

2D 1 Fundamentals


Student will learn the principles/fundamentals ofýanimation through assignments such as bouncingýballs and pendulums.

Course number: EANI-104
Prerequisite: n/a

2D 2 Mechanics


Continuing from 2D 1 FundamentalsýýThis course will focus on the basics of humanýmechanics with a primary focus of bipedalýlocomotion.

Course number: EANI-154
Prerequisite: n/a

2D 3 Mechanics 2


Continuing from 2D 2 Mechanics 1ýýThis course will focus on the basics of animalýmechanics with a primary focus on quadrupedalýlocomotion.

Course number: EANI-204
Prerequisite: n/a

2D 4 Acting 1


Continuing from 2D 3 Mechanics 2ýýThis course will focus on acting basics with aýprimary focus on pantomime performance.

Course number: EANI-254
Prerequisite: n/a

2D 5 Acting 2


Continuing from 2D Acting 1ýýStudents will learn how to animate a dialog,ýacting performance.

Course number: EANI-304
Prerequisite: n/a

3D Costume Simulation & Design


This course focuses on the technical skillsýrequired for 3D cloth simulation for animation,ýgaming, and costume concept design, and exploresýcontemporary, science fiction, and fantasy design.ýEmphasizing garment construction and model fit,ýthe course examines the process of building 3Dýcostumes from flat fabric to finished product, asýwell as costume styling and breakdown.

Course number: ECPT-264
Prerequisite: n/a

3rd Term Portfolio Review


3rd Term Portfolio Review

Course number: ECPT-200
Prerequisite: n/a

3rd Term Portfolio Review


Students will be reviewed and assessed on theýprogress of their work and advised on futureýclass choices.

Course number: EGAM-200
Prerequisite: n/a

3rd Term Portfolio Review


Students will be reviewed and assessed on theýprogress of their work and advised on futureýclass choices.

Course number: EANI-200
Prerequisite: n/a

4th Term Portfolio Review


4th Term Portfolio Review

Course number: ECPT-300
Prerequisite: n/a

5th Term Portfolio Review


During the 5th term review meeting, the student'sýoverall progress and artwork done in 3rd, 4th andý5th term is reviewed. A determination will beýmade whether the student is able to move ontoý6th, 7th and 8th term.

Course number: EANI-300
Prerequisite: n/a

6th Term Portfolio Review


Students will be assessed on the chosen directionýof their work and advised on their final two termsýclasses. Appropriate Career possibilities will beýdiscussed.

Course number: EGAM-350
Prerequisite: n/a

6th Term Portfolio Review


6th Term Portfolio Review

Course number: ECPT-350
Prerequisite: n/a

8th Term Portfolio Review


During the 8th term review meeting, the student'sýoverall progress and artwork done in 6th, 7th andý8th term is reviewed. Recommendations will beýmade on career development, job applications,ýinternships and portfolio development.

Course number: EANI-450
Prerequisite: n/a

8th Term Portfolio Review (Concept)


During 8th term review, the student's overallýprogress and artwork done in 6th, 7th and 8th termýis reviewed. Recommendations will be made onýcareer development, job applications, internshipsýand portfolio development.

Course number: ECPT-455
Prerequisite: n/a

8th Term Review


Students will be assessed on the chosen directionýof their work and advised on their final termýclasses. Appropriate Career possibilities will beýdiscussed.

Course number: EGAM-460
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced 3D


Advanced 3D deepens knowledge of 3D software.

Course number: ECPT-258
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Architectural Design


In this course, students will learn the languageýand elements of architectural design as applied toýboth exterior and interior projects.  Students canýutilize their knowledge of architectural styles,ýrules, and shape language to create their ownýunique designs, but aren't limited by historicalýreferences.  This class will focus on encouragingýimagination with students developing theirýoriginal ideas and projects.  Genres can rangeýfrom space/sci-fi to historical and the shapeýlanguage from realistic to heavily stylized.ý ýFundamentals and elements of each style will beýdiscussed, including scale, proportions, play ofýlight and shadows, and believable functionality. ýStudents will create floor plans, elevations,ýsections, and final rendered images in full color.

Course number: ECPT-321A
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Digital Painting


Advanced Digital Painting deepens paintingýcapabilities to develop skills and strategies toýcreate compelling imagery. Advanced techniquesýsuch as photobashing are covered with a goal ofýpainting in different styles and achievingýindustry standard speed and quality.

Course number: ECPT-354
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Game Project


The student will learn how to work within a teamýon a concept that is not necessarily theirs.ýStudents will form teams and develop a "slice" ofýan original game. Students are encouraged toýrecruit students from other programs (concept,ýanimation, etc.) ýCourse Learning Outcomes: The students willýacquire a hands-on experience of transforming aýconcept into a fully playable game. The studentsýwill learn how to work within a team on a conceptýthat is not necessarily theirs.

Course number: EGAM-465
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Game Project 1 (TDS)


The student will learn how to work within a teamýon a concept that is not necessarily theirs. Firstýpart of senior project. Students will formýteams and develop an original game through theýentire pre-production phase.ýStudents are encouraged to recruit students fromýother programs (concept, animation, etc.)ýýCourse Learning Outcomes: ýThe student will acquire a hands-on experience ofýtransforming a concept into a fully playableýgame. The student will learn how to work within aýteam on a concept that is not necessarily his.

Course number: EGAM-411
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Game Project 2 (TDS)


Second part of senior project. Students willýfinalize their game and deliver a version thatýcould be published. Final product will beýpresented to a panel of industry professionals.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes: ýThe student will acquire the experience ofýturning a playable version of a game into a finalýversion, ready to launch.

Course number: EGAM-412
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Game-Writing Studio


This course explores the connection betweenýnarrative and the visual experience in the gameýdesign realm. Its goal is to provide students anýin-depth framework for how to approach crafting aýnarrative in this interactive medium, along withýan understanding of how game design mechanics areýconnected with developing player agency, and howývisuals support these elements. This frameworkýincludes the development of visuals that fallýoutside the formal gameplay setting, such asýdesigning the visual branding of your game.ýBranding will include an iconic title that willýbe present at the game's start, and will followýthrough on the student designed cover art for theýgame box, promotional poster, splash screen, andýapp icon. This visual aspect of the game may goýfurther to include maps, selection screens, andýany typographic interstices. Additional topicsýwill include how the narrative experienceýtranscends text; sound design; visual themes;ýanimation choices; and core game designýdecisions.ýýStudents will utilize a combination ofýhands-on-gameplay, lecture and discussion,ýin-class exercises, and creative writingýworkshops to foster a greater understanding ofýthe connection between narrative and visualýelements with the process of game development.ýThe student will finish the term with a visualýdisplay of how the game will be promoted,ýincluding all of the elements mentioned above.

Course number: TDS-371
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Perspective


Advanced Perspective covers perspectiveýtechniques and rules for visualizing environments.

Course number: ECPT-201
Prerequisite: n/a

Advanced Quest and Mission Design


In the rapidly evolving world of game design, theýart of crafting engaging and immersive quests andýmissions has become an essential skill forýaspiring game developers. This course, "AdvancedýQuest and Mission Design", is designed to equipýstudents with the knowledge and practical skillsýnecessary to create compelling and dynamic questýsystems for a wide range of video games.ýThroughout this course, students will delve intoýthe intricacies of quest and mission design,ýexploring the fundamental principles, strategies,ýand techniques used to create captivating gameplayýexperiences. By analyzing existing games andýdrawing from industry best practices, studentsýwill gain a comprehensive understanding of how toýconstruct meaningful quests that drive playerýengagement and progression.

Course number: EGAM-375
Prerequisite: n/a

Animal Anatomy


Animal Anatomy provides an intensive study ofýanimal anatomy. Covering the principles ofýforeshortening, observation of animals in motion,ýthe visual viewpoint, and understanding of muscleýand bone structure.

Course number: ECPT-105
Prerequisite: n/a

Animation Thesis


Coninuing from Layout 3 ThesisýýStudents will animate their entire thesis film.

Course number: EANI-451
Prerequisite: n/a

Architectural Design


In this course, many architectural styles will beýpresented and design elements will be analyzed. ýStudents will be expected to create architecturalýdesigns, expressing the specific stylingýguidelines for each genre.

Course number: ECPT-221
Prerequisite: n/a

Art Direction 1


Art Direction 1 focuses on engaging in aýcollaborative project pipeline. Interdisciplinaryýstudies with other departments and how toýinterface with Animation/Game/Film/VRýproductions. The students will work as a team toýresearch, conceive, and develop short projects.ýThis class can be continued as a 2 term projectýin Art Direction 2 if needed for a senior project.

Course number: ECPT-419
Prerequisite: n/a

Art Direction 2


Art Direction 2 is an extension of Art Directioný1 for project completion as needed. Focusing on aýcollaborative project.

Course number: ECPT-469
Prerequisite: n/a

Art of the Pitch


Students create an original IP and learn how toýpitch it on the internet to get attention online!ýFor presentation on Kickstarter, YouTube andýother social media. Students will work in 2ýperson teams to create a pitch video to use onýthe internet. Open to Animation and Conceptýstudents.

Course number: ECPT-317
Prerequisite: n/a

Art of the Pitch


Students create an original IP and learn how toýpitch it on the internet to get attention online!ýFor presentation on Kickstarter, YouTube andýother social media. Students will work in 2ýperson teams to create a pitch video to use onýthe internet. Open to Animation and Conceptýstudents.

Course number: EANI-317
Prerequisite: n/a

Assets Thesis


Continuing from Concept Art 3 ThesisýýStudents will create all assets needed for theirýthesis film, whether it is 3D models, 2Dýbackgrounds, rigging characters, model sheets,ýetc.

Course number: EANI-405
Prerequisite: n/a

Background Design for Animation


This course covers the process of designing andýdrawing background artwork for animated TV seriesýand feature productions.  Often working fromýstoryboard panels, a background designer utilizesýtheir composition, shape language, and stageýdesign skills to create beautiful backgroundýdrawings that are then passed on to the backgroundýpainter.

Course number: ECPT-357
Prerequisite: n/a

Background Painting for Animation


This course covers the fundamentals of creatingýprofessional, story-oriented background paintingsýaccording to industry standards for tv and featureýanimation productions. Students will work withýdiverse painting techniques, narration-based studyýof color and light to represent moodsýand atmospheres, creation of illusion of space andýdepth, and exploration of surfaces and textures.

