typography,ýselecting process, cut and paste, 3D, andýpreferences. It will cover practical applicationsýsuch as digital matte painting for both liveýaction and animation, as well as digital drawingýfor layout and character design. Photoshop.

Course number: ILL-348
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Storytelling Workshop


In this workshop we will explore digitalýillustration tools and approaches to solvingýstorytelling problems through research andýreference. We will focus on digital paintingýsoftware including Procreate, Clip Studio, andýPhotoshop. You must enroll to attend.

Course number: ILL-010
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Tools for Animation


This class is for mid to upper term entertainmentýstudents seeking familiarity with the newestýdigital tools currently in use in featureýanimation. Taught by a successful industry artistýand published author, this class will focus on aýproject based emphasis tailored to individualýstudent work and will be run workshop style via aý'hands on' method of learning the tools so theyýare applicable to individual student approachesýand styles. Knowledge of these programs is anýessential for the student looking to customizeýtheir work in order to maximize on industryýopportunities upon graduation.

Course number: ILL-350
Prerequisite: n/a

Drawing Concepts 1


In this required first term drawing class studentsýemploy a variety of drawing materials such asýpencil, charcoal, ink wash, and various papers toýinvestigate the difference between representationýand expression.

Course number: ILL-113
Prerequisite: n/a

Drawing Concepts 2


This course encourages students to expand theirýdrawing sensibilities into areas of abstractionýand expressive drawing. Development of personal,ýintrospective image making is emphasized, as wellýas exploration of various media in experimentalýapplications.

Course number: ILL-380
Prerequisite: n/a

Drawing Projects


This mid to upper class will focus in depth onýcombining concept with drawing skills. Focus willýbe on investigation and imagination and breakingýthe student out of familiar territory in areas ofýtechnique and approach. Assignments will beýproject based and exploratory with each studentýencouraged to develop an individualistic approachýwhich advances their drawing repertoire whileýcommunicating ideas for future illustrationýassignment work.

Course number: ILL-220
Prerequisite: n/a

Drawing for Illustration


Life drawing from the nude and clothed model makesýup most of the in-class drawing exercises.ýStudents work in pen and ink and explore otherýmedia including sculptural materials forýindividual expression. Twentieth-century art isýpresented as a means of understanding the range ofýpossibilities of formal and conceptualýrelationships. The final project will reflect theýinterest of each student and help focus onýartistic directions they may take in later terms.ýPersonal expression is encouraged and studentsýbegin the process of finding their own artisticývoice.

Course number: ILL-305
Prerequisite: n/a

Dynamic Environments for Entertainment


This class builds on traditional Perspective andýViscom fundamentals in order to explore and masterýa more integrated approach to creating all typesýof environments full of action and drama,ýemphasizing storytelling.

Course number: ILL-320A
Prerequisite: n/a

Dynamic Sketching for Illustration


Professional entertainment designers use all typesýof visual language to create. The goal of thisýclass is to develop the students' ability toývisually communicate, conceptualize, and expressýtheir creative ideas dynamically via stories andýexperiences. This gives designers and illustratorsýa tool to create new ideas and solve intensiveýproblems through the drawing process. These areýfundamental skills for designers working in theýentertainment industry today.

Course number: ILL-355
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Art Senior Proje


Students will spend 14 weeks developing a body ofýwork in an area of specialization ? i.e.ýstoryboarding, character, environment or matteýpainting for presentation.

Course number: ILL-460
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Arts Project Studio


The Entertainment Arts Project Studio providesýstudents the opportunity to develop a personalýproject with an emphasis on advancing skillsýrequired for creating work for their graduationýportfolio. These projects may address "gaps" in aýstudent's portfolio, or may be used as anýopportunity to focus in depth on areas of strongýpersonal interest. Students will spend 14 weeksýdeveloping a body of work in an area ofýspecialization i.e. storyboarding, characterýdesign, environment, visual development, etc. forýpresentation. Enrollment by application only. ýMust submit a completed Independent Study form toýdepartment by Friday, Week 13.

Course number: ILL-399
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Strategies


Entertainment Strategies for Entertainment Artsý(EA)ýis a dynamic studio and orientation course to helpýIllustration EA students make informed decisionsýrelating to their to career, professional goals,ýmarkets, portfolio, and curricular choices. Actingýas a preparation and stepping stone for PortfolioýDesign Lab, this course takes a deep-dive into theýwide range of markets available for employmentýafter graduation, exploring career paths andýroles, realities of the industry, trends in theýglobal market, and how they can plan forýproject-based, freelance, in- house, domestic andýinternational market opportunities and how theyýstructure their career paths. The final studioýproject will be presented in a personal aestheticýexpression that addresses their understanding ofýIllustration, Entertainment Arts.

Course number: ILL-413
Prerequisite: n/a

Experimental Collection Strategies for S


This class will investigate new methods andýstrategies for innovative collection development.ýTodd Oldham will lead the class with facultyýPatrick Hruby. Projects will be team-based andýinvolve experimentation and investigative studiesýwhich will teach new methodologies of idea andýcollection generation. Students will work in allýmanner of media, including digital, and projectsýwill be realized using the Epson sublimationýprinting machine on various substrates.ýýPre Reqs: Advanced Photoshop and Illustrator,ýIllustration for License, Intro to SurfaceýDesign, Advanced Surface Design for DigitalýPrint. ýýAdmission to class by portfolio review only.ýDetails to be announced. 3 Units

Course number: ILL-418
Prerequisite: n/a

Fashion Career Visits


Los Angeles is home to an exciting diversity ofýdesigners and new fashion companies. Studentsýwill visit designers and engage with themýfirsthand, in order to understand how currentýissues like sustainability and socialýresponsibility are being tackled by the newestýcrop of LA entrepreneurs. Through a series ofýguided field trips and personal introductions,ýstudents will: Define the companies' philosophy;ýunderstand the client base; define aesthetic andýconceptual bases for each company; and develop aýcomplete understanding of the companies'ýmanufacturing practices. Project work will beýpart of the final. The working list of LA visitsýincludes Dosa, Oona Erlich, Spenser Nikosey, andýApolis.

Course number: ILL-337
Prerequisite: n/a

Fashion Drawing 1


Drawing is the principal tool for fashion andýsurface design. It is skill that can be learned,ýand once acquired allows for instant recordingýand ease of communication of fashion and surfaceýdesign concepts. Fashion garments take their formýfrom the figure beneath-the figure provides theýframework underpinning the architecture of theýgarments above-so critical to good fashionýdrawing is the ability to draw the figure-theý'fashion figure'-accurately and elegantly.ý This class will cover the skills involved inýdrawing fashion from the all-important correctýdrafting of the underlying 'fashion figure' toýthe depiction of the fully-clothed croquisýdisplaying skilled rendition of a wide range ofýdifferent garments and fabrics. ý Besides learning the techniques for drawingýfashion, students will learn about theýconstruction of garments, the terminology used inýfashion design and construction and how to styleýthe fashion figure for different markets.ý Classes will include the use of fashionýmodels and industry speakers; garments and fabricýsamples will be available for demonstration.

Course number: ILL-219
Prerequisite: n/a

Fashion Masterclass With Bil Donovan


Fashion Illustration legend Bil Donovan of NewýYork will teach an exclusive workshop forýArtCenter students over three consecutiveýSaturdays. Each day will be directed and taught byýBil, including his demos and critique. Studentsýwill work remotely from a live model andýphotographs. The first meeting will set up theýprocess of analyzing the figure through the use ofýstylized shape and line. In the second, studentsýwill employ brush and ink techniques toýcommunicate the figure based upon their first-weekýexplorations. In the third, students will continueýto explore shape and line through various media,ýpastels, ink, and crayon, in order to achieve aýuniquely stylized fashion illustration.

Course number: ILL-015
Prerequisite: n/a

Generative Design: Transmedia


This course will explore the ways in which newýtools, technologies, and techniques are impactingýthe expanding field of graphic design. Studentsýwill use code to generate form, working withýalgorithmically driven type and image acrossýscreen, print, and space while examining how thisýapproach to design is situated within historical,ýcontemporary, and future contexts.

Course number: ILL-362A
Prerequisite: n/a

Google Doodle


In this course, students will design a GoogleýDoodle, or interrelated series of Google Doodles. ýPlease note that members of the Google Doodle teamýwill be visiting the studio over the course of theýsemester, briefing students on the real-worldýprocess of developing Doodles, and serving asýguest critics along the way.ýýIn all cases, students will be asked to challengeýthe current limits of the Google Doodle,ýre-imagining and expanding the role that theýDoodles could play in the world. For example:ýcould Google Doodles encourage positive behavioralýchanges? promote products or services? organizeýpolitical action? be customized by the user? beýoffered as a subscription? or something else? ýWhat might Google Doodles be like in the future?ýStudents will have the opportunity to consider theýwhole Google Doodle engagement, from beginning toýend-not merely the appearance of the logo, but theýrelated animation (if any), whatever the Doodleýlinks to (a game? entertainment? information?),ýand the call to action (if any).ýýOpen to upper term (5th term or higher) studentsýin Illustration, Interaction Design, EntertainmentýDesign, Graphic Design, and Advertising

Course number: ILL-392
Prerequisite: n/a

Gouache Techniques


Heavier, and more opaque than watercolor, withýgreat color saturation and ease of coverage,ýGouache is one of the most versatile mediums forýany Illustrator to master. Traditionally used forýboth quick ideation and finished pieces, Gouacheýhas been used by top illustrators working in allýsubject matter ranging from children's books toýentertainment artwork for decades. It'sýdurability, ease of handling at any scale andývibrancy on the page are qualities this mediumýguarantees. Learn a variety of techniques forýworking beautifully and effectively from nature orýin more controlled circumstances where highýquality and a refinement of detail are required.

