Leigh Hoffman

Humanities and Sciences


Sherry “Leigh” Hoffman is cofounder and Principal Brand Strategist at March Studio, creating brand-defining buildings and spaces that are a mash-up of brand savvy and progressive design. She brings a deep understanding of brands from prior professional experience in advertising and marketing at Y&R and Universal Studios. 

Leigh is Faculty Director of Designmatters, supporting faculty and students in the classroom to create change in the world. Leigh offers her experience in brand strategy, design, and social impact in Brandmatters and Designmatters studios, incl. Strong Apart: Resilient+Connected, The Girl Effect and Imagining the Future of the Barbie Dreamhouse. She was lead program facilitator in the 2013 LEAP Symposium, and is a lead facilitator of DesignStorms with multidisciplinary teams of designers and partners, such as SHE.

Leigh brings a critical perspective and strategic approach that adds value and meaning. She has an MBA in marketing and international business from NYU.


  • HSOC-210-02: Branding Strategies(SxDMaj)
  • HSOC-212-01: Brandmatters
  • HBUS-240-02: Principles of Marketing
  • HSOC-210-03: Branding Strategies
  • SAP-891-01: Made in Taiwan