Robert Kato

Illustration / Integrated Studies / Entertainment Design


Bob Kato is a Professor of Illustration and Entertainment Design at ArtCenter, where he has taught since 1988. He has also held workshops at Walt Disney Feature Animation, Walt Disney Consumer Products, Walt Disney Toons Studios, Walt Disney Imagineering and Universal Studios Creative. As an illustrator, he has created illustrations for publications such as National Lampoon and Spy Magazine as well as for permanent exhibits in The Smithsonian Institutes National Zoo and The Florida Aquarium. His work has been included in award annuals such as Communication Arts and The Society of Illustrators. Bob has published 3 instructional DVDs about drawing and painting through The Gnomon Workshop and Design Studio Press. In 2014, The Drawing Club: Mastering the Art of Drawing Characters from Life, was published through Quarry Books. It is inspired by The Drawing Club weekly drawing workshop Bob founded in 2002 and still runs today.


  • ILL-207-03: Sketching for Illustration
  • ILL-207-05: Sketching for Illustration
  • ILL-207-06: Sketching for Illustration
  • ECPT-216-01: Dynamic Char - Adv Projects