Course number: ILL-209
Prerequisite: n/a

Graphic Design for Entertainments Arts


Paul Roger's graphic work for "TheýIncredibles" gave the movie part of itsýdistinctive and highly influential style. Learnýhow to design and draw on graphic influences andýunderstand how to employ themes from the historicýand modern world of signage, logos and designýhistory to your feature animation projects.

Course number: ILL-339
Prerequisite: n/a

Guided Study


Course number: ILL-976
Prerequisite: n/a

Head & Hands


This class will study the gesture, sculpturalýaspects, basic structure and proportion of theýhead and hands through direct observation, valueýand analysis.

Course number: ILL-167
Prerequisite: n/a

Head to Toe BERLIN Culture


This course will explore the design, fashion andýtextile industry in Berlin. Through field tripsýto designer studios, museums, input from guestýspeakers and studio work sessions, students willýdevelop a collection of "head-to-toe" ideas inýapparel, footwear and accessories.ýýThrough field trips to designer studios, museums,ýinput from guest speakers and studio workýsessions, students will develop a collection ofý"head-to-toe" ideas in apparel, footwear andýaccessories.

Course number: SAP-876D
Prerequisite: n/a

Head to Toe BERLIN Stu 1


This course will explore the design, fashion andýtextile industry in Berlin. Through field tripsýto designer studios, museums, input from guestýspeakers and studio work sessions, students willýdevelop a collection of "head-to-toe" ideas inýapparel, footwear and accessories.ýýThrough field trips to designer studios, museums,ýinput from guest speakers and studio workýsessions, students will develop a collection ofý"head-to-toe" ideas in apparel, footwear andýaccessories.

Course number: SAP-876A
Prerequisite: n/a

Head to Toe BERLIN Stu 2


This course will explore the design, fashion andýtextile industry in Berlin. Through field tripsýto designer studios, museums, input from guestýspeakers and studio work sessions, students willýdevelop a collection of "head-to-toe" ideas inýapparel, footwear and accessories.ýýThrough field trips to designer studios, museums,ýinput from guest speakers and studio workýsessions, students will develop a collection ofý"head-to-toe" ideas in apparel, footwear andýaccessories.

Course number: SAP-876B
Prerequisite: n/a

Head to Toe BERLIN Stu 3


This course will explore the design, fashion andýtextile industry in Berlin. Through field tripsýto designer studios, museums, input from guestýspeakers and studio work sessions, students willýdevelop a collection of "head-to-toe" ideas inýapparel, footwear and accessories.ýýThrough field trips to designer studios, museums,ýinput from guest speakers and studio workýsessions, students will develop a collection ofý"head-to-toe" ideas in apparel, footwear andýaccessories.

Course number: SAP-876C
Prerequisite: n/a

Historical Environments: Matte Painting


A thorough and integrated knowledge of history,ýboth ancient and modern as it relates to costume,ýprops and architectural styles is a must for anyýsuccessful matte painter. Your success lies inýauthentic reconstructions and a truly accurateýrendition of all details based on theýunderstanding of the key design principles thatýdefine each era. The class commences with anýexploration of depictions of ancient cultures,ýthen contrasts that foundation with the modernýperiod, ending with an opportunity to test yourýlogic and imagination in futuristic scenarios.ýPre-requisite ILL 106 (or FND 106), ILL 150 andýILL 359

Course number: ILL-391
Prerequisite: n/a

ILL-248 or TDS-346A


Pseudo Course Block

Course number: ILL-248.PC
Prerequisite: n/a

ILL-258 Digital Waiver Test


ILL-258 Digital Waiver Test

Course number: DWT-258
Prerequisite: n/a

ILL-258, ILL-359, or ILL-277


Psuedo course block

Course number: ILL-258.PC
Prerequisite: n/a

ILL-277 or ILL-258


Psuedo course block

Course number: ILL-277.PC3
Prerequisite: n/a

ILL-277 or ILL-298


Pseudo Course Block

Course number: ILL-277.PC1
Prerequisite: n/a

ILL-277 or ILL-298


Pseudo course block

Course number: ILL-277.PC2
Prerequisite: n/a

ILL-277, ILL-258, ILL-298 or ILL-348


Psuedo course block

Course number: ILL-298.PC
Prerequisite: n/a

ILL-277, ILL-258, or ILL-259


Psuedo course block

Course number: ILL-277.PC
Prerequisite: n/a

ILL-305 or ILL-204


Psuedo course block

Course number: ILL-305.PC
Prerequisite: n/a

ILL-326 or ILL-103


Pseudo Course Block

Course number: ILL-326.PC
Prerequisite: n/a

Idea Lab


Entertainment design, when inspired byýobservation and exposure through live research,ýtranscends mimicry, giving birth to trulyýauthentic design. Idea Lab emulates the workingýprocesses of conceptualizing for creativeýmoviemaking. Students will engage in directýresearch: targeted field trips exploring the richýcultural fabric of Los Angeles; working withýactors; and acquiring data from physical researchýand investigating literary sources. Then theyýwill develop their research, creating styleýboards and imagery. There will be fourýproject-based trips and a final.

Course number: ILL-383
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustrated Journalism (DM)


Study visual and narrative devices used in comics,ýstorytelling and journalism. Lectures focus onýcomic structure, how various artists visuallyýcapture real-life incidents and issues and turnýthem into compelling stories. Through in-classýexercises and projects, students work with memoir,ýnews events, adaptation and historical fiction.

Course number: ILL-387
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustrating for the New York Times


This class is designed as a bridge from art schoolýto the real world. We will focus on assignmentsýfor all sections of The New York Times, and theýconcepts from those projects will carry over toýall forms of editorial illustration for today'sýmarket. Students will expand their basicýunderstanding of the role illustration plays in aýdaily newspaper, and explore a variety ofýillustration assignments (political, narrative,ýhumorous, culture, lifestyle, news, human rights,ýenvironmental, and emotional/psychological) andýlearn to develop conceptual approaches to creatingývisual images that express the complex issues ofýcontemporary life.

Course number: ILL-179A
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustration Design


The philosophies of twentieth and twenty-firstýcentury leaders in design provide a platform forýthe exploration of the merging of the aestheticsýof graphic design with contemporary illustrationýpractice. Strong emphasis on conceptualýproblem-solving approaches and a rigor in matchingýform to content. Projects are geared towardýcontemporary and innovative work able to addressýboth traditional and emerging markets.ýý

Course number: ILL-260
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustration Design Lab


"Illustration Design Lab is an advancedýillustration class that explores the range ofýimage-making approaches available at theýintersection of contemporary illustration andýgraphic design in a lab atmosphere. Drawing andýpainting, photography, typography and digitalýmedia serve as the basis for an exploration of theýpossibilities inherent in hybrid techniques andýapproaches available to the contemporary artist.ýUsing models from graphic design, illustration,ýand fine art relevant to each week's exploration,ýstudents acquire a powerful arsenal of tools forýcontemporary image-making with infiniteýapplications. The class will alternate betweenýstudio and computer lab, emphasizing speed,ýproductivity and mobility across both traditionalýand digital media."

Course number: ILL-261
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustration Internship


Course number: ILL-900
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustration Now!


Illustration Department orientation classý

Course number: ILL-101
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustration Strategies


Illustration Strategies is a dynamic studio andýorientation course to help Illustration Designýstudents make informed decisions in regards toýcareer, professional goals, markets, portfolio,ýand curricular choices. Acting as a preparationýand stepping stone for Portfolio Design Lab, thisýcourse takes a deep-dive into the wide range ofýmarkets available for employment after graduation,ýexploring the pros and cons of the realities ofýfreelance, in-house, and entrepreneurial careerýpaths. Comprehensive profiles of recentýIllustration Design graduates complete a detailedýcareer picture, clarifying where those grads findýwork and what that work looks like. Guest speakersýprovide further real-world context to multipleýcareer options, all informing student marketýresearch and presentations, enabling students toýmake smart and informed decisions throughout theirýupper terms, and strategically preparing them forýthe challenges of Portfolio Design Lab and theirýgraduating term. Students will complete a majorýportfolio project reflecting this clearýunderstanding of career direction as they headýinto their upper terms. This is required fifthýterm class for all Illustration Design trackýstudents.

Course number: ILL-361A
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustration Studio Elective


Course number: ILL-TRNSFR
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustration Style for TV


2D flat graphic artwork is the hallmark ofýtelevision animation. Artwork for TV is specific,ýlinear, color blocked, original and the domain ofýthe Illustrator.ýThis class offers a TV oriented approach toýlayout, design, background painting, and characterýdesign specifically tailored to the needs of TVýanimation and production. The class will focus onýstylizing environments and characters. Studentsýwill learn how to create environments specific toýtelevision and short cartoon animation and how toýutilize techniques which achieve faster results,ýwithout sacrificing illustration design concepts.ýStudents will work with a combination ofýtraditional mediums, gouache, acrylic and inks, asýwell as Photoshop.