Course number: ECPT-358
Prerequisite: n/a

Board Game Art Design


With games such as "Hearthstone", "Magic: TheýGathering Arena", and "Star Wars ImperialýAssault", board and trading card games have seen aýboom in development and production.  Amongst theseýgames there are many that share both the physicalýand digital space, creating an interesting socialýand immersive hybrid experience.  In this courseýstudents will learn how to think through the userýexperience and create artwork that both describesýthe look and feel of the game as well as conveysýcrucial information for functional play. Topicsýcovered will include: marketing art, key art, userýinterface, maps, and icons.

Course number: ECPT-281
Prerequisite: n/a

CG 1 Fundamenatals


Student will learn about the fundamentals of CGýanimation. Students will get familiar with theýanimation software, using character rigs, ets.

Course number: EANI-112
Prerequisite: n/a

CG 2 Mechanics 1


Continuing from CG 1 FundamentalsýýThis course will focus on the continuedýfundamentals of 3D software using Maya in regardsýto animating. Students will be introduced toýanimation assignments such as the bouncing ball,ýsack of flour and walk cycles. They will executýwhat they learned from CG 1 Fundamentals.

Course number: EANI-161
Prerequisite: n/a

CG 3 Mechanics 2


Continuing from CG 2 Mechanics 1ýýStudents will focus on animation mechanics,ýcoming to grips with constraints, learning aboutýFK versus IK, storytelling poses and simple setýof actions.

Course number: EANI-211
Prerequisite: n/a

CG 4 Acting 1


Continuing from CG 3 Mechanics 2ýýThis course will focus pantomime acting and howýto clearly express emotional intent through bodyýlanguage without dialog.

Course number: EANI-261
Prerequisite: n/a

CG 5 Acting 2


Continuing from CG 4 Acting 1ýýStudents will learn how to create a sequence ofýshots using an interesting, contemporaryýtechnique. What technique is used depends on theýstudents' choice and what is frequently used inýthe animation industry. An example of aýtechnique could be VR, AR, stop-motion, etc.

Course number: EANI-311
Prerequisite: n/a

CapStone PreProduction 1


Students will form teams and create a shortýanimated film in any medium of their choosing.ýStudents can NOT make a film individually. Theýteam aspect is essential to ALL CapStone classes.ýIn this 1st part of the CapStone film production,ýstudents will create pitches and present them inýfront of a panel. After which the panel will pickýthe winning films, after which teams will beýformed and production on a 1st pass of theýstoryreel will start. The end goal of this classýis a solid 1st pass of the story animatic withýtemp music and sound FX.

Course number: EANI-374
Prerequisite: n/a

CapStone PreProduction 2


Students will form teams and create a shortýanimated film in any medium of their choosing.ýStudents can NOT make a film individually. Theýteam aspect is essential to ALL CapStone classes.ýIn this class students will focus on creating aýfinal story animatic with temp music, dialog (ifýnecessary) and sound fx.

Course number: EANI-375
Prerequisite: n/a

CapStone PreProduction 2 C


Course for lower term Animation students andýnon-major students to help on short films inýEANI-375: CapStone Preproduction 2.

Course number: EANI-375C
Prerequisite: n/a

CapStone PreProduction 3


Students will form teams and create a shortýanimated film in any medium of their choosing.ýStudents can NOT make a film individually. Theýteam aspect is essential to ALL CapStone classes.ýIn this class students will focus creating ALLývisual development (character/prop/environmentýdesign, look of film, etc) for their CapStoneýfilm.

Course number: EANI-376
Prerequisite: n/a

CapStone PreProduction 3 C


Course for lower term Animation students andýnon-major students to help on short films inýEANI-376: CapStone Preproduction 3.

Course number: EANI-376C
Prerequisite: n/a

CapStone Production 1


Students will form teams and create a shortýanimated film in any medium of their choosing.ýStudents can NOT make a film individually. Theýteam aspect is essential to ALL CapStone classes.ýIn this class students will focus on production ofýtheir film, be it modeling, rigging, previz,ýbackground layouts, animating, etc. These tasksýwill vary greatly depending on what medium theýfilm is in (2D, 3D, stop-motion, etc).

Course number: EANI-474
Prerequisite: n/a

CapStone Production 1C


Course for lower term Animation students andýnon-major students to help on short films inýEANI-474: CapStone Production 1.

Course number: EANI-474C
Prerequisite: n/a

CapStone Production 2


Students will form teams and create a shortýanimated film in any medium of their choosing.ýStudents can NOT make a film individually. Theýteam aspect is essential to ALL CapStone classes.ýIn this class students will focus on production ofýtheir film, be it finalizing layout, animation,ýrigging, modeling, etc. Tasks will vary dependingýon the medium of the film.

Course number: EANI-475
Prerequisite: n/a

CapStone Production 3


Students will form teams and create a shortýanimated film in any medium of their choosing.ýStudents can NOT make a film individually. Theýteam aspect is essential to ALL CapStone classes.ýIn this class students will focus on production ofýtheir film, mainly ink & paint, lighting, paintingýbackgrounds, adding fx, compositing. End goal inýthis class is final the shots to a professionalýstandard.

Course number: EANI-476
Prerequisite: n/a

Capstone Pre Production 1


Students will pitch capstone story ideas to aýprofessional panel. After the winning stories areýselected, teams are formed. Each team will work onýone of the winning stories. Students will developýthe script, a 1st draft of the story reel andýrecord temporary voice-over.

Course number: EANI-373
Prerequisite: n/a

Character Design


In this course, students will be introduced to theýdesign features that make up iconic good and evilýcharacters. The course will focus on the design ofýhuman characters for stories both existing andýimagined.

Course number: ECPT-315
Prerequisite: n/a

Character Design for Video Games


This course covers the many stages of theýcharacter concept development process for theývideo game industry including: character analysis,ýreference, ideation, color/texture variation, propýdesign, production drawings, and so on.  Studentsýgain a strong understanding of how to designýcharacters based on story and gameplay and haveýthe opportunity to produce portfolio pieces basedýon their style preference.

Course number: ECPT-362
Prerequisite: n/a

Clay Modeling


Clay Modeling is an introduction to 3D sculpting.ý This course reinforces understanding of 2D to 3Dýdesign translation, finish quality by creating aýhard model.

Course number: ECPT-213
Prerequisite: n/a

Clay Modeling Workshop


This workshop will be a five hour demonstration ofýthe proper methods, materials and tools used forýclay sculpture. We will demo using the types ofýclay available to students and show the procedureýof how to properly build up anatomical forms onýper-designed armatures for students in the clayýmodeling class, ECPT-213. Students will have theýopportunity to touch and experiment with differentýclays so they may choose one they feel comfortableýwith in class. We will have, on hand, differentýtools available that are used for sculpting inýclay. This workshop is designed to give theýstudents ample opportunity to learn the properýdirection to take in clay sculpture for the bustýas well as the figure for the Clay Modeling class.

Course number: ECPT-213W
Prerequisite: n/a

Concept 3


This class focuses on the PROCESS of creatingýmeaningful visual assets that designers bring toýthe table is the design process and the rigor toýwhich we apply our methods to the creation ofýmeaningful products and concepts. The processesýand techniques that you learn in this class willýapply to the Entertainment Design professionýwhether you are designing props, vehicles,ýenvironments, characters or creatures.

Course number: ECPT-257
Prerequisite: n/a

Concept Art 1


Students will learn the fundamentals of color andýshape design, while also developing into simpleýcharacter design and screen compositions.

Course number: EANI-105
Prerequisite: n/a

Concept Art 2


Continuing from Cancept Art 1ýýStudents will learn how to design simpleýcharacters, props and environments.

Course number: EANI-155
Prerequisite: n/a

Concept Art 3 Thesis


Continuing from Concept Art 2ýýStudents will create all concept art necessaryýfor their thesis film.

Course number: EANI-355
Prerequisite: n/a

Concept Art for Video Games


This course covers the concept art process asýapplied to video games, following the entire gameýdevelopment cycle from pre-production key art andýart bible creation through to production sketchesýand marketing images.  Focus will be placed onýapplying design principles to the functional andýaesthetic needs of practical game production.

Course number: ECPT-251
Prerequisite: n/a

Concept Design 1


Concept Design 1 is about big picture conceptualýthinking process. It covers introduction toývisual composition, story analysis and basics ofýthe design process to produce 2D representationýin the form of storyboards and compositions toýdrive the narrative.

Course number: ECPT-107
Prerequisite: n/a

Concept Design 2


This class focuses on the PROCESS of creatingýmeaningful visual assets and the rigor to whichýdesigners apply methodology to the creation ofýmeaningful concept design. The processes andýtechniques that you learn in this class will applyýto the Entertainment Design profession whether youýare designing props, vehicles, environments,ýcharacters or creatures.

Course number: ECPT-206
Prerequisite: n/a

Concept and Style Development


This course will enable the artist to understandýthe rich historical and contextual visual stylesýof animation from all over the world. A wideývariety of styles and aesthetics will be studiedýand evaluated against current design trends. Theýartist will then apply their visual research toýtheir own portfolio work. This is a uniqueýpart-lecture / part-studio class that challengesýthe artist's own preconceptions and designýboundaries.

Course number: ECPT-224
Prerequisite: n/a

Costume Design


This course focuses on analyzing and creatingýcostumes to support and enhance story. In thisýcourse students will be introduced to the designýstrategies and techniques employed when designingýcostumes for a wide range of characters. Theýcourse will focus on the design of costumes forýhuman characters for stories both existing andýimagined by the students. Design exercises willýnot only cover a wide range of costumes specificýto the purpose of the character they are for butýfor time periods, past, present and future.

Course number: ECPT-262
Prerequisite: n/a

Creating a Graphic Novel


The Graphic novel is one of the most complex yetýefficient storytelling tools in the world. In thisýcourse, students will write, design, layout,ýletter, pencil, ink and color an eight-page story,ýcreating characters and worlds of their own in theýprocess. In addition, students will learn how theýstoryboarding process for film and television isýanalogous to comics and use that skill to helpýlayout their original story. Individuality rules,ýyet much hard work will result in a newfound skillýinvaluable in the workplace.

Course number: ECPT-223
Prerequisite: n/a

Creative Problem Solving


Games are made by making informed and intentionalýdecisions. This class will teach you how to makeýgames by using game design thinking by solvingýproblems using data, research, and testing.ýýCourse Learning Objectives:ý1. Understand how to identify a problem, researchýunderlying issues, and draw conclusions to proposeýmultiple solutionsý2. Understand how decisions are made when makingýgamesý3. Learn how to create design solutions withinýexisting constraints

Course number: EGAM-103
Prerequisite: n/a

Creature Design


The Creature Design class covers the creation ofýbelievable creatures for stories, games and film,ýboth existing and imagined. Students will be ableýto create believable fictional creatures based onýlectures centered on storytelling, functionalityýand imagination. A strong understanding ofýcomparative and creative anatomy, and the role ofýeach creature will be of particular focus.

