Amir Nikravan

Fine Art


Amir Nikravan is an Iranian-Mexican-American artist based in Los Angeles. His practice centers around an interest in the politics of form, interrogating how form becomes a facade for meaning, and how it shapes our understanding of surface, color, shape, architecture, and design. Nikravan creates hybrid objects which fuse elements of painting, photography and sculpture, drawing from architectural lineages that range from the modernist Case Study houses, to the Orientalist public buildings of Edward Durell Stone, and the vernacular styles and finishes of the anonymous—often immigrant—builders of his native Los Angeles. Nikravan's ongoing investigation into the legacy of Modernism, while employing the re-appropriation of Middle Eastern forms that have been filtered through the orientalist lens of Western Modernism, form the basis of his most recent work.

He has held previous solo exhibitions at Vigo, London (2019),Various Small Fires, Los Angeles (2018, 2014); Nathalie Karg Gallery, New York (2017); and Jonathan Viner, London (2015).


  • ART-296-01: Field
  • ART-451-01: Senior Projects 1
  • ART-452-01: Senior Projects 2
  • ART-214-01: Adv Sculpt: Dig Explorations
  • ART-451L-01: Senior Projects Thesis 1
  • ART-452L-01: Senior Projects Thesis 2
  • ART-162-01: Sculpture 1