Course number: ILL-281
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustration for License


Decorative products which utilize Illustrationýhave altered the discourse of contemporary design.ýBy refranchising figuration, decoration and theýhands on process Illustration has reestablishedýitself in a new setting and a new market:ýThe interior, either residential or commercial,ýon furnishings and on soft goods such as fabricsýand wallpapers.ýGain an overview of this emerging market, throughýthe hands on development of a series of projectsýwhich will transform our illustrations from the 2ýdimensional page to an environmental reality.ýThere will be some materials and productionýexpenses associated with this class that you willýbe responsible for.ýýýý

Course number: ILL-379
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustration for License: Surf & SkateýEdition


Decorative products that utilize illustration haveýaltered the discourse of contemporary design. Inýthis topic studio you will design graphics andýprints for a skate deck and other items as part ofýa surf/skate collection, with marketing feedbackýfrom Quiksilver's Randy Hild, AJ Dungo, and otherýindustry pros. Gain an overview of this expandingýmarket, through the hands-on development of aýseries of projects that will transform our designsýand illustrations from the 2-dimensional page to aýshreddable reality. There will be materials andýproduction expenses associated with this class.

Course number: ILL-379A
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustration for Publishing


Students will understand what is available to themýin the marketplace in terms of publishing outlets,ýincluding editorial, children's market, consumerýproduct guides for entertainment, book covers, andýeven self-publishing. Student will go through aýseries of short assignments that focus on work forýone or more of these markets. A component of theýclass will be a longer production assignment of aýfirst professional portfolio.ýýý

Course number: ILL-377
Prerequisite: n/a

Illustrative Storytelling


In this class students will learn to develop theirýstorytelling skills, which are vital to allýaspects of Illustration. Students will studyýexamples detailing the sophistication and purposeýof a visual narrative, from traditionalýillustration to present day interpretations.ýStudents will learn classic compositionalýformulation in order to create pieces with meaningýand context, enabling them to work successfully inýthe future when developing ideas, whether that isýwith an Art Director or while inventing a visualýfrom a text for their own projects. Throughout theýterm, students will study narrative principles ofýgesture, abstract design, contrast, and focalýpoints. Class assignments will emphasize a scenicýand literal approach to storytelling. Studentsýwill read and work from various classic and modernýtexts that reflect a contemporary point of view.

Course number: ILL-315
Prerequisite: n/a

Image and Idea


An introduction to the conceptual strategiesýavailable to the visual artist, the crucial linkýbetween text and image, and creative approachesýfor giving visual form to abstract concepts andýideas. Particular emphasis is placed on rigor inýmatching form to content, risk-taking andýnon-literal thinking. Projects are aimed atýbuilding a strong conceptual skill-base with theýflexibility and confidence to addressýconventional, emerging and future markets.

Course number: ILL-253
Prerequisite: n/a



Even though most character development is done onýcomputer, it is imperative for students to exploreýthe 3-dimensional "common sense" of organic formsýin a hands-on way. This class will explore anatomyýand zoological similarities and differences in aývariety of animals. By studying their mechanics,ýstudents will observe how levers and fulcrumsýfunction.

Course number: ILL-381
Prerequisite: n/a

Information Design


This class is concerned with the processes andýprocedures of understanding and ordering complexýdata into useful and persuasive information tools.

Course number: ILL-345A
Prerequisite: n/a

Intro to Maya and 3D Animation


This course introduces students to theýfundamentals of character and motion-basedýanimation, with emphasis on story, acting, cameraýand animation. Students will use the toolsýavailable in the Maya software package for theýcreation of CG animation. Topics covered includeýmodeling, basic character set up, animation,ýshading, lighting and rendering. The fundamentalýconcepts of digital animation and storytellingýwill be emphasized.

Course number: ILL-210
Prerequisite: n/a

Intro to Textile/Surface Desgn


This class is an introduction to the surfaceýdesign realm, for both interior design and softýgoods use. The class is best suited to studentsýwho are interested in developing an understandingýof this field and whose work and ideas exhibit aýnatural sense of style and design. Students willýpractice and learn the process of transformingýtheir illustrations into successful surfaceýdesign applications via a series of in classýprojects and homework assignments designed toýbuild upon each other. The process of developingýa design, creating different repeat systems,ýpresenting different design approaches, buildingýa collection based upon a theme and creatingýworking color palettes will be covered. Finalýdesigns will be produced and printed large scaleýon fabric.ýThere will be guest faculty designers from theýindustry and related field trips. There will beýproduction expenses associated with this classýwhich you will be responsible for.

Course number: ILL-335
Prerequisite: n/a

Introduction to Fashion Illustration


Fashion is more influential than ever, andýfashion illustration is one route to a greatýillustration career.ýThere is much to learn. This class offers aýthorough study of the most famous practitionersýof great fashion illustration, concentrating onýhow drawing and painting style in fashion hasýreflected both culture and attitudes throughoutýthe decades. Students will be working towardsýcreating their own original fashion Illustrationýtechnique. Projects will be supported by fieldýtrips, guest lectures, demos, documentaries andýguest faculty projects focusing on areas ofýspecialization within fashion illustration,ýincluding beauty. There will be emphasis onýdeveloping fashion knowledge, awareness ofýevolving fashion culture, and analysis andýprediction of trends. Class work will be analogýand digital, with a specific online component.ýStudents will work from live models and fromýreference materials.

Course number: ILL-218
Prerequisite: n/a

Introduction to Matte Painting


Expands on digital and traditional skills learnedýin Landscape Painting. Students will understandýhow to make design choices in their work thatýreflect the requirements of the story or projectsýthey are working in.

Course number: ILL-370
Prerequisite: n/a

Inventive Character 1


Students will learn the basics of characterýthrough the understanding of story. Students willýdevelop the ability to realize characters in aývariety of mannerisms through drawing andýpainting. Students will do a 3-d mold of theirýcharacter in the final weeks of the class.

Course number: ILL-371
Prerequisite: n/a

Inventive Costume


In this class students will learn advanced figureýdrawing of the clothed figure, starting with theýbasics of folds and drapery and progressing toýin-depth research of clothing and costume fromýmultiple historical periods, cultures, and socialýstatuses. This course will explore costume choicesýwithin storytelling and in particular assess howýcostumes reveal the subtext that defines andýsupports a character's personality.

Course number: ILL-285
Prerequisite: n/a

Inventive Drawing I


In Inventive Drawing 1, students study traditionalýlife drawing & narrative composition in class, andýpracticecharacter drawing, design and compositionýas homework assignments. Studentslearn theýspecifics of character drawing and design, how toýcreate personality and casts of characters.ýStudents produce a large volume of observationalýwork in class, then use skills gained to developýimagined characters at home.

Course number: ILL-254
Prerequisite: n/a



Make great work and know why you are doing it.ýJumpstart gives fifth term Illustration Designýtrack students an early start on preparation forýthe demands and rigor of their senior graduatingýclass: Portfolio Design Lab. Students will workýin a highly creative studio atmosphere withýmultiple faculty and gain a clearer understandingýof their own unique voice at an earlier stage,ýand will work on identifying and creatingýprofessional level portfolio samples that alignýthat voice through media that translates toýtoday's marketplace demands. Together we willýexplore the exciting range of available marketsýand career paths available after graduation, andýdevelop an early career strategy to bring a selfýdriven and informed focus to the upper termýexperience. Students will align voice to careerýpath, and greatly benefit from an earlyýintroduction to professional portfolio practices.ýStudents will also prepare for their Fifth TermýReview within the structure of this courseýthrough the active development of their digitalýportfolio, gaining presentation skills throughýrehearsal well in advance of the Review. Workingýtogether with multiple faculty and utilizingýfeedback from their fifth term reviews, studentsýwill also identify a clear and effectiveýcurricular plan for their remaining terms,ýallowing them to polish necessary skill sets,ýinnovate new samples identifying future classesýand importantly, potential internships to helpýthem achieve their goals.

Course number: ILL-324
Prerequisite: n/a

Just Vibin: Design for Atmosphere


In this class students will design a wallcovering,ýa textile, and two related items for a hospitalityýenvironment, with an eye toward creating anýimmersive mood. Students will work with aýselection of themes and create an identity whichýis harmonious and uplifting for digital events orýsocially-distanced gatherings. Our template willýbe Brooklyn's Ethel's Club, Proper Hotel, and TheýJungalow. Guest artists from these projects willýparticipate. Inspiration starts with JustinaýBlakeney, Nathalie Lété, and Sheila Bridges. "Weýbelieve that good design increases quality ofýlife. We believe that creativity, not wealth, isýthe key." - Justina Blakeney

Course number: ILL-396
Prerequisite: n/a

Kite Workshop


Build and fly a kite of your own design under theýmentorship of master kite designers George Petersýand Melanie Walker of AIRWORKS STUDIO, Boulder,ýColorado. Materials will be provided, either toýpick up at the 1111 building or by mail. You willýbe able to apply your illustrations or designs toýthe surface of your kite.ýStudents will learn the history of kite making,ýthe role of contemporary kites used forýcommunications and festivals, and how kites areýused in interior installations.

Course number: ILL-017
Prerequisite: n/a

Konstfack H&S 1


Konstfack, or University College of Arts, Craftsýand Design, is the largest art and design schoolýin Sweden. Every year, over 900 students areýenrolled in Bachelor's and Master's programs,ýTeacher Education classes and Professionalýcourses. Konstfack is located in Stockholm, theýlargest city and capital of Sweden. Classes areýheld in the school's main building, an oldýtelephone factory transformed by architect GertýWingardh into a modernist structure. Konstfackýboasts some of the best facilities available at anýart and design school. The school is equipped withýcomputer labs, woodwork and metalwork shops,ýscreen-printing and textile printing facilities,ýweaving room, color workshop, graphics workshop,ýphoto and TV studios, glassworks, ceramicsýworkshop, and studios for sculpture and painting.ýKonstfack is a school with internationalýcharacter. It has exchange agreements with some 60ýuniversities and colleges. Exchange students haveýthe opportunity to interact and work with studentsýfrom Sweden and 25 other countries.