Course number: ECPT-365
Prerequisite: n/a

Design Adaptation


Design Adaptation develops the design skills toýcreate interiors as an extension of an originalýentertainment property. Students will useýexisting entertainment properties to identify theýestablished design language, and then use thisýinformation to create original designs as anýextension of the original entertainment property.ýThe students will take on design challenges forýfilm, video games, animation, and themedýenvironmental spaces. This will be a sketchingýand drawing intensive class.

Course number: ECPT-367
Prerequisite: n/a

Design for Capstone


The students will participate to the developmentýand design of one of theýCapstone projects.ýThey will collaborate with the other designers.

Course number: EGAM-325
Prerequisite: n/a

Design for Multiplayer Games


Overview of the specific design challenges whenýcreating a multiplayer game. ýStudy of local, online and massively multiplayerýonline games, including eSports.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes: ýThe student will understand the specificities ofýcreating a multiplayer game.ýThe student will design and prototype severalýmultiplayer game concepts.

Course number: EGAM-253
Prerequisite: n/a

Designing With Light and Color


This course covers the use of color and lighting,ýas a powerful tool for visual storytelling.

Course number: ECPT-316
Prerequisite: n/a

Digital Painting


This course builds a foundation of digitalýpainting skills with a focus on color and lightýand their relation to storytelling.

Course number: ECPT-203
Prerequisite: n/a

Dramatic Narrative


Dramatic Narrative is a senior level class toýpractice all learned skills and knowledge throughýgroup or individual projects.

Course number: ECPT-422
Prerequisite: n/a

Dramatic Narrative


"Welcome to "Designing the Narrative," a conceptýdesign course that expands on conventional designýapproaches with a personal bend. This classýfocuses on an experimental method, prioritizingýnarrative and emotional connections in the designýprocess. Participants will engage in projects andýdiscussions aimed at integrating storytellingýelements into their designs, fostering a deeperýemotional resonance with users. The courseýencourages a departure from what is expected orýtrendy, to a more imaginative and exploratoryýdesign mindset rooted in original thinking. Joinýus as we explore the dynamic relationship betweenýnarrative and form, redefining the boundaries ofýdesign along the way."

Course number: ECPT-422A
Prerequisite: n/a

Dynamic Character - Advanced Projects


In this advanced course each student will proposeýtheir own in depth, term long project with a clearýobjective to help them explore and further developýtheir ability to use characters in their artwork.ýMedia choice is open and will be determined basedýon the project. All proposals are to be approvedýby the instructor. This includes weekly deadlinesýas well as clear learning objectives and goals byýthe end of the term. Only projects that areýspecific to this class will be considered. Theýclass will meet each week for a group critique onýzoom where each student shares their progress.

Course number: ECPT-216
Prerequisite: n/a

Dynamic Character Drawing


This course is designed to help students drawýbetter dynamic characters both from life and fromýtheir imagination. Students will learn from aýseries of exercises emphasizing various approachesýand materials to achieve expressive, compellingýcharacters. Different storytelling considerationsýwill be explored leading to a deeper personalýunderstanding and point of view.

Course number: ECPT-215
Prerequisite: n/a

Dynamic Story & Concept Process


At the heart of entertainment design there is oneýthing that all aspects of development serve: theýstory. It is our job to be able to command theýfundamental principles of design (e.g. ýperspective, composition, visual communication,ýetc.) in order to tell a compelling narrative.ýThis course strives to emulate the collaborativeýand dynamic storytelling and concept designýprocess using tabletop roleplaying games as aýbackdrop for narrative development. Students willýcreate dynamic options for their characters toýexperience and roll the dice to see where they goýand what they do. The dynamic nature of multipleýpossibilities seeks to creatively parallel theýcurve balls we experience in the field on a dailyýbasis. It is the goal of this course to teach ourýstudents how to strengthen their technical skillsýalongside their narrative ability. Throughýresearch, iteration, and critique, students willýdesign characters and environments and show whereýthey intersect and interact in their story.ýStudents will be given the tools necessary to takeýan audience on a heroic journey.

Course number: ECPT-126
Prerequisite: n/a

EGAM-211 or EGAM-161


Psuedo course block

Course number: EGAM-211.PC3
Prerequisite: n/a

Edit Thesis


Continuing from Layout 3 ThesisýýStudents will learn how to edit their thesisýfilm, while also focusing on sound editing andýcreating a soundtrack. Publishing the finalýproduct through social media will also be part ofýthe class.

Course number: EANI-452
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Design 1


This course will be waived with an EntertainmentýDesign elective based on the student's area ofýspecialization.

Course number: ECPT-351
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Design 2


This course will be waived with an EntertainmentýDesign elective based on the student's area ofýspecialization.

Course number: ECPT-352
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Design 3


This course will be waived with an EntertainmentýDesign elective based on the student's area ofýspecialization.

Course number: ECPT-353
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Design Industry


Life within the institution of Art Center isýunlike any other. It is full of daunting tasks,ýsleepless nights, and thought provokingýinformation. This course attempts to address aýfacet of professionalism beyond Art Center. Lifeýafter commencement can be scary, but if properlyýprepared, it can be exciting as well asýchallenging. Together we will take a philosophicalýand practical approach to learning where and howýto find employment in the entertainment industry.

Course number: ECPT-450
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Design Internship


Course number: ENT-900
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Design Portfolio


This studio class is taught on a mentorship basisýfor Entertainment Design students. The studentsýwill be mentored to create their portfolio toýprofessional standards, preparing them for theirýjob or internship search and career.

Course number: ECPT-225
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Design Studio Elective


Course number: ENT-TRNSFR
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Graphics


This course addresses graphic design from a worldýbuilding perspective. Design elements will beýcreated and discussed. Students will be expectedýto communicate through drawings of their ownýdesign expressing the specific styling guidelinesýfor that genre. Entertainment Graphics isýintended to ground the information richýenvironments our Entertainment students work toýcreate. Graphic design is an environmentalýelement just as important as perspective,ýtopography, atmospheric perspective, cultural,ýstyle or costume. The class will also address theýuse of graphics to assist in more professionalýpresentations and posters.

Course number: ECPT-368
Prerequisite: n/a

Entertainment Sketchbook


On location sketching / Drawing from observationý/ Using studies to inspire creative designs /ýcomposing a sketchbook / photographing referenceýwith relevance to entertainment design.

Course number: ENT-213
Prerequisite: n/a

Environment Art for Games


Students will be exposed to the process ofýcreating 3d models, assets, and environmentsýspecifically for video games. Utilizing softwareýlike Maya, Substance Designer/Painter, and theýUnreal Engine, the focus will be on refiningýfundamental modeling, shading, and world buildingýskills in the context of creating game-ready art. ýStudents will collaborate with the game designýtrack to create actual playable levels.

Course number: EANI-331
Prerequisite: n/a

Environment Design for Entertainment


In this course, students create unique interiorýand exterior environment designs based on aýselected story. Aspects to explore may include:ýimaginary worlds, fantasy landscapes,ýarchitectural and non architectural environments,ýorganics, climate and weather influence,ýgeographic and topographic reference, etc.

Course number: ECPT-222
Prerequisite: n/a

Escape Room Design


Escape rooms have become a popular form ofýinteractive entertainment, challengingýparticipants to solve puzzles and unravelýmysteries within a limited time frame. This courseýdelves into the art and science of escape roomýdesign, providing students with the necessaryýskills and knowledge to create immersive andýengaging experiences.ýThroughout the course, students will explore theýfundamental principles of game design, puzzleýcreation, storytelling, and immersiveýenvironments, all within the context of escapeýrooms. They will gain a deep understanding of theýpsychology behind player engagement, challengeýprogression, and the importance of maintaining aýbalanced difficulty curve.

Course number: EGAM-351
Prerequisite: n/a

Escape Room Design


Escape rooms have become a popular form ofýinteractive entertainment, challengingýparticipants to solve puzzles and unravelýmysteries within a limited time frame. This courseýdelves into the art and science of escape roomýdesign, providing students with the necessaryýskills and knowledge to create immersive andýengaging experiences.ýThroughout the course, students will explore theýfundamental principles of game design, puzzleýcreation, storytelling, and immersiveýenvironments, all within the context of escapeýrooms. They will gain a deep understanding of theýpsychology behind player engagement, challengeýprogression, and the importance of maintaining aýbalanced difficulty curve.

Course number: EGAM-380
Prerequisite: n/a

Field Experience:ýAn Exploration of Alternative Controller


This class provides experiences for students toýexplore alternative applications of game designýand gaming peripherals. Through case studies,ýstudents will leverage their game developmentýknowledge in unconventional ways; through researchýand development, rapid prototyping, and exposureýto new tools and methods. Course LearningýOutcomes: Students will be exposed to real-worldýapplications and developing client-basedýdeliverables.

Course number: EGAM-353
Prerequisite: n/a

Figure Drawing & Anatomy 1


Students will learn about the fundamentals ofýfigure drawing and anatomy. Students will getýfamiliar with drawing models and how to translateýlive observations to paper.

Course number: EANI-107
Prerequisite: n/a

Figure Drawing & Anatomy 2


This intermediate figure and anatomy course willýcontinue the understanding of muscle and boneýstructure and movement by studying the figureýthrough live models and demo.

Course number: EANI-156
Prerequisite: n/a

Figure Drawing & Anatomy 3


Continuing from Figure Drawing & Anatomy 2ýýThis course is designed to enhance yourýanalytical understanding of the human form. Thisýwill facilitate your ability to design and createýfrom imagination and have a better grasp ofýmovement, form, and function. Analysis isýessential to learning accurate anatomy in orderýto be better able to animate and create human andýanimal forms and to more convincingly draw fromýlife.

Course number: EANI-306
Prerequisite: n/a

Futuristic Thread: Sci-Fi Costume Design


Welcome to "Futuristic Threads: Sci-Fi CostumeýDesign," a comprehensive course exploring theýpractical aspects of crafting costumes forýspeculative near and distant future scenarios.ýThis program guides participants through characterýdesign principles, emphasizing functionality,ýcombat utility, technical occupations, andýrobotics. The focus lies on selecting materialsýand technologies aligned with futuristic settings,ýchallenging conventional design norms. Throughýhands-on projects, lectures, and critiques,ýstudents develop the ability to constructýcompelling settings through costumes. The goal isýto create a portfolio of designs that reflect aýnuanced understanding of advancements inýtechnology as well as costume and equipmentýcomponents of combat and strategicýmaneuverability, without the constraints ofýpresent-day norms.

