Eric Doehne

Humanities and Sciences


Eric is a scientist who studies art and permanence. He teaches interdisciplinary art conservation courses that link art, science, and history, ranging from art crime to tourism, climate change, and world heritage preservation. Eric's teaching focuses on cultural sustainability and how science and technology are changing how we investigate, authenticate, and preserve artifacts and structures. His consulting activities include a scientific study of an ancient mosaic for the FBI, an environmental monitoring system for the Alamo, and a stone conservation course at Karnak Temple in Egypt.

Eric built his career as a staff scientist at the Getty Conservation Institute, working on interdisciplinary teams diagnosing monuments at the UNESCO World Heritage sites of Mogao, Copan, and Laetoli, and analyzing materials in his lab from the Sistine Chapel and the first photograph. Trained as a geochemist, Eric has expertise in materials analysis, stone conservation, and ancient pigments.


  • HSCI-207A-01: Artifacts, Crime + Materials