Course number: HSAP-815A
Prerequisite: n/a

Konstfack Studio 1


Konstfack, or University College of Arts, Craftsýand Design, is the largest art and design schoolýin Sweden. Every year, over 900 students areýenrolled in Bachelor's and Master's programs,ýTeacher Education classes and Professionalýcourses. Konstfack is located in Stockholm, theýlargest city and capital of Sweden. Classes areýheld in the school's main building, an oldýtelephone factory transformed by architect GertýWingardh into a modernist structure. Konstfackýboasts some of the best facilities available at anýart and design school. The school is equipped withýcomputer labs, woodwork and metalwork shops,ýscreen-printing and textile printing facilities,ýweaving room, color workshop, graphics workshop,ýphoto and TV studios, glassworks, ceramicsýworkshop, and studios for sculpture and painting.ýKonstfack is a school with internationalýcharacter. It has exchange agreements with some 60ýuniversities and colleges. Exchange students haveýthe opportunity to interact and work with studentsýfrom Sweden and 25 other countries.

Course number: ILL-815A
Prerequisite: n/a

Konstfack Studio 2


Konstfack, or University College of Arts, Craftsýand Design, is the largest art and design schoolýin Sweden. Every year, over 900 students areýenrolled in Bachelor's and Master's programs,ýTeacher Education classes and Professionalýcourses. Konstfack is located in Stockholm, theýlargest city and capital of Sweden. Classes areýheld in the school's main building, an oldýtelephone factory transformed by architect GertýWingardh into a modernist structure. Konstfackýboasts some of the best facilities available at anýart and design school. The school is equipped withýcomputer labs, woodwork and metalwork shops,ýscreen-printing and textile printing facilities,ýweaving room, color workshop, graphics workshop,ýphoto and TV studios, glassworks, ceramicsýworkshop, and studios for sculpture and painting.ýKonstfack is a school with internationalýcharacter. It has exchange agreements with some 60ýuniversities and colleges. Exchange students haveýthe opportunity to interact and work with studentsýfrom Sweden and 25 other countries.

Course number: ILL-815B
Prerequisite: n/a

Konstfack Studio 3


Konstfack, or University College of Arts, Craftsýand Design, is the largest art and design schoolýin Sweden. Every year, over 900 students areýenrolled in Bachelor's and Master's programs,ýTeacher Education classes and Professionalýcourses. Konstfack is located in Stockholm, theýlargest city and capital of Sweden. Classes areýheld in the school's main building, an oldýtelephone factory transformed by architect GertýWingardh into a modernist structure. Konstfackýboasts some of the best facilities available at anýart and design school. The school is equipped withýcomputer labs, woodwork and metalwork shops,ýscreen-printing and textile printing facilities,ýweaving room, color workshop, graphics workshop,ýphoto and TV studios, glassworks, ceramicsýworkshop, and studios for sculpture and painting.ýKonstfack is a school with internationalýcharacter. It has exchange agreements with some 60ýuniversities and colleges. Exchange students haveýthe opportunity to interact and work with studentsýfrom Sweden and 25 other countries.

Course number: ILL-815C
Prerequisite: n/a

Konstfack Studio 4


Konstfack, or University College of Arts, Craftsýand Design, is the largest art and design schoolýin Sweden. Every year, over 900 students areýenrolled in Bachelor's and Master's programs,ýTeacher Education classes and Professionalýcourses. Konstfack is located in Stockholm, theýlargest city and capital of Sweden. Classes areýheld in the school's main building, an oldýtelephone factory transformed by architect GertýWingardh into a modernist structure. Konstfackýboasts some of the best facilities available at anýart and design school. The school is equipped withýcomputer labs, woodwork and metalwork shops,ýscreen-printing and textile printing facilities,ýweaving room, color workshop, graphics workshop,ýphoto and TV studios, glassworks, ceramicsýworkshop, and studios for sculpture and painting.ýKonstfack is a school with internationalýcharacter. It has exchange agreements with some 60ýuniversities and colleges. Exchange students haveýthe opportunity to interact and work with studentsýfrom Sweden and 25 other countries.

Course number: ILL-815D
Prerequisite: n/a

LEAP Symposium Publication


Make a book. Inspire the future. ýýWith the endorsement of the National Endowmentýfor the Arts, LEAP: the New Professional Frontierýin Design for Social Innovation will focus on theýemerging career paths for designers in a socialýinnovation context. The symposium includes a veryýdynamic brain trust of leaders: Allan Chochinový(Core77/SVA), William Drenttel (Design Observer),ýLee Davis (NESsT), Robert Fabricant (frog), andýJocelyn Wyatt (, and we are expectingý100 people from various fields to join us asýparticipants, grappling with the questions toýhelp build a better future for artists andýdesigners. We will be part of the dialogue. Theýevent will take place on Thursday, September 19-ýSaturday, Sept 21 where students will have theýopportunity to draw, photograph, write, makeýcomics, and sketch. ýýIn this class, a select number of students willýcreate an Illustration-driven publication aboutýthis new field of social innovation, addressingýimproved working conditions, education, andýcommunity development. The student team willýcreate a downloadable PDF and print on demandývisual journal that will be used to inspireýsocial designers around the world.

Course number: ILL-347
Prerequisite: n/a

London Ancient and Modern


This project comprises a spring term classýimmediately followed by 10 days in London.ýStudents follow a given brief in the class, whichýfocuses on the development and production of aýCalifornia-centric project which focuses on theýculture. Students work alone on their projectsýresulting in 12 individualized researchedýapproaches. Students then showcase their projectsýto leading designers in London and host anýexhibition of their work there. Students areýgraded at the end of the trip for their projectýwork and class participation during term atýArtCenter and their participation and engagementýoverseas.

Course number: HSAP-829A
Prerequisite: n/a

London Ancient and Modern


This project comprises a spring term classýimmediately followed by 10 days in London.ýStudents follow a given brief in the class, whichýfocuses on the development and production of aýCalifornia-centric project which focuses on theýculture. Students work alone on their projectsýresulting in 12 individualized researchedýapproaches. Students then showcase their projectsýto leading designers in London and host anýexhibition of their work there. Students areýgraded at the end of the trip for their projectýwork and class participation during term atýArtCenter and their participation and engagementýoverseas.

Course number: ILL-829A
Prerequisite: n/a

London Ancient/Modern


London provokes and inspires. This Spring Termýyou will create a personal project based on aýgiven theme and then in the Spring Break fly toýLondon, where each day you will be immersed inýthe heady mix of style and culture high and low.ýLearn to think about these influences the way theýBritish do. Everything is inspiration and youýwill get the opportunity to present your projectsýto some of the leading thinkers and tastemakersýof this global, inclusive, and ever-changingýinternational city. Come and see what all theýfuss is about.ýýOpen to all majors with 3.00 GPA and above.ýApplication for this class is by portfolio andýinterview only. Students will be responsible forýrelated expenses.

Course number: SAP-829A
Prerequisite: n/a

Maker's Lab


Makers' Lab is an Illustration project-basedýworkshop, connected to specific classes within theýIllustration Design and Surface Design tracks.ýGuest presenters will offer insights into newýtechniques. Students will have the opportunity toýlearn and implement a variety of new skills,ýincluding Risograph printing, bookbinding, surfaceýprinting, silkscreen, heat press printing andýmore.

Course number: ILL-352A
Prerequisite: n/a

Makers Lab Workshop


Makers' Lab is an illustration project-basedýworkshop, connected to specific classes within theýIllustration Design and Surface Design tracks.ýGuest presenters will offer insights into newýtechniques. Students will have the opportunity toýlearn and implement a variety of new skills,ýincluding Risograph printing, bookbinding, surfaceýprinting, silkscreen, heat press printing andýmore.

Course number: ILL-009
Prerequisite: n/a

Media Experimentation


This course introduces students to experimentationýwith various media and techniques, as well as withýimagery and content.

Course number: ILL-267
Prerequisite: n/a

Motion Design 1


Motion Design 1 is the first course where studentsýlearn how to bring their design to life in motion.ýStudents will use their foundation learningýoutcome in typography, image based development andýillustration studies to develop their creativeýsuggestion before choreographing their solutionsýinto animated form. Faculty will teach studentsýthe proper creative workflow as a motion designerýfrom concept to final product. MD1 will feature aýseries of smaller in-class and homeworkýassignments to build toward producing 2 largerýterm projects.

Course number: ILL-211A
Prerequisite: n/a

Motion Design 2


Course number: ILL-265
Prerequisite: n/a

New Berlin Collective - Visual TravelýJournal


Fourteen week class - 12 weeks at Art Center, twoýweeks in Berlin during pre-Fall breakýýThis unique study-away opportunity allowsýstudents to experience the history and engageýwith the vital artistic culture of theýfascinating European city of Berlin. Studentsýwill design and create personal travel journalsýof illustrations based on their experiencesýabroad.

Course number: SAP-875A
Prerequisite: n/a

New Eye on Berlin


Berlin, like its sister city Los Angeles, embodiesýthe cultural triumphs that can occur when aýsociety champions diversity and inclusion in itsýcreative community. This year's project will focusýon Die Brücke (The Bridge) movement. Throughoutýthe Summer 2021 term at ArtCenter in Pasadena, weýwill partner with the HMCT and Archetype Press toýenable students to produce a series of letterpressýprints, as well as printed ephemera in multiples,ýbased on the foundations of the Die Brückeýmovement. These items will be sent to Berlin andýwill be presented in an innovative gallery Pop-Upýexhibition. Students will meet for conversationývia Zoom with artists and designers in Berlinýduring the term.