Course number: ECPT-361
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Animation Fundamentals


This course will focus on the basics of creatingýgame animation utilizing industry standard 3Dýsoftware and game engine pipelines. The class willýfocus on creating character movement influenced byýthe technical requirements of game development. ýStudents will create a series of animation clipsýbased on a game design for several unique in gameýperformances.

Course number: EANI-332
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Art Fundamentals


Learn the terminology of 3D; learn the processesýused to produce art assets (modeling, texture,ýanimation, lighting, visual effects); learn theýproduction workflow techniques, learn the mainýindustry-standard tools (Maya or Max, Photoshop);ýimport assets in a game engine.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýThe student will acquire practical knowledge ofýall the different steps required to create artýassets for a game.

Course number: EGAM-120
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Concept Development


Students from game design, concept, andýillustration will work together to create a uniqueývideo game concept - closely guided by theýfaculty. As the owners of the game concept,ýstudents will plan out and create documents,ýartwork, and a prototype to guide the proposedýcreation of their game. At the end of the termýselect projects will be chosen to move forward asýthe capstone project and will be developed duringýthe Advanced Game Project course.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýStudents in Game Concept Development will:ý1. Gain experience of production within a teamýenvironment collaborating with other disciplinesý2. Gain an understanding of the components neededýfor a cohesive Art Bible and Game Design Documentý3. Gain experience designing the core gameplayýloop, additional gameplay loops, and coreýmechanics of the gameý4. Create visual designs that work from both anýaesthetic and gameplay perspectiveý5. Gain experience creating a representativeý'proof of concept' of their game : one thatýcaptures the intended player experienceý6. Gain experience creating a production planýdetailing next steps required to bring the projectýto finish in the futureý7. Gain experience conducting playtests andýlogging the feedback

Course number: EGAM-352A
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Design Challenges:ýInnovation and Creativity in GameýConcepts


This course is an opportunity for students toýexplore many different topics, themes, and gamingýstructures- exposing them to a variety of gameýdevelopment scenarios.ýýBuilding upon a base knowledge of game design,ýstudents will be able to utilize and apply thoseýskills as they are prompted to face bothýjuxtaposing constraints and open-ended challenges.ýStudents will explore mental frameworks forýcreative thinking as develop their ownýmethodologies to generate original ideas.

Course number: EGAM-203
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Design Challenges;ýInnovation and Creativity in GameýConcepts


This course is an opportunity for students toýexplore many different topics, themes, and gamingýstructures- exposing them to a variety of gameýdevelopment scenarios.ýýBuilding upon a base knowledge of game design,ýstudents will be able to utilize and apply thoseýskills as they are prompted to face bothýjuxtaposing constraints and open-ended challenges.ýStudents will explore mental frameworks forýcreative thinking as develop their ownýmethodologies to generate original ideas.

Course number: EGAM-265
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Design Fundamentals


Overview of the theory of Game design (formal,ýdramatic and dynamic (systems) elements), itsýdevelopment process (iteration, prototyping,ýplaytesting) through digital and non-digitalýgames.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes: ýThe student will understand the fundamentalýtheory of Game Design.

Course number: EGAM-115
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Design Fundamentals 1


This introductory game design course explores theýrole of a game designer in the player-centric gameýdevelopment process of iteration, prototyping,ýplaytesting, and analysis. Students will work inýteams to develop digital and analog games ofýdifferent genres, with a focus on the game'sýstructural elements (player formats, objectives,ýprocedures, rules, resources, conflict,ýboundaries, and outcomes) elements and thematicý(setting, characters, and story). Assignmentsýwill emphasize the writing of game designýdocuments and analyzing playtest sessions.

Course number: EGAM-104
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Design Fundamentals 2


This course expands on the concepts covered inýGame Design Fundamentals 1 by focusing on theýfoundational elements of game design, the coreýmechanics of a game. Core mechanics are presentedýas action loops that are initiated by triggers andýresult in rewards, progressing the player towardsýthe game goals. Students will work bothýindependently and as teams to create coreýmechanics that will progress the player toýspecific goals, and will learn differentýtechniques for adjusting the mechanic's difficultyýand complexity. Assignments will emphasize theýuse of spreadsheets for creating charts toývisually depict the quantitative aspects of gameýmechanics.

Course number: EGAM-154
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Design Fundamentals 3


This course builds upon the concepts covered inýGame Design Fundamentals 1 and 2 by examiningýgames from a holistic systems-base view in whichýgames are not seen simply as a structuredýcollection of mechanics but as persistent loops ofýinteraction forming engines, economies, andýecologies to create an engaging experience for theýplayer. Students will work both individually andýin teams to design games as interaction loops thatýreinforce progression and balance gameplay. ýAssignments focus on creating diagramsýillustrating the flow of resources within andýbetween various game systems, and on creatingýspreadsheet simulations to model the state andýbehavior changes of game objects and verify theýstability and elegance of their game's systems.

Course number: EGAM-204
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Design for Themed Entertainment 2:ýAdvanced Production


Students will continue their work from EGAM-354ýGame Design for Themed Entertainment and polishýthe game for submission to festivals and exposýlike IndieCade and the GDC Alt-Ctrl exhibit.

Course number: EGAM-355
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Design for Themed Entertainmnent -ýProduction


Students with build the location based gameýdesigned in EGAM-354 Game Design for ThemedýEntertainment.

Course number: EGAM-354A
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Development 1


An introduction to the technical and creativeýaspects of game development, including theýprototyping and creation of 2D games. The studentýwill learn to use an industry standard developmentýengine, reproduce classic 2D games, and prototypeýtheir own original 2D concept.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes: The student will beýable to create a prototype of a simple 2D gameýusing standard development tools.

Course number: EGAM-102
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Development 2 (intermediateýPrototyping)


An intermediate-level class in the technologies ofýgame development. Students will advance theirýunderstanding of industry standard game enginesýand industry-standard development practices.ýStudents will also grow their skills in gameýprogramming and game development. Projects willýfocus on 3D spaces, procedural generation ofýassets (textures, meshes, agents, and narratives),ýand culminate in a final project where studentsýwill build a prototype for an original 3D gameýconcept.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ý1. Upon successful completion of the course, theýstudent will:ý2. Increase familiarity and competence withýbuilding small playable prototypesý3. Deepen understanding and technical skills of C#ý4. More effectively document and communicateýdesign and implementation processesý5. Expand analytical abilities when evaluatingýexisting game designs

Course number: EGAM-202A
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Development 3 (IntermediateýPrototyping)


A follow-up to the Game Development 2 class, thisýcourse will introduce more advanced concepts in 3Dýgame development.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýThe student will be able to create a prototype ofýa more sophisticated 3D game using industryýstandard development tools.ýThe student will have a practical knowledge ofýadvanced concepts in game design and gameýtheories.

Course number: EGAM-262
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Development 4 (Adv Prototyping)


Course Description:ýA follow-up to the Game Development 3 class, thisýcourse will introduce more advanced concepts in 3Dýgame development such as AI (artificialýintelligence) and sandbox gameplay.ýStudents will also be introduced to other industryýstandard game engines. ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýThe student will be able to create a prototype ofýa more sophisticated 3D game using industryýstandard development tools.ýThe student will have a practical knowledge ofýsophisticated concepts in game design and gameýtheories.

Course number: EGAM-302
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Is Software


This course will serve as an introduction to theýtechniques of game development. Students willýlearn the fundamentals of game development withinýgame engines, while developing prototypes thatýexhibit game design best practices.ýProjects will be focused on learning andýdemonstrating fundamentals of the engine,ýincluding scripting, basic physics, loops, andýfunctions, among other things. The class willýculminate in a final project that will showcaseýthe individual student's ability to create anýinteractive prototype within the Unity gameýengine.

Course number: EGAM-101A
Prerequisite: n/a

Game Production 1


Analysis of game genres; overview of theýdifferent aspects of video game developmentý(concept, pre-production, production,ýpost-production; roles of artists, programmers,ýdesigners, and producers, etc.); , core principlesýof game design.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýThe student will understand how a video game isýdeveloped and managed, how a team is structured,ýwhat are the different genres of games, what areýthe different gaming platforms and what are theýcore components of a video game.

Course number: EGAM-105
Prerequisite: n/a

Games As a Service


Games as a service (GaaS) are ways to monetizeývideo games either after their initial sale, or toýsupport a free-to-play model. They typicallyýreceive a long or indefinite stream of monetizedýnew content over time to encourage players toýcontinue paying to support the game.ýThis class will explore the challenges and theýopportunities offered by this new approach toýgaming.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýThe student will understand the principles andýtechniques used in order to keep the playerýengaged with the game.

Course number: EGAM-361
Prerequisite: n/a

Games for Themed Entertainment


Students with an interest and focus inýentertainment design will develop game design andýthemed entertainment skill sets in conjunctionýwith a community partner and guided byýfaculty. From reenvisioning classic analog games,ýto exploring the latest in industry standardýtechnologies, students will explore real-lifeýapplications by focusing on the needs of a caseýstudy example partnership, as they go fromýconcept, to product testing, and to final advancedýprototype/product-developing for out-of-homeývisitor attractions and experiences.

Course number: EGAM-354
Prerequisite: n/a

Grad Show Prep for Entertainment Design


Participating in the Grad Show takes planning,ýpreparation, and coordination. This classýprovides the support for Entertainment Designýstudents to successfully mount their Grad Showýdisplay.

Course number: ENT-450P
Prerequisite: n/a

Grad Show Preparation


Grad Show Preparation

Course number: EGAM-455
Prerequisite: n/a

Guided Study


Course number: EANI-496
Prerequisite: n/a

Guided Study


Course number: ENT-976
Prerequisite: n/a

Guided Study


Course number: ECPT-496
Prerequisite: n/a

Guided Study


Course number: EANI-396
Prerequisite: n/a

Human Anatomy


This course covers the study of human anatomy asýit relates to its representation in the field ofýentertainment design.  Analysis is essential toýlearning accurate anatomy in order to be betterýable to create human forms. Fundamentals ofýmuscle and bone structure, proportion, how theýbody moves, and dynamic form will be covered.  Howýthe body moves through leverage and weight willýalso be studied through demo and live models. ýThere will be a particular emphasis on how theýmusculoskeletal system affects the human form fromýthe artist's point of view.