Course number: ILL-801C
Prerequisite: n/a

New Eye on Berlin


Eye on Berlin seeks to inspire students from ArtýCenter to begin a purposeful, meaningful dialogueýwith the citizens of Berlin. Students will beýencouraged to design and produce inclusive,ýpositive image based materials intended to bridgeýthe widening cultural gaps between marginalizedýgroups in both cities.

Course number: ILL-801D
Prerequisite: n/a

New Eye on Berlin Continuation


Berlin, like its sister city Los Angeles, embodiesýthe cultural triumphs that can occur when aýsociety champions diversity and inclusion in itsýcreative community. This year's project will focusýon Die Brücke (The Bridge) movement. Throughoutýthe Summer 2021 term at ArtCenter in Pasadena, weýwill partner with the HMCT and Archetype Press toýenable students to produce a series of letterpressýprints, as well as printed ephemera in multiples,ýbased on the foundations of the Die Brückeýmovement. These items will be sent to Berlin andýwill be presented in an innovative gallery Pop-Upýexhibition. Students will meet for conversationývia Zoom with artists and designers in Berlinýduring the term.

Course number: ILL-801CC
Prerequisite: n/a



The portrait, be it a likeness or abstract, kind,ýor a commentary, is king in any illustratorsýportfolio in editorial, on book covers orýentertainment character work. This class involvesýdiscussion of the enduring importance of theýportrait, analysis of successful examples, and anýexploration of various approaches and techniques.ýStudents will create a variety of highly originalýinterpretive portraits of todays famous faces fromýthe worlds of music, sport, art, science, fashionýand film.

Course number: ILL-318
Prerequisite: n/a

Nude Body


A continuation of contemporary figurativeýpainting....ýýChallenging and back in focus, representationalýpainting is undergoing a resurgence of popularity.ýThis course looks at new source material, bothýcontemporary and historical and new perspectivesýon this classical subject taking influences fromýthe medical, journalistic, photographic, andýcinematic depiction of the body, in repose or inýaction. The development of a strong, adaptableýskill-set will be emphasized.

Course number: ILL-325
Prerequisite: n/a

Ocean Impact: Science & Storytelling forýIllustrators


In partnership with the Aquarium of the Pacificýin Long Beach, Illustration students will exploreýocean-based topics that impact both marine andýterrestrial life, including climate change,ýrising sea levels, and animal extinction in theýglobal ocean. Through a mix of visual mediaýstudents will explore ways in which scientificýdata can be communicated through design andýcreative storytelling. Students must be fifthýterm or above.

Course number: ILL-317
Prerequisite: n/a

On the Fence


"On the fence" is strictly a mural/ installationýcourse (outdoor, indoor, window, wall) forýillustrators and designers who were interested inýlarge scale work. This is a fully collaborativeýgroup course with emphasis on large scale work,ýtechniques, process, art direction and context.ýThere will be several assignments covering aýrange of topics, which may include news, currentýevents, ideas and awareness issues and studentsýare to work to the given brief.

Course number: ILL-346
Prerequisite: n/a

Open for Business


This workshop is packed full of advice, practicalýinformation and inspirational dialogue aboutýbusiness.ýA new topic will be covered each week. Studentsýwill meet and hear from business experts as wellýas creative practitioners who have launchedýsuccessful careers in Illustration. Practicalýinformation including tax guides, invoiceýtemplates, and platform recommendations will beýcovered in a weekly digital information sheetýavailable to those who enroll.ýTopics covered will include: Business etiquette,ýthe art of negotiation, ethics, project managementýand billing, small business management, contracts,ýbookkeeping, taxes, planning promotion, copyright,ýCV writing, press releases, promotion, socialýmedia, websites, entrepreneurship, e-commerce, andýhandling proposals for larger commissions.

Course number: ILL-016
Prerequisite: n/a

Painting Concepts


This course will teach students to expand theirýpainting techniques beyond classical realistýmodes. Through a robustýsurvey and exploration of materials,ýcolors and applications, students will considerýand apply the aesthetic andýconceptual developments initiated by Modernism,ýAbstraction, Post Modernism and beyond.

Course number: ILL-213
Prerequisite: n/a

Painting Projects


Through experimentation, research, making, andýcritical conversation, students will develop aýbody of work that generates and addresses theirýown questions about painting. Students willýconfront the material nature of paint andýconsider their work in an art historical contextýas well as being engaged with the contemporaryýdialogue in fine art. 3 Units

Course number: ILL-417
Prerequisite: n/a

Paperchase: Surface Design for PaperýGoods


In response to electronic overload, the trend inýthe stationary and gift industry market has beenýto bring back meaning and eclectic beauty to artýand paper. This Paper Goods for Surface Designýclass will capture the spirit of the personalýtouch by transforming stylized illustration andýcraft beyond the ordinary on stationary,ýjournals, gift wrap, bags, tags, partyýaccessories, cards, and more. The course willýfocus on cohesive paper goods collections usingýresearch, various printing techniques, upcomingýtrends, and modern themes.

Course number: ILL-386
Prerequisite: n/a

Pattern and Style for Surface Design


This class will introduce Surface Design studentsýto the fundamentals of style and surface.ýStudents will earn how to understand and dissectýa contemporary trend that is capturing the marketýand the imagination of the world. By recognizingýand identifying the key elements that form itsýlanguage, and evolving a color palette thatýacknowledges past and present interpretations,ýstudents will build knowledge gained into theýsuccessful creation of a cohesive body of iconsýand textures for use in surface design projects.ýThis class will be hands-on and involve severalýdifferent substrates and processes. Students willýbe responsible for some expenses. 3 Units

Course number: ILL-385
Prerequisite: n/a

Pattern and Style: Vintage Collections


This class will introduce Surface Design studentsýto the fundamentals of style and surface.ýStudents will earn how to understand and dissectýa contemporary trend that is capturing the marketýand the imagination of the world. By recognizingýand identifying the key elements that form itsýlanguage, and evolving a color palette thatýacknowledges past and present interpretations,ýstudents will build knowledge gained into theýsuccessful creation of a cohesive body of iconsýand textures for use in surface design projects. ýýThis section of the course, "VintageýCollections," will explore the decorative artsýand style periods of the 20th century,ýidentifying key elements and patterns that haveýcome to define vintage. Students will designýmotifs and patterns for cohesive WallpaperýCollections for exciting interior environmentsýthat evoke nostalgia, tradition, and kitsch. Theýclass will focus on vintage inspired illustrationýand design as well as hands-on texture andýsubstrate processes, including silkscreen.ýStudents will be responsible for some expenses.

Course number: ILL-385A
Prerequisite: n/a



Perspective theories were established during theýRenaissance and are the crucial foundation of 3Dýdrawing and painting, with direct applications inýarchitecture, illustration, and industrial andýenvironmental design. This class provides anýintroduction to and exploration of 3D perceptionýand linear perspective systems that enableýdesigners and illustrators to simulate 3D space onýa 2D plane.

Course number: ILL-106
Prerequisite: n/a

Photoshop Painting Fundamentals


Learn the step by step processes necessary inýorder to create a structured, imaginative, fluidýyet realistic painting to a professional standardýusing an established and foundational series ofýsteps which define key aspects of story and imageýemphasizing light, form, and texture techniques.ýTaught by an artist who is a well known industryýname. Working knowledge of Photoshop needed. 3ýunits.

Course number: ILL-298
Prerequisite: n/a

Plot Twist


In this class students will learn new workingýtechniques and brainstorming methods in order dealýwith the changes in art direction which oftenýoccur when working on a professional assignment.ýStudents will get a taste of dealing with clientsýand their ideas that come "from left field." Hereýthe client will be a spinning wheel, whichýdetermines a random, but relative request for eachýproject. Students will learn to adapt, explore aýnew way of working, and practice fluidity ofýconcept. Through the process of brainstorming andýresearch, students will multiply their ideas whileýmaintaining their artistic integrity. The resultýwill be the greatest portfolio pieces you everýmade.

Course number: ILL-394
Prerequisite: n/a

Pop-Up Berlin - New Eye on Berlin


Pop-Up Berlin seeks to inspire students fromýArtCenter to being a purposeful, meaningfulýdialogue with the citizens of Berlin. Studentsýwill be encouraged to design and produceýinclusive, positive image and text basedýmaterials intended to bridge the wideningýcultural gaps between marginalized groups in bothýcities. The project has been inspired by SisterýCorita Kent (1918-1986) who was an artist,ýeducator, and advocate for social justice. Sheýbelieved an Art Practice could be harnessed toýinspire change. Her uplifting, modern posterýdesigns brought current issues to the public.ýýBy acknowledging our glorious diversity throughýpop-up events featuring student produced Posters,ýPeriodicals, and Products. Pop-Up Berlin isýdesigned to direct our student's talents towardsýadvocacy and inclusion.ýýStudents will research issues of diversity andýinclusion with a society conscious mindset. Theyýwill design images meant to capture a viewer'sýattention.ýýThroughout the Summer term in Pasadena, weýpropose to partner with ACCD's ArchetypeýPress/HMCT to enable the students to produceýephemera in multiples. These items will beýbrought with us to Berlin and presented inýinnovative contexts throughout the city duringýthe 2.5 week visit.

Course number: ILL-801A
Prerequisite: n/a

Portfolio Design Lab


A portfolio in some format is the essential toolýfor a job search, graduate school or grantýapplication, or competition entry. Approaches toýportfolio design have expanded over recent yearsýto include a variety of media, traditional as wellýas non-traditional materials and approaches.ýGraduating portfolios range from the traditionalýto the digital, from still to motion, from uniqueýone-of-kind collectible to mass-produced designs.ýStudents learn how to manage content for maximumýimpact effectiveness. This course covers everyýaspect of portfolio planning and production, withýparticular emphasis on developing a marketingýstrategy for after graduation.

Course number: ILL-453
Prerequisite: n/a

Portfolio Design Lab Entertainment Arts


Portfolio Design Lab is both a portfolio buildingýand a portfolio design class. It is your seniorýgraduating class. This class will assist you inýdefining the personal direction of your work, theýdesign and production of your graduatingýportfolio and collateral, and the presentation ofýyour grad wall. Group discussions and handoutsýwill help round-out your thinking about careerýchoices after graduation, strategies forýmarketing and promotion, how to go about findingýwork, professional resources for support, andýstudio practices.

Course number: ILL-455
Prerequisite: n/a

Portfolio Design Lab Surface Projects


A portfolio in some format is the essential toolýfor a job search in the surface design fields.ýApproaches to portfolio design have expanded overýrecent years to include a variety of media,ýtraditional as well as non-traditional materialsýand approaches. Graduating portfolios range fromýthe traditional to the digital, and collectionsýcan be presented as a unique one-of-kindýcollectible to a range of mass-producedýapplications. Students learn how to manage contentýfor maximum impact effectiveness. This courseýcovers every aspect of portfolio planning andýproduction, with particular emphasis on developingýa marketing strategy for entry into the Textileýand surface design Industry.

Course number: ILL-453A
Prerequisite: n/a



This class paints portraits in acrylic and oil.ýThe models pose for two consecutive classýsessions. For homework assignments, students areýexpected to develop the image, adding elementsýthat support the character inspired by the visualýimpression of the model.

Course number: ILL-171
Prerequisite: n/a

Production Design Concepts


This seventh-term course focuses on understandingýand applying the principles of Production Designýand Art Direction that are commonly used in theýdevelopment of animated movies. Emphasis isýplaced on creating images specific to visualýdevelopment and storytelling for animation. Classýacceptance will be based on portfolio andýacademic review of 7th-term students wishing toýenter the animation industry.

Course number: ILL-430
Prerequisite: n/a

Project Continuation


This 0-credit course grants recent alumni accessýtoýcampus facilities and resources as needed toýcomplete your final projects and portfolio workýfrom the last semester. Access will be coordinatedýwith our facilities team in a safe and staggeredýschedule. Students will need to communicate withýtheir department a specific list of projects andýidentify the specific resources you need toýcomplete your work.

Course number: ILL-491
Prerequisite: n/a

RE-Presentation: Narrative & Bodies


In this class, students will develop visual andýconceptual storytelling skills that speak to andýabout society as reflected from multipleýperspectives. Students will be encouraged to pushýnarrative boundaries and explore the nature ofýmeaning and context from diverse points of view.ýIn addition, students will study examples from aýmix of visual narratives and in turn, analyze andýlearn to reconsider how to depict and representýthe body through the exploration of a mix ofývisual narratives with multiple culturalýperspectives including animation, comics andýpicture books.ýýDrawing from models, examining videos, studyingýtext and in class dialogue will be included in theýprocess of image making.

Course number: ILL-326
Prerequisite: n/a

RETHINK: Fashion Workshop


Illustration hosted TDS "Rethink: Fashion" withýProduct/Graphics/Illustration/Sewing Lab faculty.ýýThis TDS aims to mentor graduates towards theýfashion/style world from the point of view ofýtheir individual major. Students will address aýgiven fashion-focused brief according to theýapproach and understanding of their discipline.ýThis class aims to disrupt the fashion normýthrough ýa radical new approach which emphasis design overýtraditional fashion application.ýThis unique concept ( the production and design ofýstyle-related items and objects ) is exactly whatýfashion requires today and will be a pioneeringýidea in the development of " fashion " thinkingýand its relevance across all industries in theýfuture.

Course number: ILL-358A
Prerequisite: n/a

Risograph Printing Studio


Learn to the art of beautiful Risograph printingýin the Maker's Lab studio. The class will addressýprinting methods, understanding the Risographýcolor palette and how to use multiple techniquesýto create effects. In Class assignments willýinclude printing designs for application toýmultiple surfaces including prints, printedýborders and developing designs for repeat patternsýfor decoration for goods aimed at the youthýmarket.

Course number: ILL-352B
Prerequisite: n/a



Every year, 6 million children across South andýLatin America are burned from exposure to openýflames, hot objects or fireworks. COANIQUEM, aýnonprofit medical treatment center that providesýfree holistic treatment for burn survivors acrossýSouth and Latin America, is challenging ArtCenterýstudents to create new multi-media strategies forýburn prevention messaging for children. In thisýstudio, students will work together inýtransdisciplinary teams to build new worlds forýburn prevention messaging, creating characters,ýenvironments, rules and stories. Students willýlet their concepts guide them to the best media toýtell their story, whether through games, animatedýseries, children's books, or other media.ýStakeholders from COANIQUEM, experts on childýdevelopment and professionals working inýentertainment and media will join the studio toýprovide their expertise and guidance as studentsýwork towards a final delivery of a visual proof ofýconcept for effective and entertaining childhoodýburn prevention messages.ý ýThis project is part of a 10-year partnershipýbetween COANIQUEM and Designmatters at ArtCenter.

Course number: TDS-450
Prerequisite: n/a

Senior Projects


In this class students will learn how to produceýprofessional grade illustration artwork forýportfolio presentation commensurate with theýhighest industry standards and expectations.ýThe class will be run as a professional studio,ýfeaturing in-class exercises and assignments, andýincorporate professional guest critiques,ýresulting in the production of a series ofýillustrations created for assignments inýaccordance with professional deadlines.ýýSixth term and above.

Course number: ILL-445
Prerequisite: n/a

Sequential Design 1


Teaches foundational storytelling and design-basedýnarratives.ýStudents should be 2nd-3rd term standing.

Course number: ILL-266
Prerequisite: n/a

Sequential Design 2


This class furthers the design and sequencingýskills from Sequential Design 1 with live-actionýincorporation in their storyboards. Students willýhave to shoot their subjects. Students canýincorporate CG around the subject, but theýsubject has to be shot. The learning outcome isýfor them to get used to thinking and workingýoutside of the confinement of their computers andýdealing with doing auditions for a shoot andýactually directing, but the end result areýboards, not full blown animation. Students mustýbe 4th term or higher. Highly suggested thatýTypography 3 have already been completed.

Course number: ILL-368
Prerequisite: n/a

Sequential Design 3


This is a very fast paced concept to final designýsequencing class. It is a portfolio-buildingýclass comparable to the Advanced Graphic Studioý(AGS) sequence.ýýStudents should be in their 6th-8th terms.

Course number: ILL-466
Prerequisite: n/a

Sewing Lab X Surface: Collaboration


Learn to sew or advance your current sewingýskills. Get help with your surface design and softýgoods projects. Learn how to read and understandýcommercial patterns. Create your own designs byýcombining, adjusting and redesigning commercialýpatterns. This is a multi-level class. Forýbeginners, design and make new projects. Forýadvanced students, expand on existing surfaceýdesign projects to create additional prototypes.ýUse CMTEL home sewing machines to sew fashion andýinterior design textile samples for applicationýand prototyping.

Course number: ILL-308A
Prerequisite: n/a

Sketching for Entertainment Art


This course emphasizes drawing, paintingýtechnique, complex compositional considerations,ýand analysis of people and things for accuracy,ýunderstanding, and point of view aimed towards theýentertainment industry.

Course number: ILL-241
Prerequisite: n/a

Sketching for Illustration


This course emphasizes drawing, paintingýtechnique, complex compositional considerations,ýand analysis of people and things for accuracy,ýunderstanding, and point of view.

Course number: ILL-207
Prerequisite: n/a

Smart Image/Social Impact (DM)


This course is designed for illustrators with anýinterest in making work beyond the commercial,ýintroducing them to the politics of communicationýin making work for social impact and change. Thisýis not aýmake-a-poster-for-your-favorite-charity-and-call-iýt-a-day type class. Lectures focus on real-lifeýissues, with discussions on ethics, theories,ýpractices, and how illustration plays a role.ýDynamic in-class exercises, field research,ýstudent presentations, and four assignments coverýkey areas of socio-visual communication.ýAssignments include: design within a specificýcultural context, human rights, urbanýresponsibility, and turning group and individualýresearch into actionable images and ideas.ýStudents are encouraged to work together areas ofýinterest to them. This course is an introductionýfor illustrators who are considering aýDesignMatters concentration.

Course number: ILL-369
Prerequisite: n/a

Smoke Signals: Improvised Communication


This class explores the concept of improvisedýcommunication during times of disruption.ýýThrough a series of presentations and research,ýstudents will explore the history of low-tech andýingenious communication techniques devised andýused internationally and throughout history,ýespecially during strife. Students will adopt thisýas a theme for content and as inspiration forýcreative design solutions. The class output willýreflect adaptive strategies in presentation.

Course number: ILL-373
Prerequisite: n/a



Contemporary artists are using and breaking withýthe norms of social media to differentiateýthemselves in the art market, promote their workýand their shows, stay connected, build playlistsýand spread social change. The current worldýsituation has put new restrictions on our day toýday which can appear limiting, but this workshopýwill show you ways to propel your creativityýforward for a truly dynamic social media presence.