Course number: ECPT-104
Prerequisite: n/a

Image As World Building


Description: A photograph is one of many materialsýthat can hold an image. Images can exist as text,ýsound, imagination, frequencies and more. The wayýwe process and store images has a great deal ofýinfluence on our physiological beings, shiftingýthe way we interface with the worlds around andýwithin us. How does it inform our practice when weýconsider the anticipated ontology of the imagesýimbued within our work and the way they shape ourýworlds? What do our current worlds consist of andýwhat are the realities we aspire toward?ý ýAfter contextualizing ourselves in ourýcontemporary environment, we will learn how toýlocate, identify and place information, withýconstructive intentions, in our own works.ý ýThe semester will include various learning models,ýincluded but not limited to lectures, field trips,ýcollaborative exercises, and critique. Studentsýwill be asked to propose an image based projectýthat thematically relates to the course. ýAt the end of this course, students willýunderstand how to employ these techniques withinýtheir own practices and begin to anticipate theýway their making will materialize in the world andýbe intentional about the world they're building.

Course number: ENT-270
Prerequisite: n/a

Immersive Design and the Science ofýFeedback


This course is a deep dive into creating immersionýin games including through the lenses ofýpsychology, physiology, storytelling, playableýsystem design, production execution, and socialýemotional learning. Students will complete aýsequence of in class exercises and case studies.ýAnd students will create two solo projects toýachieve immersion using software tools of theirýchoosing.

Course number: EGAM-311A
Prerequisite: n/a

Indie and Experimental Game Art


Indie and Experimental Game ArtýWelcome to the world of Indie and ExperimentalýGame Art, where imagination knows no bounds! Thisýdynamic course is designed to equip aspiring gameýartists with the skills and creative mindsetýneeded to craft captivating and unique assets andýnarratives for indie games. From character designýand environmental art to story development andýuser interface elements, this course delves deepýinto the diverse realm of game asset creation.ýýThroughout this course, students will engage inýhands-on projects, receive personalized feedbackýfrom an experienced instructor, and collaborateýwith fellow artists to simulate the real-worldýchallenges faced by indie game artists. By the endýof the course, participants will have honed theirýartistic skills and developed a strong portfolioýof game assets and a pitch bible ready to make anýimpact in the exciting world of indie andýexperimental game development. Let your creativityýsoar and join us on this thrilling journey intoýthe world of indie game art!

Course number: ECPT-282
Prerequisite: n/a

Individual Game Project


The Individual Game Project is a chance for theýstudent creatives to deep dive into their gameýcontent, studying not only whatýneeds to be included, but "why" elements ofýnarrative and design matter. This will includeýlooking at the games from aýnumber of angles, including core mechanics, art,ýstory, and potential marketing. We will beýdeveloping two "vertical slice"ýprojects in the class. One will look at anýexisting IP (or something that has been previouslyýdeveloped), and one will beýoriginal. Both projects will require detailedýdocumentation. In addition, students will also beýrequired to keep a developerýdiary, which will include their thought processesýon the vertical slice projects.

Course number: EGAM-401A
Prerequisite: n/a

Inner Character Design


Great character designs are three-dimensional inýmore ways than one. From innocent and lovable, toýdark, funny, or dangerous, unforgettableýcharacters are complex beings with goals andýdreams, backstories, emotional wounds, negativeýflaws & fears, positive traits & skills, and aýwide range of personal emotions that define everyýaspect of their visual design and bodyýlanguage..from the inside out. ýýWhether your focus is concept design or animation,ýthis immersive and heartfelt course will inspireýand transform the way you see, express, move, andýdesign your characters and the specialýenvironments that unveil their innermost worlds.ýWe'll incorporate unique, psychologicalýdesign-tools and fun methodologies for expertlyýrevealing the inner backstories that will guideýyour outer designs of emotive characters,ýenvironments and stories that leap into viewers'ýhearts and carry your art, visual storytellingýskills, and your portfolio, to new heights andýdepths.

Course number: ECPT-315A
Prerequisite: n/a

Interior Visions: the Art of InnerýSpaces


"Interior Visions: The Art of Inner Spaces" is anýimmersive concept design class that invitesýstudents on a captivating journey into the realmýof interior spaces, exploring a wide spectrum fromýthe traditional to the fantastical. This courseýdelves into the art of crafting unique andýimaginative environments, ranging from the opulentýchambers of historical palaces to the sleekýconfines of futuristic spaceship bridges and spaceýstation interiors. Students will also explore theýintricacies of designing interiors for diverseýsettings, such as vintage pirate ships orýcontemporary luxury boats, enabling them to masterýthe fusion of aesthetic principles with functionalýrequirements. Through hands-on projects andýcreative exercises, participants will hone theirýskills in spatial visualization, storytelling, andýrendering techniques, fostering a deepýunderstanding of how interior spaces can evokeýemotions, enhance experiences, and tell compellingýnarratives. Join us in this inspiring odyssey,ýwhere creativity knows no bounds, and where theýart of interior design transcends the ordinary andýventures into the extraordinary.

Course number: ECPT-323
Prerequisite: n/a

Intermediate 3D


Intermediate 3D is a hands-on course designed toýfurther develop students' skills in 3D design andýintroductory animation techniques. Building uponýthe foundational knowledge gained in theýIntroduction to 3D Design course, thisýintermediate-level class focuses on providingýstudents with more advanced tools and techniquesýto create visually appealing and functional 3Dýmodels.ýýThroughout the course, students will explore aývariety of mid-level 3D design techniques, with aýparticular emphasis on hard surface props andývehicles. The primary objective is to equipýstudents with the necessary skills to create 3Dýmodels that seamlessly blend form and function.ýStudents will learn how to balance aestheticýconsiderations with practical design elements toýproduce visually striking and functional objects.

Course number: ECPT-209
Prerequisite: n/a

Intro to 3D


Intro to 3D is an introduction to using anýindustry standard 3D software package. Theýprimary goal of this class is to build a solidýfoundation to integrate 3D software into designýpractice.

Course number: ECPT-158
Prerequisite: n/a

Intro to Digital Sculpting


This class will introduce students to a digitalýsculpting workflow. The students will learn theýessential tools (such as ZBrush) to create aýdigital character sculpt including soft bodyýdynamic costuming elements and hard surfaceýaccessories. The class covers understandingývirtual 3D objects, application of anatomicalýforms and hard surface techniques to properlyýproduce a believable character. Through tutorials,ýexercises and critique this course will helpýdevelop the skills required for the creation ofýhigh-resolution virtual models for game,ýanimation, and film concept development. This is aýdesign-driven class focused on storytelling whereýstudents will need to convey a story through theirýcharacter.

Course number: ECPT-319
Prerequisite: n/a

Intro to Transmedia Design


This introductory class focuses on the shiftingýentertainment marketplace, the convergence ofýtechnology platforms and the strategy needed toýextend an existing property across multipleýplatforms in ways that both drive revenue andýincrease audience engagement.ýTopics Covered:ý" Transmedia Fundamentalsý" Definitions and Transmedia Stylesý" Current and Historical Transmedia Case Studies "ýStoryworlds and Worldbuildingý" Narrative Strategies for IP Expansioný" Narrative Strategies for Increased Engagementý" Medium Differences and Platform Planningý" Transmedia Final Project - Extending Existing IPýýCourse Learning Outcomes: The student will learnýthe basic creative strategies required to beýsuccessful across multiple mediums.

Course number: EGAM-153
Prerequisite: n/a

Intro to Virtual Production


Explore the future of film and tv production asýseen in projects such as The Mandalorian. ýýStudents will learn how production processes areýbeing revolutionized with modern technology andývirtual production techniques providing benefitsýsuch as real-time previz, virtual locationýscouting, and in-camera vfx.ýýThis course is designed to give students anýintroductory overview of the virtual productionýpipeline. Through lectures, demonstrations, andýprojects, students will gain an appreciation forýthe use cases, toolsets (including real-time gameýengines), preparation steps, and shooting processýin a virtual production studio (also known as theývolume). ýýThe class will culminate in the hands-onýexperience of shooting a project in the volume.

Course number: EANI-313
Prerequisite: n/a

Introduction to Entertainment Design


An introduction to the Entertainment DesignýDepartment for the Concept, Animation, and Gamesýtracks. How things work in the department as wellýas at Art Center will be covered. Topics include:ýhow to add/drop or sub/waive classes, curriculumýoverviews, term planning, time management,ýdepartment policies, Art Center policies, degreeýaudits, term reviews, entertainment industryýoverview, etc.

Course number: ENT-100
Prerequisite: n/a

Korean Production Design


In this course, students will analyze theýproduction design of Korean films and music videosýand then apply cultural and design principlesýfound in Korean media to their own designýprojects. The class will discuss story arc,ýperformance, visual symbolism, light, sound,ýcostume, and production design.

Course number: ECPT-252
Prerequisite: n/a

Layout 3 Thesis


Continuing from Story 3 ThesisýýStudents will create a 2D animatic and/or 3Dýpreviz reel for their thesis.

Course number: EANI-401
Prerequisite: n/a

Level Design 1


Overview of the different components used toýcreate levels (obstacles, triggers, rewards,ýetc.).ýStudents will create levels for multiple genre ofýgames.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes: ýThe student will understand the principles andýtechniques used to create compelling levels inýgames.

Course number: EGAM-251
Prerequisite: n/a

Level Design 2


This course continues from Level Design 1,ýteaching the fundamentals of specific game typesýand architectures. Students will form a betterýunderstanding of the relationship between peopleýand spaces and apply that to level design.ýStudents will also be exposed to more advancedýscripting and level design mechanics and beýchallenged to build within specific game genres.ýCourse Learning Outcomes:ý1. Students will continue to use and expand on theýfundamental principles of video game level designý(mechanics, level layout, narrative flow, etc)ýacross multiple genres, including: narrativeýexperiences, puzzle games, action adventure, andýopen world. ý2. Gain an understanding of prototyping levels inýUnreal using kits and instanced assets to createýcompelling game levels. ý3. Gain an understanding of scripting and assetýattributes to create a holistic player experienceýthat represents the intended design. ý4. Gain a deeper understanding of working withýconcept artists to create a usable blueprint forý3d artists to execute a usable level

Course number: EGAM-252A
Prerequisite: n/a

Level Design 2


This course will continue from Level Design 1.ýýOverview of the different components used toýcreate levels (obstacles, triggers, rewards,ýetc.). Students will create levels for multipleýgenres of games.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes: The student willýunderstand the principles and techniques used toýcreate compelling levels in games.

Course number: EGAM-252
Prerequisite: n/a

Lighting 1


Students will learn to light a CG animated scene,ýfocusing on light, color, comping, shadows,ýhighlights, depth, etc.