Course number: ILL-014
Prerequisite: n/a

Story in a Picture


The images in the majority of studentýentertainment portfolios are primarilyýdescriptive. This can be appropriate for muchýconcept design or visual development, but you areýentering an industry based on narrative. Can youýtell a story with your images? A large number ofýindustry professionals have stated that theyýrespond much more strongly to a sense ofýemotional involvement in student work. ýýStory in a Picture is designed to put more storyýin your images. The class will provideýcompositional tools to create more focused eyeýmovement and emotional content. Assignments willýbe both single and multiple images in whateverýmedium you are comfortable in. The class willýoffer situations, guidelines and some other helpýfor your stories, but your images are going to doýthe story telling. ýýPre-requisite: ILL-253, Image & Ideaý(3 Credits)

Course number: ILL-316
Prerequisite: n/a



Please see Department Chair

Course number: ILL-321
Prerequisite: n/a

Storyboarding 2


This course builds on the fundamentals learned inýStoryboarding for Animation. Students will diveýdeeper into their investigation of characterýdevelopment, studying this through the history andýevolution of Cinema. Through critique, studentsýwill continue learning how to generate originalýstories and create situations within theirývisuals, and will further refine their abilitiesýto tell compelling stories, while exploring allýaspects of story including comedy, drama, action,ýand musicals.

Course number: ILL-368A
Prerequisite: n/a

Storyboarding for Animation


Take a deep dive into the fundamentals ofýstoryboarding for animation. Each week we willýunpack an aspect of the process to tell greatýstories with memorable characters and situations:ývisual storytelling, character development,ýscreenwriting basics, basic rules ofýcinematography, staging, acting, how to generate aýton of ideas, the flexibility to evolve, andýcollaboration. Assignments will include generatingýideas, creating situations for stories,ýthumbnailing, beatboards, storyboarding entireýsequences, working from script pages, pitchingýsequences, and addressing notes.

Course number: ILL-269
Prerequisite: n/a

Student Skills Workshop


Student Skills Lab is a 0 unit workshop forýstudents who want to improve theirýskills. The workshop will provide demonstrationsýfocused on drawing,ýpainting, composition, and best practices.ýStudent's are encouraged to bringýclass assignments to the lab, there will also beýlive models and demos to workýon personal projects. There will be demonstrationsýevery week and multipleýexamples available. There will also beýopportunities for one on one supportýfor students who sign up ahead of time.

Course number: ILL-018
Prerequisite: n/a

Studio Independent Study


Course number: ILL-975
Prerequisite: n/a

Studio Visits


Live studio visits with the world's leadingýillustrators. You must enroll to attend.

Course number: ILL-012
Prerequisite: n/a



This class teaches how style influencesýstorytelling. Through research, analysis andýhands-on application, students will apply variousýtechniques, both traditional and digital to createýa variety of styles as they relate to animatedýfilm and illustration. Strongly advised as aýpre-req for the Visual Development class.

Course number: ILL-333
Prerequisite: n/a

Styling Concepts


This class will develop students' awareness ofýfashion, revealing its influence on design andýunderstanding its central position in worldýculture. New design ideas invariably show upýfirst in fashion: trends in color, shape,ýtextures and materials as well as symbolicýreferences to societal issues are often seenýfirst on the catwalks of Paris, Milan, New York,ýLondon and Tokyo and then developed in otherýdesign arenas. Much of the visual progression ofýfashion design is underpinned by the continuousýevolution of technology. The development of newýmaterials and manufacturing methods, along withýpurely visual design aspects, form a continualýflow of ideas from fashion to other design areas.ý ýýStudents will meet and discuss their ideas andýprojects with fashion and textile designers andýwill visit important design locations.

Course number: ILL-338
Prerequisite: n/a



An ambitious, "hands on" learning experience thatýchallenges the student, and breaks the traditionalýrole of the Illustrator, in a workshop/teamýatmosphere. The process is collaborative andýhighly inventive incorporating real world projectsýand professional guest critics. Students willýlearn to develop a sense of possibility whileýtaking sketch ideas through to 3D ideation andýproduction. Field Trips to fabricators, andýsources for materials will be explored. Theýcourse is broken into 3 distinct project areas:ýtoy, object, environment.

Course number: ILL-421
Prerequisite: n/a

Surface Design 1


Modern technology has enabled great design toýfunction across multiple surfaces. Everythingýfrom Stationery, paper goods, party ephemera andýthe gift market through to large format designsýfor wallpapers is now a canvas for imagery,ýoriginal artwork, and the stylish use of colorýand pattern. This class is project based. Scale,ýcolor palette, design, pattern, trend, andýtopical themes will be covered along withýproduction guidelines for manufacturingýrequirements and printing.

Course number: ILL-250
Prerequisite: n/a

Surface Design Lab


Surface Design Lab is a multi-faceted class thatýexplores the range of approaches created at theýcrossover of graphic illustration and surfaceýdesign in both a studio and lab atmosphere.ýDrawing, collages, painting, and typographyýtechniques all serve as the basis for developingýmultiple approaches for surface design, includingýmobility across both traditional and digitalýmedia. Referencing both traditional and modernýdecorative arts and interior design plus today'sýgraphic design and contemporary Illustration,ýstudents will build a powerful foundation forýmodern image-making with infinite surface designýindustry applications.

Course number: ILL-263
Prerequisite: n/a

Surface Design Senior Studio


Modeled on a professional working environment,ýthis studio allows for Independent projects to beýdeveloped alongside collaborative professionalýcritique and mentorship. This class is for upperýterm Surface design students who want to executeýand professionally present a final collection andýdirection ready for graduation. NOTE: All priorýlower term SD classes form the Pre Reqs for thisýstudio and there is no admittance without them.

Course number: ILL-446
Prerequisite: n/a

Surface Design: Art for Fashion


In this course, students will develop a collectionýof clothing graphics.ýFirst, we will identify the target market, thenýperform visual research and create mood boards toýrepresent this market and establish key themes.ýFurther research will be refined into severalýareas of focus: Designers who relate to theseýthemes; techniques that will elevate and expandýour designs; and fabrics, finishes and garmentýshapes.ýThis class will also involve hands onýexperimentation withýcrayon/ink/watercolor/drawing/and home printingýmethods to push and develop our hand skills.ýThere will be some related expenses the studentýwill be responsible for.

Course number: ILL-332A
Prerequisite: n/a

Surface World: Windows Display


In this unique, project-driven class, studentsýwill work in a collaborative team on a projectýfeaturing surface design for the Beverly HillsýNeiman Marcus department store window displays,ýto be installed September 2018. Students willýlearn to design interior space, and to applyýpattern and surface designs to both theatricalýdisplay concepts and objects.

Course number: ILL-327
Prerequisite: n/a

Take 3 ENTA credits


Psuedo course block

Course number: ILL-204.PC
Prerequisite: n/a

The Art of Luxury


Major brands differentiate themselves by workingýwith original artists and illustrators. Artwork isýused on purses (Louis Vuitton), aclothing,ýscarves, and accessories (McQueen, Dior, Hermes,ýGucci). This class will survey and analyze currentýtrends and study the artists used. Class projectsýwill require research, brand analysis, study andýpractice of techniques used, and the finalýcreation of original artwork for application to aýspecified lineup of products. ýýFifth term and above.

Course number: ILL-305A
Prerequisite: n/a

The Berlin Collective


The Berlin Collective is a unique six-weekýexperience, giving students the rare opportunityýto share a working Studio in a major Europeanýcity. The project is hosted by the IllustrationýDepartment, but will include students from aývariety of majors, encouraging a trulyýtransdisciplinary spirit. By Permission Only. 6 Cr

Course number: SAP-831
Prerequisite: n/a

The Berlin Collective 2


The Berlin Collective 2 will be a one-of-a-kind,ýeight to twelve-week cultural immersion inýBerlin, giving students a unique opportunity toýshare a collective studio experience in a majorýEuropean city. It is intended to challenge theýindividual's ability for keen observation,ýcomprehensive research, articulation of ideas,ýpresentation skills and collaborative abilities,ýand expand cultural sensitivity and awareness.ýEach individual will explore Berlin through theýlens of his or her own selected topic, fosteringýtheir ability to draw connections between newýcultural experiences and ideas, and findingýresonance within their own developing work.ýAccompanied by a curated blog presence, travelýdocumentation and an exhibition at ACCD.

Course number: SAP-870
Prerequisite: n/a

The LA/Berlin Poster Collective


Communicate LA to Berliners and communicateýBerlin to Angelenos. This unique study-awayýopportunity combines project development andýposter production in both cities, with the Berlinýtrip taking place over the spring/summer breaký2015. This class challenges both artists andýdesigners to create a series of posters/imagesýthat will then be hung throughout Berlin's cityýstreets. There will be a pop-up exhibit openingýin both cities and studio and museum visits inýBerlin.

Course number: SAP-875
Prerequisite: n/a

The Paul Smith Project


Designer Paul Smith now has 15 shops andýconcessions in the UK and 200 shops worldwide, inýmarkets including Japan, Paris, Milan, New York,ýand Hong Kong. The business, still based in hisýnative Nottingham, has turnover of £325 million.ýAs chairman and designer, Sir Paul is stillýinvolved in every aspect of the business.ý Known for his positive outlook on businessýand life, Smith has become a key figure of theýBritish fashion industry. Although he is anýinternationally celebrated fashion artist, Smithýis known to have remained very much down to earth.ýHe frequently visits his shops, talks toýcustomers, and learns about his clientele's needs.ý Paul is also a fan of ArtCenter students,ýhaving hosted us at his headquarters in CoventýGarden, London during our Study Away visits. Thisýpandemic year Paul Smith has set a special projectýfor us, one that he will be involved in and offerýinspiration, feedback and critique. This is aýunique opportunity to test your creative thinkingýby addressing aýProject Brief given by one of the most innovativeýdesigners working today.

Course number: ILL-411
Prerequisite: n/a

Topic Studio


Each Topic Studio segment has a different courseýdescription. See the Department Chairs Office forýmore information.

Course number: ILL-360A
Prerequisite: n/a

Topic Studio for Surface


Topic studios address emerging trends within theýindustry. In each class Students will Illustrate,ýdesign and produce fabricated items for aýcollection based on a given theme. Themes includeýbut are not limited to: 'The Art of Luxury' (silkýscarf designs for the luxury goods market) and TheýArt of Sustainability (designing for an ethicallyýconscious world) and 'The Art of ýRetail' (designing for the retail and hospitalityýindustries)

Course number: ILL-350A
Prerequisite: n/a

Type 1 (ILL)


This class focuses on the study and generation ofýletterforms, including analysis of basic alphabetýcategories, historical background, and rationaleýof individual letter-style characteristics.

Course number: ILL-111
Prerequisite: n/a

Type 3: Context


Type 3 asks students to apply what they haveýlearned in Type 2 to particular contexts, allowingýthe individual nature of the project content andýaudience to start influencing and determiningýtheir typographic choices.

Course number: ILL-200
Prerequisite: n/a

Type 4


Whilst reinforcing and developing previouslyýlearned typographic skills, students areýintroduced to more complex contentýloads, text problems, working with grids, as wellýas issues relating to combining type and image.ýThe importance of context isýemphasized, of finding an appropriate typographicýtonality for a given situation. Projects may rangeýfrom complex informationýstructures to more open pieces exploring theýexpressive potential of typography.

Course number: ILL-247
Prerequisite: n/a

Type 5 Motion


Type 5: Motion deals the necessity of theýimplementation and analysis of typographic use inýthe digital realm. It examines type familiesýthatýare optimal for screen-based applications. Thisýcourse also shows the relationship withýtypographic use in print-based applications butýshows that there is a distinct messagingýadvantageýwhen utilized properly within digitalýapplications.

Course number: ILL-302
Prerequisite: n/a

Typography 4: Motion


Type 4: Motion deals the necessity of theýimplementation and analysis of typographic use inýthe digital realm. It examines type familiesýthatýare optimal for screen-based applications. Thisýcourse also shows the relationship withýtypographic use in print-based applications butýshows that there is a distinct messagingýadvantageýwhen utilized properly within digitalýapplications. (Cross-listed with GPK-251)

Course number: ILL-249
Prerequisite: n/a

Vehicles & Environments Workshop


What will the world look like when AI replacesýlife with machines? Learn what the Futurists areýsaying and design your vision of this world. Youýmust enroll to attend.

Course number: ILL-011
Prerequisite: n/a

Viscom Fundamentals 1


This course emphasizes methods of illustratingýdesign concepts clearly and correctly, and ofýdescribing them to others in the same manner.ýExtensive and indispensable information isýpresented on techniques, correct usage of requiredýtools, and how appropriate sketches and renderingsýcan greatly enhance the communication levels inýrealistic working design environments, formalýpresentation, and interactions with modelingýteams.

Course number: ILL-102
Prerequisite: n/a

Viscom Fundamentals 2 for Illustration


The course will teach the student to work fromýreference to ideate and illustrate industrialýobjects (vehicles and props) as well asýcharacters from researched source material suchýas a script or a book. Projects will be developedýusing the R.I.D.E. system: IDEATION techniquesýutilizing pen and marker, acrylic, mixed media,ýand Photoshop; DESIGN/DEVELOPMENT evolving fromýideation by developing specific line work andývalue compositions; then EXECUTION of finalýimages using both digital and traditionalýmethods. Emphasis will be placed on form, value,ýshadow and detail. Upon completion of the course,ýstudents will have finished, well-executedýillustrations supported by documented researchýand reference.

Course number: ILL-206
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual Development


This course focuses on quick sketching, editing,ýand pitching ideas geared towards entertainmentýdesign. The primary goal of this class is toýprovide students with a clearly directedýmethodology to facilitate the generation ofýnon-derivative work and to familiarize studentsýwith the creative process as it specificallyýapplies to the entertainment industry.

Course number: ILL-356
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual Development for Tv AnimationýWorkshop


Join Disney art director Sam Kallis and guestýprofessionals from the animation industry to learnýthe television visual development process fromýpitch to production. You must enroll to attend.

Course number: ILL-013
Prerequisite: n/a

Vodafone Sponsored Proj Berlin Culture:ýFuture of Telecommunications


Vodafone is sponsoring this project at the Berlinýstudio. Students will be exploring the future ofýtelecommunications looking at the yearsý2025-2030. This TDS includes 8 undergraduateýstudents from Product Design, Interaction Design,ýGraphic Design and Environmental Design willýproduce vision-casting "connected futures"ýscenarios and concepts including hardware,ýsoftware, wearables, IoT and interactiveýexperiences. The results from the project willýbe shown in an interactive showpiece for Vodafoneýand ACCD to show publicly to the industry.

Course number: SAP-878E
Prerequisite: n/a

Vodafone Sponsored Proj Berlin Human:ýFuture of Telecommunications


Vodafone is sponsoring this project at the Berlinýstudio. Students will be exploring the future ofýtelecommunications looking at the yearsý2025-2030. This TDS includes 8 undergraduateýstudents from Product Design, Interaction Design,ýGraphic Design and Environmental Design willýproduce vision-casting "connected futures"ýscenarios and concepts including hardware,ýsoftware, wearables, IoT and interactiveýexperiences. The results from the project willýbe shown in an interactive showpiece for Vodafoneýand ACCD to show publicly to the industry.

Course number: SAP-878F
Prerequisite: n/a

Vodafone Sponsored Proj Berlin Studio 1:ýFuture of Telecommunications


Vodafone is sponsoring this project at the Berlinýstudio. Students will be exploring the future ofýtelecommunications looking at the yearsý2025-2030. This TDS includes 8 undergraduateýstudents from Product Design, Interaction Design,ýGraphic Design and Environmental Design willýproduce vision-casting "connected futures"ýscenarios and concepts including hardware,ýsoftware, wearables, IoT and interactiveýexperiences. The results from the project willýbe shown in an interactive showpiece for Vodafoneýand ACCD to show publicly to the industry.

Course number: SAP-878A
Prerequisite: n/a

Vodafone Sponsored Proj Berlin Studio 2:ýFuture of Telecommunications


Vodafone is sponsoring this project at the Berlinýstudio. Students will be exploring the future ofýtelecommunications looking at the yearsý2025-2030. This TDS includes 8 undergraduateýstudents from Product Design, Interaction Design,ýGraphic Design and Environmental Design willýproduce vision-casting "connected futures"ýscenarios and concepts including hardware,ýsoftware, wearables, IoT and interactiveýexperiences. The results from the project willýbe shown in an interactive showpiece for Vodafoneýand ACCD to show publicly to the industry.

Course number: SAP-878B
Prerequisite: n/a

Vodafone Sponsored Proj Berlin Studio 3:ýFuture of Telecommunications


Vodafone is sponsoring this project at the Berlinýstudio. Students will be exploring the future ofýtelecommunications looking at the yearsý2025-2030. This TDS includes 8 undergraduateýstudents from Product Design, Interaction Design,ýGraphic Design and Environmental Design willýproduce vision-casting "connected futures"ýscenarios and concepts including hardware,ýsoftware, wearables, IoT and interactiveýexperiences. The results from the project willýbe shown in an interactive showpiece for Vodafoneýand ACCD to show publicly to the industry.

Course number: SAP-878C
Prerequisite: n/a

Vodafone Sponsored Proj Berlin Studio 4:ýFuture of Telecommunications


Vodafone is sponsoring this project at the Berlinýstudio. Students will be exploring the future ofýtelecommunications looking at the yearsý2025-2030. This TDS includes 8 undergraduateýstudents from Product Design, Interaction Design,ýGraphic Design and Environmental Design willýproduce vision-casting "connected futures"ýscenarios and concepts including hardware,ýsoftware, wearables, IoT and interactiveýexperiences. The results from the project willýbe shown in an interactive showpiece for Vodafoneýand ACCD to show publicly to the industry.

Course number: SAP-878D
Prerequisite: n/a

Waking Dreams -ýFantasy in Drawing and Movies


For as long as humans have made art or toldýstories, the imagination and fantasy have played aýrole in how we communicate. This class offersýstudents an opportunity to explore their ownýrelationship to the fantastic in drawing, usingývarious techniques and approaches. We will beýlooking at folk tales and Disney, the history ofýanimals in art, and movements like Art Nouveau andýSurrealism, as well as the use of fantasy in film,ýto launch our projects and in-class work.

Course number: ILL-393
Prerequisite: n/a

Watercolor Concepts


An extensive exploration or how watercolors work.ýUsing line, layering and fusion, the studentýexamines figure, still life and landscape withýtransparent watercolor wash. In-class lectures onýmedium and materials cover paint, paper, brushesýand process in the studio, and some assignmentsýtake place on location.

Course number: ILL-354
Prerequisite: n/a

Wet Paint


In the course Wet Paint, painting is painting.ýThere's no other art medium that maintains such aýsignificant, yet ambiguous place in visualýculture and human history. This course willýinvestigate contemporary practices and currentýapproaches to the art of painting locally,ýnationally, and globally, with an emphasis onýexamining work formally, philosophically, andýfrom an historical viewpoint. Students will beýresponsible for developing their own body ofýwork, preparing presentations, and participatingýin group critiques and discussions. There alsoýwill be weekly reading assignments and exercisesýto complete. Throughout, an attempt will be madeýto integrate studio practice and academicýthinking into a composite whole. Wet Paint is aýclass taught jointly with Fine Art andýIllustration faculty.

Course number: ILL-323
Prerequisite: n/a