Course number: EANI-258
Prerequisite: n/a

Lighting 2


Continuing from Lighting 1ýýStudents will learn to light a CG sequence,ýfocusing on light, color, comping, shadows,ýhighlights, depth, etc.

Course number: EANI-358
Prerequisite: n/a

Lighting 3 Thesis


Continuing from Lighting 1ýýStudents will light and comp their entire thesisýfilm.

Course number: EANI-458
Prerequisite: n/a

Lighting Fundamentals


Lighting Fundamentals will introduce theýfunadmentals of lighting and its storytellingýpower. Utilizing different lighting set ups toýinvoke different genres/moods, horror, romantic,ýcomedy, mystery, etc. and analyze lightýproperties to support visual storytelling.

Course number: ECPT-152
Prerequisite: n/a

Mathematics, Economics and Games


Overview of the various mathematics and economicsýprinciples used in the games (probabilities,ýscoring systems, resources management, etc.)ýExisting games (digital and non digital) will beýdeconstructed and new concepts will be developed.ý ýCourse Learning Outcomes: ýThe student will understand the mathematicalýprinciples used in games and how to work withýthem. The student will also understand the coreýrules of economics and how to apply them to aýgame design.

Course number: EGAM-231
Prerequisite: n/a

Matte Painting


This course covers advanced digital paintingýtechniques as applied to the craft of matteýpainting.

Course number: ECPT-303
Prerequisite: n/a

Mechs and Robots


This is an industrial design-inspired courseýfocusing on hard surface concept design forýentertainment with a special emphasis on Mechs andýRobots.

Course number: ECPT-270
Prerequisite: n/a

Media That Matters:ýA Survey on Critical Works in PopýCulture


The students will study some of the IPs (movies,ýbooks, TV shows, games,ýetc.) that influenced the Video Game industry.

Course number: EGAM-131
Prerequisite: n/a

Modeling 1


Students will learn how to model basic character,ýprop & environment models (students will useýtheir designs from Concept Design 1).

Course number: EANI-215
Prerequisite: n/a

Modeling 2


This class continues from Modeling 1. Studentsýwill learn how to model more advanced character,ýprop and environment models. Also focusing onýbasic texturing of the characters, props andýenvironment models.

Course number: EANI-265
Prerequisite: n/a

Modeling 3


Continuing from Modeling 2ýýThis class will focus on modeling human characterýand/or creatures. The student will be able toýpick what kind of modeling he/she wants to focusýon as well.

Course number: EANI-365
Prerequisite: n/a

Organic Exteriors: ExteriorýEnvironmental Design


Organic Form: Exterior Environment Design is aýconcept design class tailored for the diverseýrequirements of games, movies, and themedýattractions. This course focuses on the creationýof organic environments, ranging from theýmysterious depths of Atlantis to the uniqueýlandscapes of Mars. As a form language class, theýcurriculum is designed to provide fundamentalýskills essential for all concept designers.ýThrough theoretical exploration and practicalýprojects, students will delve into the principlesýof organic form creation, acquiring techniquesýapplicable across various storytelling mediums.ýThis class serves as a foundational step forýconceptualizing environments that effectivelyýengage audiences, offering a balance ofýimagination and technical proficiency. Join us onýa journey where creativity meets skill, and theýpotential of your artistic vision unfolds in theýlandscapes you create.

Course number: ECPT-321B
Prerequisite: n/a

Originality in Design


Originality in Design develops techniques toýcreate a unique form of visual language that canýthen be applied to design environments,ýcharacters, vehicles and props for theýentertainment industry. Shedding previousýinfluences, exploring new forms, as original andýinnovative as possible, and implementing it as aýdesigned project.

Course number: ECPT-421
Prerequisite: n/a

Outer Space Architecture:ýSurvival Beyond Tomorrow


This specialized course will integrate theýcreative endeavors of ArtCenter students with theýfoundational design principles espoused by RichardýNeutra. Its primary objective is to facilitate theýmeticulous development of comprehensive projectsýset within predetermined contexts, whereinýstudents will conceptualize futuristicýenvironments tailored for human habitation.ýDrawing upon Neutra's principles of design,ýsustainability, and holistic well-being,ýparticipants will engage in an in-depthýexploration of these concepts. Throughout theýterm, a series of lectures and presentations byýguest speakers will augment the learning process,ýsupplemented by field trips to seminalýarchitectural works by Richard Neutra. Studentsýwill be afforded the opportunity to select fromýdistinct scenarios, each serving as a canvas forýthe creation of a comprehensive suite ofýdeliverables. Culminating in a grand exhibitionýhosted at Neutra facilities, these projects willýshowcase the culmination of students' endeavorsýand insights garnered throughout the course.

Course number: ECPT-321C
Prerequisite: n/a

Painting Process: Traditional to Digital


There is a spontaneity and fluidity that isýdifficult to replicate digitally, especially whenýworking with water-based mediums. the physicalýprocess of painting with paint and brushes carriesýwith it a unique emotional connection to yourýcreativity. Exploring color by mixing paint on aýpalette is critical to understanding the nature ofýcolor, including relationships between hue,ýtemperature, chroma and saturation. There is aýsensitivity and freshness in the way paint isýapplied to board or canvas that is organic andýsatisfying, not to mention the ability to sell orýdisplay your original art in galleries. Theseýskills contribute to strong design and decisionýmaking that make an artist invaluable to theirýfield. ýýThis class is a Visual Development class thatýbegins with traditional paintings in Gouache andýtransitions to finished art via Photoshop. Thisýcombines the best of both mediums towards creatingýartwork for animation and illustration portfolios.

Course number: ECPT-203A
Prerequisite: n/a



Students will learn about 1, 2, and 3 pointýperspective and how to apply those principles toýStoryboarding and compositions.

Course number: EANI-102
Prerequisite: n/a

Perspective 1


This course covers perspective techniques forývisualizing singular objects. Includes interiorýperspective. Emphasizes methods of illustratingýdesign concepts. Information is presented onýtechniques, correct usage of required tools,ýformal presentation. How to enhance theýcommunication levels in realistic workingýenvironments, formal presentation, andýinteractions with modeling teams.

Course number: ECPT-101
Prerequisite: n/a

Portfolio 1


Students will focus on creating a professionalýportfolio. The focus in terms of skill-set will beýdecided by the students. The end goal is to createýartwork to a high professional level, which theýstudent can use to apply for animation relatedýjobs.

Course number: EANI-403
Prerequisite: n/a

Portfolio 2


Students will focus on creating a professionalýportfolio. The focus in terms of skill-set will beýdecided by the students. The end goal is to createýartwork to a high professional level, which theýstudent can use to apply for animation relatedýjobs.

Course number: EANI-453
Prerequisite: n/a

Portfolio and Career Preparation


The Portfolio and Career Prep course focuses onýthe development of the student's portfolio, resumeýand cover letter that will be used to seek a jobýin the games industry. Students will developýhands-on experience on the hiring process throughýparticipating in the creation of targeted coverýletters, mock interviews, and mock design tests.

Course number: EGAM-450A
Prerequisite: n/a

Portfolio and Career Preparation


Development of the student's portfolio that willýbe used to seek a job in the game industry. Useýof video editing tools to create game trailers.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes: ýStudent will produce a complete portfolio thatýthey will present to potential employers.

Course number: EGAM-450
Prerequisite: n/a

Portfolio/Senior Project 1


This studio class is taught on a mentorship basisýfor Entertainment Design students. Based on theirýindividual area of focus, each student willýresearch, conceive & develop in-depth a finalýproject of their choice. The students will beýmentored to create their grad show presentationýand final portfolio to professional standards,ýpreparing them for their job search and career.

Course number: ECPT-401
Prerequisite: n/a

Portfolio/Senior Project 2


This class is a followup to Portfolio/SeniorýProject 1. Students continue with the creation ofýtheir grad show presentation and final portfolio.

Course number: ECPT-451
Prerequisite: n/a

Previz 1


Students will learn how to create a sequence inýCG, focusing on editing, pacing andýcinematography.

Course number: EANI-201
Prerequisite: n/a

Previz 2


Continuing from Previz 1, students will learn howýto create a sequence in CG, focusing on editing,ýpacing and cinematography.

Course number: EANI-301
Prerequisite: n/a

Production Art


Being a concept artist for an animated film/TVýseries, video game, or live-action film involvesýcommunicating approved designs to downstreamýdepartments and to vendor studios.  In addition toýcovering the design process of adhering to shapeýlanguage and visual styles, this courseýconcentrates on the importance of clearlyýcommunicating designs and an understanding of theýproduction pipeline and the team environment. ýTopics covered will also include proper formattingýof art pages and creating art packets with anýemphasis on designing props for environments andýcharacters.

Course number: ECPT-327
Prerequisite: n/a

Production Design


This course covers all aspects of visualýstorytelling for film, animation and games in aýteam setting.

Course number: ECPT-326
Prerequisite: n/a

Project Continuation


This 0-credit lab grants recent alumni access toýcampus facilities and resources as needed toýcomplete your final projects and portfolio workýfrom the last semester. Access will be coordinatedýwith our facilities team in a safe and staggeredýschedule. Students will need to communicate withýtheir department a specific list of projects andýidentify the specific resources you need toýcomplete your work.

Course number: ENT-491
Prerequisite: n/a

Prototyping Innovative Game Mechanics


The Prototyping Innovative Game Mechanics courseýis designed to provide aspiring game designersýwith the necessary skills and knowledge toýconceptualize, develop, and iterate innovativeýgame mechanics for interactive experiences. Thisýhands-on course encourages students to thinkýoutside the box, experiment with diverse gameplayýideas, and create unique mechanics that push theýboundaries of game design.ýThroughout the course, students will explore theýentire process of prototyping original gameýmechanics, from ideation to implementation. Theyýwill learn fundamental concepts and techniques toýeffectively translate their ideas into interactiveýprototypes, fostering a deep understanding of theýiterative nature of game design. Students willýhave the opportunity to develop their criticalýthinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills asýthey collaborate on projects and provide feedbackýto their peers.

Course number: EGAM-371
Prerequisite: n/a

Puzzle Design: Theory & Practice


Plunge into the fascinating world of puzzleýdesign, offering a comprehensive look at the art,ýhistory, and psychology behind one of humanity'sýoldest forms of entertainment. Uncover theýcultural and historical landscapes of puzzles,ýexamining their evolution and roles in cognitiveýdevelopment, education, and entertainment. Zoom inýon how puzzles leverage visual communication toýconvey information and challenge solvers, focusingýon design principles that make them bothýaesthetically appealing and intellectuallyýstimulating. Zigzag through a vast spectrum ofýpuzzle types, from ancient riddles to contemporaryýescape rooms and strategic video games. Learnýabout the psychological mechanisms that makeýpuzzles engaging and the principles that make themýsolvable and enjoyable. Explore how well-craftedýpuzzles can lead to "aha" moments, generatingývaluable insights across various disciplines.ýStudents will create their own puzzles throughoutýthe semester, enhancing both their design skillsýand solving abilities while applying theseýconcepts to their respective fields.

Course number: EGAM-351A
Prerequisite: n/a

Rendering and Lighting


Rendering and Lighting develops the skills toýdescribe forms from imagination through lightingýto create clear instructions for production.

Course number: ECPT-202
Prerequisite: n/a

Rigging I


This class covers rigging fundamentals. Both bodyýand facial rigging will be taught. The goal is toýget students comfortable rigging simple humanoidýcharacters.

Course number: EANI-308
Prerequisite: n/a

Safe Ninos: Animations, Games, andýStorytelling to Prevent Childhood Burnsý- Development Seminar


(1-Week Trip to Santiago, Chile, followed by aý13-week studio course at ArtCenter) Seeking 2 to 3ýupper-term Entertainment Design students to joinýthe Safe Niños team! Every year, 6 millionýchildren across South and Latin America are burnedýfrom exposure to open flames, hot objects orýfireworks. COANIQUEM, a nonprofit medicalýtreatment center that provides free holisticýtreatment for burn survivors across South andýLatin America, is challenging ArtCenter studentsýto create new multi-media strategies for burnýprevention messaging for children. In a Springýstudio, students worked to build concepts for newýworlds of burn prevention messaging, creatingýcharacters, environments, rules and stories acrossýmedia applications. This Fall, the Safe Niños teamýwill continue to develop the concepts to a moreýcomplete world, informed directly by the missionýof COANIQUEM and aesthetics and culture of Chile. ý ýStudents will travel to Santiago, Chile fromýSeptember 4 to 9 to visit COANIQUEM's campus, meetýwith Chilean production companies, and exploreýSantiago.  ý ýAfter returning to campus, the Development Seminarýclass will meet once a week from Weeks 1 to 13 toýdevelop concepts for an animated series andýrelated media and materials, with the goal ofýgetting as close to a complete first episode asýpossible!

Course number: TDS-482A
Prerequisite: n/a

Sci-Fi Project: Story | Storyboard |ýConcept Design


Entertainment Design and Film are collaborating toýcreate a ten-minute, high-concept Sci-Fi film withýproduction values equal to the biggest Hollywoodýblockbusters. The process will take several terms,ýand utilize the varied talents of our students andýfaculty to develop, design and create the film.ýThis class continues the development of the Sci-Fiýfilm, mimicking what happens in a real Studioýenvironment. S.S.C.: Story Development willýcontinue refining the screenplay, along with aýdeep dive into the Production Design of the film,ýcharacter. environment and storyboards to produceýa reel of the entire film. Students andýinstructors will continue to collaborate in aý"Writer's Room" format as well as an artýdevelopment and story department - collectivelyýcontributing to the creation of a reel and solidýConcept Design work to produce a "Look ofýPicture".

Course number: ENT-344
Prerequisite: n/a

Senior Show


This senior studio class is taught on a mentorshipýbasis for Entertainment Design students. Based onýtheir individual area of focus, each student willýresearch, conceive & develop in-depth a finalýproject of their choice. The students will beýmentored to create their grad show and finalýportfolio to professional standards, preparingýthem for their job search and career.

Course number: ECPT-471
Prerequisite: n/a

Shorts 1


Students will work in a group and create a 30ýsecond 2D short film.

Course number: EANI-257
Prerequisite: n/a

Shorts 1 C


Animation students can take this class to help outýon the short films developed on Shorts 1. Studentsýwill help out on story, storyboarding, visualýdevelopment, animating, ink & paint, etc.

Course number: EANI-257C
Prerequisite: n/a

Shorts 1-1


Students will create a 2 minute animated shortýfilm in group (any medium of their choosing) --ýstudents can NOT make a film individually. This isýthe 1st half of two classes during which studentsýfocus on the story, concept art and assetýproduction.

Course number: EANI-255
Prerequisite: n/a

Shorts 1-2


Students will create a 2 minute animated shortýfilm in group (any medium of their choosing) --ýstudents can NOT make a film individually. This isýthe 2ND half of two classes during which studentsýfocus on the animation, ink&color, lighting,ýrendering, etc. The end goal of this class is toýfully finish the film to a professional standard.

Course number: EANI-305
Prerequisite: n/a

Shorts 1-2 C


Course for lower term Animation students andýnon-major students to help on short films inýEANI-305: Shorts 1-2.

Course number: EANI-305C
Prerequisite: n/a

Shorts 2-1


Continuing from Shorts 1ýýStudents will create a 2 minute CG short film inýa group. This is the 1st half of two classesýduring which students focus on the story andýconcept art and asset production.

Course number: EANI-307
Prerequisite: n/a

Shorts 2-1 C


Animation students can take this class to help outýon the short films developed on Shorts 2-1.ýStudents will help out on story, storyboarding,ývisual development, animating, ink & paint, etc.

Course number: EANI-307C
Prerequisite: n/a

Shorts 2-2


Continuing from Shorts 2-1ýýStudents will create a 2 minute CG short film inýa group. This is the 2nd half of two classesýduring which students focus on animating,ýlighting, comping, editing their short film.

Course number: EANI-357
Prerequisite: n/a

Shorts 2-2 C


Animation students can take this class to help outýon the short films developed on Shorts 2-1.ýStudents will help out on story, storyboarding,ývisual development, animating, ink & paint, etc.

Course number: EANI-357C
Prerequisite: n/a

Shorts Prep


Students will learn the essentials of creating aýshort film. Focusing on story pitching, editing,ýstoryboarding, 2D and 3D software and AfterýEffects.

Course number: EANI-207
Prerequisite: n/a

Show, Don't Tell


"Show, Don't Tell" is a story authorship classýthat concentrates on recognizing common visualýbeats manafested in narrative compositions.ýStudents will learn story structures, visual toolsýto create tension and engagement and how toýmodulate tension and release in visual stories.

Course number: EANI-322
Prerequisite: n/a

Special FX


This class covers CG special FX: students willýlearn how to create CG water, smoke, cloth, hair,ýexplosions, etc.

Course number: EANI-271
Prerequisite: n/a

Stop Motion 2


This class builds off the fundamentals ofýfabricating puppets and sets to start learning theýstop-motion animation process.

Course number: EANI-359
Prerequisite: n/a

Stop Motion I


This class covers fabrication: students willýlearn how to build stop-motion puppets and sets.

Course number: EANI-259
Prerequisite: n/a

Story 3 Thesis


Continuing from Story 2ýýStudents will develop a thesis story and learnýhow to put together a professional sorry pitchýpackage.

Course number: EANI-353
Prerequisite: n/a

Storyboard 1


Students will learn about the fundamentals ofýstoryboarding, storytelling, story arcs,ýcompositions, editing, pacing, cinematography,ýetc.

Course number: EANI-153
Prerequisite: n/a



This course teaches storytelling as a successionýof images that clarify story ideas. Using quickýsketches that communicate a mood and theýunderstanding of composition.

Course number: ECPT-256
Prerequisite: n/a

Storyboarding 2


Continuing from Storyboarding 1 Students willýlearn more advanced techniques regardingýstorytelling, creating story pitches andýstoryboarding.

Course number: EANI-303
Prerequisite: n/a



Split into three sections, students will focus onýstoryboarding for the first four weeks, thenýdesign elements in their sequence the next four,ýand follow that up with keyframe assignments forýthe rest of the semester.

Course number: ENT-154
Prerequisite: n/a

Storytelling Basics for Games


Overview of the different ways to convey storiesýwithin a game. Exploration of the importance of aýstory in a game.ýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýStudents will achieve a basic understanding of:ý(CLO1) Character & Character Development, (CLO2)ýdramatic structure, (CLO3) tone, point of view,ýand player agency through the creation of aýhypothetical product (e.g., a game concept); andýits early stage documentation. In-class exercisesýand at-home assignments will help fine-tune andýevolve the student's hypothetical product weekýafter week, culminating with professional-levelýindustry documentation.

Course number: EGAM-161A
Prerequisite: n/a

Storytelling for Games


Overview of the different ways to convey storiesýwithin a game. Exploration of the importance of aýstory in a game. ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýThe student will understand the different methodsýused to convey a story in a game. ýýStudents will achieve an intermediateýunderstanding of: (CLO1) Character & CharacterýDevelopment, (CLO2) dramatic structure, (CLO3)ýmarketplace & audience demands, and (CLO4) tone,ýpoint of view, and player agency through theýcreation of a hypothetical product (e.g., a gameýconcept, interactive TV pilot, etc.) and itsýmid-level-stage documentation. In-class exercisesýand at-home assignments will help fine-tune andýevolve the student's hypothetical product weekýafter week, culminating with a mini story bible.

Course number: EGAM-211
Prerequisite: n/a

Studio Independent Study


Course number: EANI-395
Prerequisite: n/a

Studio Independent Study


Course number: EANI-495
Prerequisite: n/a

Studio Independent Study


Course number: ENT-975
Prerequisite: n/a

Studio Independent Study


Course number: ECPT-495
Prerequisite: n/a

Studio Independent Study


Course number: ECPT-395
Prerequisite: n/a



This course covers the history of stylization andýan evaluation of shape language rules. Studentsýwill apply stylization skills to designýcharacters, props, and environments.

Course number: ECPT-261
Prerequisite: n/a

Stylization 2


Stylization 2 develops stylization skills forýsets and props to support stories existing andýimagined.

Course number: ECPT-311
Prerequisite: n/a

Summer Animation Jam


In this class you'll be able to make your ownýanimated project in team or alone. Whether it's aý2D short film, experimental VR project or aýmade-up game trailer/cinematic. Or maybe you wantýto put together an animated pitch for your own IP.ýAs long as it's animated and can be finished in aýsummer term, you can do it in this class!ýýPrerequisite is you have passed EANI-305 SHORTSý1-2

Course number: EANI-345
Prerequisite: n/a

Summer CG Acting Class


Want to sharpen your CG acting animation over theýsummer? THIS is your class. Animate 2 or 3ýappealing, entertaining acting shots with MarlonýNowe!ýýPrerequisite is you have passed EANI-211 CG 3

Course number: EANI-309
Prerequisite: n/a

Summer Capstone


In this class under supervision of Capstoneýfaculty you can continue to work on your Capstoneýproject (finish/enhance storyreel, previz, visualýdevelopment, rigging, animation, CG lighting,ýetc). This class can then be waived against otherýCapstone classes, EXCEPT Capstone Pre Pro 1). ýýPrerequisite is you have passed EANI-305 SHORTSý1-2

Course number: EANI-377
Prerequisite: n/a

System Design for Games


This course teaches students how to design gamesýusing a holistic systems-base approach in whichýgames are not seen simply as a loose collection ofýcombat and economic mechanics but as loops ofýinteraction forming engines, economies, andýecologies to create a persistent and engagingýexperience for the player. Students will learnýhow to create interaction loops that reinforceýprogression and balance gameplay, diagram the flowýof resources within and between various gameýsystems, and create spreadsheet simulations toýmodel the state and behavior changes of gameýobjects and verify the stability and elegance ofýtheir game's systems.

Course number: EGAM-266
Prerequisite: n/a

The Architecture of Make Believe


This course focuses on designing fictionalýarchitectural places that adhere to the concept ofýcredible fantasy.  The placemaking process willýinvolve research to provide grounding inýhistorical and cultural precedent.  The designsýwill be story-driven and take into considerationýthe physical realities of environmentalýplacement.  Techniques covered can be applied toýlive action film, animation, video game, and themeýpark projects.  Class assignments will includeýresearch boards, ground plans, elevations, andýinterior and exterior concept illustrations.

Course number: ECPT-321
Prerequisite: n/a

Thematic Vehicle Design


This course covers story-driven vehicle designýwith an emphasis on making bold design decisions. ýFinal designs need to be both believable andýappropriate to the world and narrative.  Studentsýwill explore new sources of inspiration and learnýto tap into their creative originality whileýbuilding their own intuitive design process.

Course number: ECPT-314A
Prerequisite: n/a

Themed Attraction & Exhibit Design


In this course students will conceive and designýtheir own themed attraction or exhibit. Studentsýwill also be given an overview of how theýdesigner must interface with many of the relatedýsystems, disciplines and operational requirementsýneeded to create a successful product. 3 credits

Course number: ENT-155
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Designs C


Animation students can take this class to help outýon the short films developed in Thesis Designs.ýStudents will help out on visual development,ývisdev modeling, mood of the film, etc.

Course number: EANI-355C
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Pre Production 1 C


Animation students can take this class to help outýon the short films developed in THESIS PREýPRODUCTION 1. Students will help out on story,ýscript and storyboarding.

Course number: EANI-353C
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Pre Production 2 C


Animation students can take this class to help outýon the short films developed in THESIS PREýPRODUCTION 2. Students might help out animating,ýrigging, modeling, etc.

Course number: EANI-405C
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Production 1 C


Animation students can take this class to help outýon the short films developed in THESIS PRODUCTIONý1 C. Students might help out animating, rigging,ýmodeling, create backgrounds, etc.

Course number: EANI-451C
Prerequisite: n/a

Thesis Production 2 C


Animation students can take this class to help outýon the short films developed in THESIS PRODUCTIONý2 C. Students might help out lighting, ink &ýpaint, adding effects using After Effects, etc.

Course number: EANI-458C
Prerequisite: n/a

Traditional Painting


This course explores traditional painting methodsýand materials with an emphasis on understandingývalue, light, and storytelling. Students willýexplore and investigate paint application, value,ýform, edges, palettes, composition, paintingýmaterials and conceptual approaches to imageýmaking with an emphasis on film design.

Course number: ECPT-164
Prerequisite: n/a

Transmedia IP Creation


This advanced transmedia class builds upon theýfundamental knowledge of the space and focuses onýhow to leverage and use transmedia when developingýoriginal IP for independent investment andýproduction. ýýTopics Covered:ý . The Changing Marketplaceýý . Using Transmedia to Attack a CommoditizedýMarketýý . Benefits to an Independent Creator and Producerýý . Original Transmedia Ideationýý . Storyworld Poeticsýý . Mythopoeiaýý . Long Term IP Development and Planningýý . Narrative Identification, Development andýRelease Strategiesýý . Transmedia Final Project - Original IP Creationýwith Investment Pitch ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýThe student will learn how to apply Transmediaýprinciples to the creation of an IP.

Course number: EGAM-303
Prerequisite: n/a

Unreal Engine for Game Designers


Introduction to Unreal Engine

Course number: EGAM-164
Prerequisite: n/a

Unreal Engine for Visual Designers


This course is an introduction to Unreal Engineýfor students looking to learn how to use the toolýfrom an artist's perspective.  Its application toýmultiple disciplines and the general flow ofýfeatures will be covered.

Course number: ENT-220
Prerequisite: n/a

User Experience for Games


Overview of the different types of players and howýto keep them in the centerýof the design.ýThis class will encompass UX Design, AccessibilityýDesign, Localization.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýThe student will learn how to design for theirýplayers and the tools at theirýdisposal to stay in sync with them. The studentýwill also learn the importance ofýcritique.

Course number: EGAM-221
Prerequisite: n/a

VR Concepts


VR CONCEPTS explores the new entertainment mediumýof Virtual Reality in Games, Films and Social. Theýtopics covered include: Designing for VRýapplications, Using VR tools for Concept Design,ýand Exploration of state of the art VR apps.

Course number: ECPT-208
Prerequisite: n/a

Vehicles and Props


Vehicles and Props focuses on story drivenýdesigns of vehicles and props. Basic strategiesýand techniques for the creation of vehicles andýprops for the entertainment industry will beýdeveloped. Past, present, and future time periodsýwill be investigated through a range of designýexercises.

Course number: ECPT-314
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual Design and Games


This introductory course helps provide studentsýwith a foundation level understanding of artýprinciples within the context of a video gameýproduction environment. Course exercises areýdeveloped to help students better communicateýtheir design ideas visually.

Course number: EGAM-110A
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual Design and Games


Overview of the fundamentals of concept art andýhow they are applied to games.ýýCourse Learning Outcomes: The student will beýfluent in the language of concept art and know howýto use it to create the feeling he wants theirýgame to have.

Course number: EGAM-110
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual Development


This course focuses on the blue sky design processýthat occurs during the preproduction phase of anýanimated film/TV series, video game, orýlive-action film.  There will be a focus on theýideation process necessary during this designýphase when shape language and visual styles areýbeing explored.

Course number: ECPT-356
Prerequisite: n/a

Visual Structure


This course covers the fundamentals of compositionýfor entertainment driven by story. Topics includeýcreating focus, use of perspective, framingýelements, color, lighting, space, shape, andývalue.

Course number: ECPT-157
Prerequisite: n/a

World Building


This course covers methodologies for designingýnew, imagined and/or fantastic worlds for film,ýanimation, or video game projects based on theýneeds of the story. Coherence of design, farýreaching ideas, logical response to storyýconstraints, imagination and originality are allýimportant topics.ýýThis class will not only examine a variety ofýiconic verbal and visual storyworlds of mainstreamýentertainment (across films, games, comics,ýanimation, novels and television), but will alsoýcover forensically deconstructing them to betterýunderstand what makes them thrive. Understandingýthe critical creative architecture ofýworldbuilding will allow the students toýconsciously build their own world. From definingýthe commerciality of the idea to the shape and theýmap of the location to character groups thatýpopulate the world to the social values andýcultural structures that define life in theýstoryworld, students will finish the term byýcrafting their own unique, immersive storyworldýthat will be primed to expand into and thriveýacross a variety of mediums.

Course number: ECPT-309A
Prerequisite: n/a

World Building


This class will not only examine a variety ofýiconic verbal and visual storyworlds of mainstreamýentertainment - across films, games, comics,ýanimation, novels and television - forensicallyýdeconstructing them to better understand whatýmakes them thrive. Understanding the criticalýcreative architecture of worldbuilding will thenýallow the students consciously build their ownýworld. From defining the commerciality of the ideaýto the shape and the map of the location toýcharacter groups that populate the world to theýsocial values and cultural structures that defineýlife in the storyworld, students will finish theýterm by crafting their own unique, immersiveýstoryworld that will be primed to expand into andýthrive across a variety of mediums. ýýCourse Learning Outcomes:ýThe student will learn the core creativeýstrategies required to successfully create aýstoryworld across multiple mediums.

Course number: EGAM-263
Prerequisite: n/a

World Building


World Building will introduce students to theýconcept of "world-building" - the process ofýconstructing an imaginary world across a varietyýof disciplines, such as literature, poetry, music,ýfilm, television, and games. Students will analyzeýexamples of effective world-building andýexperiment with different techniques forýdiscovering and developing them. Students willýalso explore fundamental aspects of world-buildingýsuch as the manner in which a civilizationýorganizes itself from governmental, economic,ýcultural, and socio-political perspectives, asýwell as how our cultures and communities operateýso that they may create fictive worlds thatýoperate in a logical, coherent, and consistentýfashion.

Course number: EGAM-263B
Prerequisite: n/a

World Building: Characters


This class will examine the design method ofýcreating characters through world building.ýBeneath the surface of every successful designýlies purpose. A well-designed character is notýonly visually engaging, but also serves as a lensýinto the world built around them. On this journey,ýcoherence of design, categorization of ideas,ýlogical response to story constraints, and balanceýbetween originality and relatability are allýimportant topics. Through a guided characterýdesign project, students will weave a contextualýweb of logic, appeal, and tone.  From research andýthumbnails to ideation sketches, students willýfinish the term by crafting their own engagingýcharacter lineup that takes viewers through anýexperience that's greater than the sum of itsýdrawings.

Course number: ECPT-309B
Prerequisite: n/a

World Costume Design


This studio class focuses on costume design asýexisting in and influenced by cultures and regionsýaround the world. The class has an emphasis onýresearch, getting to know the diverse culturesýbeing referenced, and why those cultures have madeýcertain fashion choices. Story-driven costumeýdesign prompts will challenge students to drawýinspiration from the cultures studied, avoidýcultural appropriation, and produce professionalýquality designs with an emphasis on originality.

Course number: ECPT-263
Prerequisite: n/a

ZBrush in Production


ZBrush in Production is an advance class focusedýon how ZBrush is used within multiple industriesýtoday. The course will focus on the variousýZBrush techniques in film, game, toy/collectibleýand rapid prototype industries. It covers manyýaspects of a pipeline, including, how to use scanýdata, render a final image in an industryýstandard application, building models that willýbe manufactured and much more. Students will pickýfrom one of the five focused industries andýcomplete one project that meets all of theýnecessary requirements any studio would ask of anýartist.

Course number: ENT-415
Prerequisite: n/a